100 Chapter 100 : Hongqis Verdic (1/2)
The couple took the remaining time together before Hongqi leaves for work.
Today was such a good day not to go to the office. If only he could stay here and don't go. But there's an important meeting he has to attend. His heart was feeling heavy that he will leave soon. He wanted to stay more with her.
”Why not come with me in my office?” Hongqi suggested out of the blue while he stares at his wife's every move. Xiulan is currently tying his necktie for him.
Like a dutiful wife, Xiulan tried to copy everything that she read in a handbook about taking care of a family. There was a quote in there 'Tying his necktie for him might be average and common, but with this small step, you can talk to him a little and understand him a little.'
She put that quote in mind since she notice that they lack communication. But recently, she only did it since she just felt like doing it.
That handbook was given to her by her big sister Nuo Shu. She doesn't understand why her sister gave her that. She can only guess that her sister was helping her a little to retain this marriage longer.
Xiulan frowned at him. ”No. I really don't like the idea of going to your office, to be honest. Besides, I will work here today because I need to rest then you want me to go to your office?” She made a last knot on his neck tie and smoothen the creases on his shirt.
”I'm here to hide. After all the fiasco happening in SNS right now, I better stay here and remotely work.” Xiulan added and went to get his suitcase. ”Your case is so heavy.”
Hongqi sighed from hearing her answer. He wanted to snuggle and snuggle until his arms will fall off. ”That case has eight hundred thousand yuan inside.” He casually commented before he picks his sunglasses that was laying on top of a golden table.
”Huh? That's a lot. What is it for? It's like a ransom money.” Xiulan commented and tried to measure the heaviness again. She walked towards the front door to bid her good bye to Hongqi.
”Han Pierre. We need some physical cash for a meeting.” Hongqi stopped near the front door and looked at his wife one last time. He took the suitcase from her and casually kissed her lips. ”Why you don't like going to my office? Did someone offended you?”
Hongqi tucked some strands of her hair behind her ear and lovingly stares at her while he waits for an answer.
”I…” she wanted to say that she was slightly insecure of the beautiful women in there but it was not time to be honest of her feelings. ”I better avoid going in there. I might like someone and leave you for him. There are a lot of beautiful people in there.” Xiulan teased with that charming joker smile. She slightly hinted of the beautiful creatures lingering in his office.
For today, she will lie a little.
Hongqi grinned when he heard her answer. ”If you liked anyone of my artists, I will make sure I'll personally ruin their careers.” He has a tone that he was kidding but he was actually serious about it. Hell no that he will let his wife like someone else, even if it's his top earning artist!
”I will keep my mouth shut then. Poor baby might lose a career because of me.” She gave him an annoying teeth-smile to pester him more. ”Go now, before I change my mind and come to your office with you. Hehe~”
Hongqi frowned at the way she mentioned 'baby', it was so endearing that he felt like he wanted her to call him that. He shook his head and thought that his wife was a little mischievous today. It might be because everything went smoothly this morning.
”Alright. I will come home early so prepare yourself again.” He kissed her one last time before he left the luxurious suite.
Xiulan stared at his retreating back and only went inside again when she saw him enter the elevator.
Everyone in Hongqi's headquarters were all nervous of their president's arrival. They all knew that he might be not in a good mood today. He was extremely late and he was never late to any meeting before!
Due to Gong Yuming's daredevil stunt to meet Mrs. Xing in person, they might also receive the president's wrath. This is why they didn't bother to even give Gong Yuming a look when she arrived with her manager this morning. They were all irritated.
As what they know, Gong Yuming's manager was the only one summoned here today but the wrench insisted to come along. They knew very well she might act like an innocent vixen in front of Hongqi just to be spared.
They are not sure of the relationship between the two, but they all knew that Gong Yuming has a special place in Hongqi's mind. Not in heart, but in mind since he was his favorite before.
Their president can't love anyone. He was so capricious when it comes to women. That's why in his territory, no one dares to question if he was really sincere in his marriage or he's just acting.
When they saw Secretary Yang Bo emerging from the presidential elevator, they all understood that the president might be here soon. They all quickly gathered to the entrance to greet him.
Hongqi was wearing the wine colored suit that his wife picked for him and a branded sunglasses. The suit perfectly suited him today and add the mysterious feel from his sunglasses. The suit accented his well-built body and his long legs were very enticing to stare at. From his accessories down to his shoes, if they try to mentally compute the amount he wore just for today, it might be over a million yuan!
He was majestically handsome today that everyone can't help but gawk at him when he came out of his new car.
”Good morning, young master. I've done as what you instructed.” Secretary Yang Bo took the suitcase and followed his boss to the presidential elevator.