19 Chapter 19 : Mystery Magic (1/2)
It's been five days since that embarrassing night and meeting that provocative woman named Zhou Yunru. She was far worse than Gong Yuming but of course Xiulan never encountered Gong Yuming like that yet so she really can't compare.
”Are Hongqi's ex-lovers really bitchy? Do they really have to bully me?” Xiulan can't help but think about it. She shouldn't but she wants to be prepared once she encounters one of them publicly. She doesn't want to taint Hongqi's name just because she can't do her wifey job properly.
She was so engrossed by this issue that it already affects her typing skills. She kept making mistakes while typing codes for her software and now her debugger if full of errors.
”Damn this.” She cursed and stops typing. To relieve her stress, she went to the discord group of IT people. To her surprise she was the current topic in the chatroom.
”Has anyone contacted Song Xiulan lately? I wanted to ask her something but her secretary kept saying she was busy.” [HackerZhong00] said in the discord chatroom.
”Same. I wanted to ask her about my new game but ever since she started dating Xing Hongqi, she became arrogant and she doesn't take anymore calls. Now that she's married to him, of course she'll become more arrogant.” [GitPushEveryday] replied.
”Hey. Don't be harsh to our Xiulan. She's just really busy with a new software and being involved with a man like Xing Hongqi is quite exhausting as well. Imagine he has a harem full of models and actresses before. The stress and pressure for her right now might be unbearable.” [TeraDroid] defended Xiulan.
”TeraDroid, is Song Xiulan hacking your account right now? Or are you Song Xiulan, perhaps?” [GitPushEveryday] retorted.
”LOL. I'm just stating a fact. Why are you all so cruel to her? She's getting bullied by Hongqi's women and why do we need to add to her misery just because she's not answering our calls?” [TeraDroid] replied back. Xiulan felt that this TeraDroid is a good friend of hers, but who will that be?
”She deserves it. Now that she's married to him, she became lazy in helping her colleagues.” [GitPushEveryday] slandered Xiulan too much.
”Hey, you are rude.” [TeraDroid] can't help but scold GitPushEveryday.
”Yes. I heard that sexy starlet Zhou Yunru tried to embarrass her. Good thing Hongqi was there to wipe the kiss mark on his own. Why did she even marry that man? I'm here, why does she need to look for him. lol” [HackerZhong00] playfully said. Xiulan laughed out loud by his statement. She was being slandered but why is she laughing right now.
”Yall are whacked. I'm logging off. Ping me if Xiulan is back and ready to accept some calls.” [GitPushEveryday] coldly said before disappearing. Whoever this GitPushEveryday, Xiulan will not help him. ”What an arrogant fool.” Xiulan cursed.
Because Xiulan's mood became better because of TeraDroid and HackerZhong00 defending her like a noble knight, she decided to reply to the chatroom.
”Please don't be hard on Xiulan. I was able to talk to her a few days ago. She's just having a hard time adjusting as Mrs. Xing. Maybe she's now free to answer some calls today.” Xiulan sent the message using the anonymous name [MysteryMagic].
Xiulan has been using this name in discord or any technology related forums for so many years now.
MysteryMagic is known in the internet world as one of the best contributors when it comes to knowledge and IT and CS related information.
No one has ever thought that MysteryMagic is Xiulan due to her fake persona and face she made up named as Xia Shu Ruo.
Xiulan knows how to use 3D software and she can create realistic characters and scenery on her own. She has been using this fake woman named Xia Shu Ruo who is 25 years old and works as a freelancer.
Xiulan designed Shu Ruo as a woman who has thick glasses, very bright red hair and with a small nose and pinkish lips. Shu Ruo would always wear different kinds of tracksuits. No one has ever been suspicious of her Shu Ruo persona. Even if they ask her to do a live video or video chat, she just wears her green screen suit and the video will end up displaying Shu Ruo instead of Xiulan.
”Big sister Shu Ruo! You're back! How was your trip in Hawaii? You were able to talk to Xiulan? So lucky!” [HackerZhong00] enthusiastically greeted Shu Ruo.
As far as Xiulan remembered, she told the discord people that Shu Ruo's in a hiatus for awhile to take care of her relative in Hawaii. Xiulan only said that because she was really busy finishing a software and she doesn't have any time to help anyone in discord or any forums.
”Shu Ruo! You must have some bikini pics in there since you are in Hawaii.” [HackerZhong00] blatantly trying to be a pervert in the chatroom.