32 The dots (1/2)

Selina Johnson | 19:30

-Tell me something Jerry?


-When did you learn Kali? You know some may call it Eskrima...

-...Back when I was in college,- Even though his answer was delayed I couldn't find any shallowness there.

-Wow, that's interesting.




-You've covered everything pretty well. I guess it suits you, being the barkeep.

-Thank you Ms. Inspector.

-Reminds me about our first encounter.

-Could you pass the sugar?


-Mix these up, will you?

-...,- He pointed towards a bowl containing few very basic dairy products. ”Say, are we doing some baking?”

-Layla, Jane both wanted to have something new. I have been thinking over it.

-Right, then let's get to work; (signs)looks like I have taken someone's place, again, doesn't it?

-She was actually looking forward to your cooking, Jane too. Guess she couldn't tell you huh after all?

-...no I guess.

-So, why not just grant her wish?

-What! Now?

-Surprise is always good after a hard day.

-Yeah that might have been sweet but you see..

-Sweet, right?

-Ugh, I don't think..besides(sighs)..I'm not really flourished with ideas right now.

-Sure you are. And I'm your one and only assistant tonight.

-(Sighs)...I guess we can try. But what about your dish?

-Backup,- He gave me a little smile. It was understandable that it was nothing less than mockery.