105 Chapter 105 : Running towards spring (1/2)

Xiulan bore a confused frown at Hongqi. Did she just hear him right? A love song for them? ”The hell is wrong with him? Love song is for enamored couples!”

Hongqi waited for Xiulan to react. He looked at her with expecting puppy eyes. He genuinely wanted some kind of music for them. As he remembers the chick flick movies the celebrities in his company acted in before, love song was a major recipe for a confession.

Xiulan awkwardly glanced at the abundant pink daisies near them to buy some time and act like she was thinking of a love song. Of course, she can't think any of it right now. The question was so random that her brain can't seem to operate properly.

There are a lot of love songs but do they even need one? They are not even in love with each other! Why the heck would they need such cheesy stuff between them? ”Actually, what is wrong with him? We ate the same thing yet why is he acting like this?” her subconscious questions continue.

She was hesitant to think and answer him. Her little head kept blocking the idea of them being in love that's why her brain somewhat freezes on this topic. Everything about his question screams ”weird and not right for them”.

”I…” Xiulan was about to answer him that she can't recommend any songs when his phone suddenly rang and saved her from this budding yet awkward romantic aura between them. It saved her from answering his question.

Hongqi quickly checked his phone since the ring tone was for that brat Han Pierre. He apologized to his wife and took the call in front of her.

”What?” he answered the call with a slightly irritated tone.

”Bro, where the fuck are you? The arms dealers will be here soon.” Han Pierre irritably muttered. He and his dear friend Hongqi were about to meet some high-end arm dealers. This is to make sure that Hongqi's security company will get the best weaponry and armory.

”I know. I'll be there in a few.” Hongqi answered with the same annoyed tone and ended the call.

He looked at his wife again and dearly kissed her forehead. ”I need to go. Your mortal enemy Pierre is looking for me. We can talk about the song next time. I'm gonna be gone for two to three hours I guess.”

Xiulan mentally sighed and was glad that she has more time to think. She happily nods at him. ”It's okay. I don't know what to recommend anyway.” The question was so random and cringe, she really doesn't know what to answer him.

Hongqi escorted Xiulan back to their suite first before he meets up with Pierre. But before he leaves, he made sure that he will score a sweet tender kiss on her lips.

Inside the Xing couple's master's bedroom, Xiulan was applying skincare and talking to her big sister Nuo Shu.

”Hongqi asked me for a love song. What the hell should I recommend? I am not good at this.” Xiulan devastatingly inquired. She's not a romantic person in the first place.

Nuo Shu almost choke on her chamomile tea and coughed loudly. Xiulan could hear the awful sound of her big sister's coughing. ”Are you alright?”

Nuo Shu quickly regained her composure and asked with such bewilderment. ”He asked for a love song?! Why though?”

”I actually don't know, big sis.” Xiulan is really clueless. Actually, she's trying to be clueless since she doesn't want her head to go deeper and think that he's actually having feelings for her. Impossible and it shouldn't be.

Nuo Shu coughed again to completely clear her throat. ”Is he running towards spring? In case he has feelings for you, what will you do then? Any man who ask this means he is interested to know more.”

”He did ask me a lot of personal favorites a few days ago. But today, asking for a favorite love song and having our very own love song was too unexpected. I'm not ready for this kind of question to be honest. Please stop mentioning about a budding spring inside him. I don't like hearing that.” Xiulan was afraid that if he really did have feelings for her, then this will complicate the things between them. Especially the wall she built inside her heart.

Nuo Shu smirked hearing her sweet little sister's rant. Oh, she was sure the haughty husband has some deep interest towards her sister. She can't point if it's really love or just favoring her sister but it's an alarming fact.

Hongqi was not the type to fall for women easily after that tragic love story between him and Zhao Lingyu. But he does take care of her little sister quite remarkably these past months. Also, their public displays of affection were now minimal unlike before. Instead, Hongqi prefers to have an intimate and private dates with Xiulan.