1 A new girl in town (1/2)
Celina Johnson – 13/06/2009 – 13:36 | Part 01
-Hey! NYPD! STOP!!,- Here I was again in the middle of some Chinatown trying to chase down some nobody for a lost cause. The persistent hangover from last night probably could enjoy this pathetic action sequence I was putting up as everyone or everything around me was either accidently getting knocked down or shoved away by me, except my target of course.
-(Sounds of heavy traffic and random music from neighbouring areas),- At least these noises made me feel like a fan of classics; no more like another rich superior or higher ups of this society who hides their insecurities behind those 'classics'. People screaming at each other, iPhones hanging by a single piece of thread, women slanging around like it's their traditional figure of speeches, some really ingenious scenarios of sex can be seen in almost every corner of the street and surprising amount of bullet castings in the playground led me to believe Frank's idea of respective familiar judgment can be true to some extent.
The guy was trying to get away with something he stole from some corporate bank manager's house; mansion actually. Having to chase after another thief wasn't how I imagined I would start my day with. After the incident with Frank, I needed some courage to face Violet. Dad hooked me up with some days off to clear my mind. Apparently it was a bottle from Channing Tatum's house accompanied by some pills which helped me pour my guts out at the apartment last night; I couldn't walk away. I didn't deserve to walk away.
-I said STOP you creep!!,- The guy I was after was also supposed to be a particular police officer; or a cheap joke. Depends on how you look at things here. I always wondered what the significance of the name red light district could be but the stunning red lightning, those robotic folks with their unlimited energy and electronic music running continuously in the background kinda gave me my own vague thoughts over my questions and doubts.
-(Accidently bumped into a guy),- Apparently another prime example of third level scum of the earth who was forcibly shoving up his penis into some street girl's mouth got taken down by my suspect. That little incident actually helped me get closer to him but being almost twice as agile as me he was able to make up for his mistake very quickly,
with the help of some cool moves and parkouring. I would say that I was expecting some crazy shits from them but honestly I was too naive.
-Damn these guys. Oh no; not into the fucking clubhouse,- Running past the victim Looking at the bright and low cost 'warehouse supposed to be clubhouse' I couldn't but think of how I used to spend evenings out in our local clubs in the hope to find that golden prince of mine..
<So I got inside the hellhole with my gun holstered>
-Instead I got myself tangled with that redhead sleek son of bitc... Stop fucking thinking nonsense Celina,- Everything had been going so very downhill with my life for the past few months that I couldn't figure out that my sense of judgement probably has given up on me.
As instructed by my natural instinct I went around in search for the actual bar there. People bumping into each other maybe with the intention to get personal for one night was nothing new to me but after all these times everything seemed pretty unnatural to me. Part of the reason could be the absence of anyone to back me up in case things go south.
Part 02| 14:05
After rejecting a couple of boys and girls along with almost a literal fighting, I finally ended up in front of the bar. With the unfortunate stuffs happening around me I couldn't have wished for anything to go easier but quite the opposite scene was waiting over at the little pub. The trivial retirement he got from the pathetic chase I was putting up resulted in him having some drinks. He must've thought that I gave up on the pursuit.