47 Chapter 47 : The Mao Couple (1/2)

After that long lecture from Mama Song, Xiulan hurriedly meet up with Secretary Dandan outside Blue Dragon Building.

They have to meet an important client this afternoon, the owner of JM Perfumes. The old madam of JM Perfumes was a long time family friend of the Songs and she would like to entrust the advance digital matters of her company to the youngest Song.

”Boss, the madam will be late for an hour according to her secretary. It seems that her grandson got into a car accident last night.” Secretary Dandan reported while they enter the luxurious 35 storey Blue Dragon Building.

”Ah, I see. That's alright; I can work remotely while we wait for her. There's no other meeting after, right?” Xiulan nonchalantly asked.

”Yes, you only have one meeting for today. I have adjusted your schedule for the next three days so you can rest longer.” Secretary Dandan answered. She guessed that her boss might be too overwhelmed and fatigued from all the attention she's currently getting. Add that more clients wanted to work with their company because of that heroic exposure. They have been getting calls from morning until the day ends. It was exhausting but a blessing is a blessing, they should not ignore these blessings that are coming from their boss' great abilities.

”Thank you, Dandan.” Xiulan smiled at Secretary Dandan. She was really grateful that she has secretary like her.

They were now in the lobby waiting for the VIP elevator to open when suddenly a woman who looks likes a mob boss' wife approached Xiulan.

”Oh my my! Is this Song Xiulan?” the woman reacted with a vehement tone. You can hear in her voice that she's here for trouble. She was with two male bodyguards and one female assistant. The loud woman was wearing thick makeup, a seaweed color dress that hugs her curves and she was decorated with expensive jade jewelries from her hair clip, earrings, necklace, and ring.

She gave off that rich wife of a triad boss.

Xiulan quickly turn around to check who called her with such villainous tone. Her eyebrows automatically created creases in her forehead when she found out it was her arch enemy back in her university days, Mao Zhilan.

”Mao Zhilan.” Xiulan coldly acknowledge Zhilan's presence. Though she hates this woman because this woman annoyed her to death when she was still studying, she still she has to respectfully greet her as an acquaintance.

”This is unexpected. How come you're working already after getting a prestigious title and fame? Don't you need to rest? Are you really that desperate to earn money? Is your husband not treating you right?” Mao Zhilan's poisonous tongue continued to spout venomous words that it already attracted the attention of strangers and employees inside the lobby.

This woman never changed. Would always go for the kill everytime they see each other. Xiulan was thankful that this petty woman got married early and moved to city K. She guessed that she might be here in S city for a client meeting.

Secretary Dandan didn't like Mao Zhilan's tone and the words she uses. She quickly went in front and protected Xiulan.

”Who the hell is this nut shell? How dare she humiliates my boss?!” She was about to lecture this vile woman. She was humiliating her boss in front of so many people, she couldn't let this pass.

”Who are you to--” Dandan wanted to really pull this woman's hair but Xiulan interrupted her.

Xiulan held Dandan's arms and gestured her to step aside and she'll work on this mess.

”Mao Zhilan, good day to you. I can see that you haven't changed even one bit. Are you really that hateful to someone you just met after so many years? No simple hello? I thought you studied proper etiquette because you wanted to fit in to the high class families? I can't seem to see the thousands of yuan you paid for just to be in my level.” Xiulan berated Mao Zhilan and gave a mocking look at her from head to toe. She may sound arrogant but that's how she communicates with Mao Zhilan. Whenever their worlds meet, they have to berate each other. It's like they are in a rap dissing battle, vying for the title as the number one shadiest person.

Mao Zhilan contorted her facial expression. She suppose to humiliate Xiulan, why is she the one in the receiving end now? She looks at the people watching their clownery and she can't help but sigh when she saw familiar faces involved in her husband's business.

Secretary Dandan was surprised by Xiulan's shady rebut. She did not expect her to say something so arrogant and bold. Her boss is always calm and kind. She thought she was only imagining that her boss said that.

Mao Zhilan cleared her throat. ”I'm here to meet an important client. I'm helping my husband to expand his business. I've already accumulated billions of investments.” She tried to boast as much as possible. Mao Zhilan was jealous of Xiulan's life. That's why whenever she meets Xiulan, she would always boast all the good things that happened to her.

”Congrats then, you are useful.” Xiulan sarcastically smiled and on cue, the VIP elevator opens and JM Perfume's head secretary came out from the elevator and greeted Xiulan.

”Good afternoon, Mrs. Xing. You can wait inside the madam's office, let me lead the way.” The head secretary said.

”Thank you, let's go.” Xiulan chimed and gestured her to lead the way. The secretary went back inside the elevator and waits for Xiulan and Dandan to come inside.

Xiulan snickered at Mao Zhilan to annoy her. The elevator closed and all the bystanders who were watching Xiulan and Zhilan's bickering voiced out their surprised reaction.

”Wow, it's my first time seeing someone enter that elevator.” One of the bystanders said.

”I heard that employees working for the owner of the building have to use the regular elevators up to the 31st floor and use the stairs to go to the 35th floor. They were not allowed to use the VIP elevator unless an important client has to use it.” Another one spilled.

”Who is this woman anyway? Trying to start a fight against Mrs. Xing.” A female bystander said.

”Shsssh! Don't look at her. She's the wife of President Mao Fa Dai! Let's go, let's go.” Another female bystander drags her friend to escape Mao Zhilan's sight.

Mao Zhilan's lips pursed from irritation. She can't believe that Xiulan will be meeting the madam of JM Perfumes. The luxurious and worth billions of yuan Blue Dragon Building is owned by the old madam as well but only few people knew about it. They rarely see clients use the VIP elevator. Seeing that the famous Mrs. Xing went inside came to a conclusion that her level is really beyond an average wife of a rich person.

Mao Zhilan quickly walks outside the building and waited for her car to arrive.

”Why are you so late?!” Mao Zhilan's anger was all transferred to her husband, Mao Fa Dai, as soon as she laid her butt inside the car. He was sitting at the backseat and surprised by his wife's sudden outburst. He guessed that she might have met Song Xiulan. She was the only person who can infuriate his wife like this.

”Did something happen? What about the Korean investors?” Mao Fa Dai gently asked. He didn't want to experience his wife's wrath today. He was also in a bad mood due to he failed to pirate one of Xiulan's top software developers. Even with a hefty million salary, they didn't want to leave Xiulan's company due to loyalty. Now he's curious what kind of incentives Xiulan gives to her employees for them to stay.

”Everything is good with the Korean investors, they already signed the contract. Here.” Mao Zhilan threw the file on Mao Fa Dai's lap. She angrily sighed again and irritably threw her bag as well.

”What's wrong? Why are you like this?” Mao Fa Dai questioned. He rarely sees his wife like this. Usually she's sweet and would always try to get his attention. But when it comes to Song Xiulan, her true nature of being vile would always appear and take full control of Mao Zhilan's body.

”Song Xiulan! How was she able to have a business meeting with JM Perfume's old madam? What kind of privilege she has that we don't have?” Mao Zhilan was full of jealousy.

Mao Fa Dai's guess was right. ”Hun, Song Xiulan is different from us. Her family is politically powerful and wealthy. She married Xing Hongqi and now she has a prestigious title due to her skills.” He tried to explain but he only got a scary glare from his wife.

”So… you're now praising her? You still like her? Do you even genuinely like me? Why are you praising her!? You are also rich like them, so what's the difference?!” Mao Zhilan's compelling questions bombarded Mao Fa Dai.

Mao Fa Dai can't help but scratch his head. ”Here we go again with the never ending coaxing.” He secretly sighed and contemptuously stared at his wife. He can't believe that his wife can't move on from his small crush over Song Xiulan during their university days.