89 Unwanted (1/2)


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”Your Majesty―”

”Shut it.”

Concubine Pi was breathing fast and hard after he tossed her aside on the bed. She was spent and her whole body hurt. Sleeping with him was never something she looked forward to, but it was worth the benefits it could reap her. She was not allowed to touch him; he said so on their first night together. Secondly, he never cared for her satisfaction.

Sleeping together was not like the dirty books she secretly bought at the market, where the man would make love to the woman, making her toes curl. The emperor would just use her body for his needs then leave. A rough kiss was what she could luckily receive as next to intimate.

Sometimes when he suspected that she was on the ripe time of her month, he would cruelly pull out and spurt his seed on her body, shaming her and deriving away her chance of bearing a heir so she could become empress. She reckoned that this was the same for every other concubine, but they were too proud to share this. Everyone wanted to look like they were favoured in his eyes when it was the same story behind the scenes.

This night he was not careful with her. He took her with the goal to get rid of his anger, which was alright, but what hurt the most was that when he looked at her intently with distant eyes, it was like he was imagining her to be someone else.

She stretched herself and raised her legs against the wall, her back lying flat on the bed. The emperor looked at what she was doing but did not say anything as he folded his hands behind his head, then stared at the roof. She heard that position helps with the making of a baby. If she got pregnant her life would be a breeze. The other concubines would look up to her and she would no longer be just Noble lady, sixth ranked concubine.

After a few minutes, she turned back and relaxed on the bed. She looked over at him and admired his looks. His biceps were flexed and she wanted to touch them. His hair was a little disoriented from their activity, though the bun was still intact.

She also liked the time when he let his hair down on a particular night. It was on the day he had come back from war, taken a deep bath then requested for a woman. Luckily, that day she had been chosen by the Grand Consort to attend to him. That was after bribing her with a jade ring, which she fell for.

That night was different from all. He took good care of her and had her screaming uncontrollably, her toes curled and hands balled into fists. She had been afraid that she would touch him and this would have him stop.

It was the one night she wished to be like all other nights. It was also the same night she thought back to occasionally, when fondling herself, in want of a lover. She wanted that experience again.

Concubine Pi stretched her hand to him and touched his chest with her finger. She nervously lightened it and started to skim over the sheen of his skin that radiated heat.

”Thank you,” she naughtily said to distract him. One finger became two, and she slowly slid them down his torso.

”For what?” He was bored.

”For making me scream… I enjoyed it.”

He surprisingly chuckled.

At this, she smiled and confidently slipped her hands down to where he would become hard and take her again like the beast he was.

”I did nothing but take care of my needs,” he lightly slapped her hand, ”and you think I cannot tell when a woman is feigning their climax?”

So he knew that she had faked her act of orgasm. He further pushed her hand away and grabbed his clothes to leave.