90 Chapter 90 : Too many problems (1/2)
Xiulan came home with a bitter mood and a furious expression. This was due to Hongqi sent her a message that she can eat first since he'll be very late tonight.
The opportunity to talk to him while she was still furious didn't have a chance anymore. She prefers to argue with him while she's mad and angry because there's an incredible amount of courage whenever she's in this type of mood.
She tiredly threw herself on the soft bed and closed her eyes to rest for a little while. She must get her wits and calm demeanor back before she comes out of the room and greet the people in the dining room.
The business summit Hongqi attended was successful. Since it was Han Pierre's comeback, Hongqi's company became busy in handling Pierre's affairs and PR work. Because it was about Han Pierre, he was considered as Pierre's 'brother' so new businesses proposals had to include him.
He became so busy lately that the only time to relax was to have long sexy times with the wifey. They really didn't have the chance to talk about serious matter for the past days. It was always snu-snu time and cuddling that's why there's no hitch or any marital problems.
Xiulan was already in dreamland when her nap was interrupted by the sudden loud ringtone coming from her bag. It was her phone ringing continuously. She lazily grabbed her bag and rummage for her phone.
”Mom.” Was displayed on the screen. She squinted her eyes while subconsciously question why her mother is calling her at this hour.
Since the capricious mother is calling her so late at night, it might be something serious. She had her phone on speaker mode and lazily put it beside her. ”Hello, dear mother. Why are you calling so late?”
”My lovely child, there's an emergency in H city. The Lin family inn sent me an updated report that there's a ridiculous amount of money missing from the past months. I want you to check it for me, please. Your sisters are currently out of the country and I can't leave your father here all by himself. My oh so lovely daughter, help your mother please.” That was the initial greeting her mother muttered.
”Ma, I already figured that out. Didn't I sent you the investigation I have collected regarding this matter? I already found the culprit. Sent someone from the Lin family to work on this matter. It's a serious case and I'm not even that close to the Lin family to even go there.” Xiulan annoyingly rumbled while she lazily lay on the bed.
When she was busy destroying her enemies, she was also busy investigating the Lin family inn issue. Her cup was almost full yet she still has time to do stuff like this. She might get really sick soon. Lack of sleep because of sex, work, hacking and family business. She'll really die soon if she won't rest.
Lin was her mother's maiden family. They are very rich and business minded people, just like the Song, Xing and Han family, they are a family with ridiculous amount of money. But the only difference was that the Lin family are very quiet and they want to remain like this. They are very elite and mysterious that only few members are known in public. They also don't like to put themselves in predicaments so they would rather call someone to work and finish the job.
They are not lazy, more on, they are very cautious and didn't want to dirty their name. They would rather hire somebody else to clean after their problems.
”No one wanted to deal with this from the Lin family either. I just want you to go there and figure out how to naturally put that criminal behind bars without any explosive drama or attention.” Her mother pleaded. ”My brother, you uncle, is really stubborn. He said he won't help on this since he's not appointed in the Lin inn family business.”