Chapter 180 - The Change of Resurgence (1/2)

Chapter 180 The Change of ResurgencePixiu (a kind of mythical wild animal in Chinese folktale)? This lady was Pixiu? Hao Ning was suddenly aware that Pixiu was a symbol of fortune and an auspicious beast. For thousands of years, anyone who was poor or rich, always placed this kind of sacred statue in some important places. It was no wonder that Xiao Hong said that she could do tricks on the issues of finance. For thousands of years, it was quite easy for Pixiu to tackle those issues because she quite knew people’s faith in fortune and their games about number changing.

However, she met Xiao Hong, the Sudhana of Avalokitesvara, so she was inferior.

“Ah, ah, ah…” the lady suddenly started to tremble with her clothes peeling off as if there had been a kind of Qi inside her to expand her body. The lady felt painful and cried: “Doctor Xue, you hurt me. You even hurt me! You bamboozled me! You even…”

Just after she cried, her skin was cracked and she became a three-or-four-elephants-sized monster, with gray fur, dragon-liked head, horse-liked body and Kylin-liked feet. Although that happened so quickly, the situation did not terrify Xiao Hong and Hao Ning. Xiao Hong just quivered and vanished in the fire, and Hao Ning used sliding-over-the-water Art to run. He suddenly thought that Zhe was still there, so he went back to pull him, but only found Zhe vanished with his body shaking. Hao Ning looked back and found Zhe, Ye, Zhou Yuan and Liu Shuai were all in a circle. Hao Ning felt relieved when Liu Shuai made an OK gesture to him with a smile.

Xiao Hong and Hao Ning looked back at the field, only to see that the monster stood on the ground with its four feet. Each of the feet was as giant as Hao Ning’s waist.

“Holy shit!” Hao Ning wiped his head and said in a shaking voice: “How giant the monster is. What could we do?”

“No need to fear!” Xiao Hong stared at the monster with cold eyes and then smiled. He said with much pride: “Did she think that she is the only one who can turn to be giant?” Then, he shook his body and stood stably on the ground with hot air dispersing. Hao Ning squinted and saw that Xiao Hong was becoming bigger and bigger and finally was as giant as the monster. Now Xiao Hong was in red instead of the former suit. He stretched his body and became Hong Hai’er with three heads and six arms. What he looked like now was identical with the body when he fought with Hao Ning before, but was more harmonious and aggressive. How…

Sacred body with a thousand-year practice now reappeared, Avalokitesvara in his heart finally made him become Sudhana.

The sacred child was discarded to seek immortal, and trouble vanished, and freedom was obtained in the fire.

“How aggressive!” Hao Ning felt so proud and ran away to avoid to be trodden. Hao Ning raised to look at Hong Hai’er due to his giant body with a painful neck. Suddenly, he became speechless and looked like he would vomit, saying inappropriately very much: “Xiao Hong, um…I can see many things through your trouser from my perspective…”

“F**k!” Xiao Hong blushed and bent to lift Hao Ning onto his shoulder. When fighting, one could become giant as big as possible. Hao Ning, such a clown without any power, stood near the feet of Xiao Hong. He would be absolutely dead before fighting, and he unexpectedly raised his head to look at Xiao Hong’s trouser from his perspective.

Hao Ning felt unhappy that it was so disgusting to see his shank-feathering. He sat on Xiao Hong’s shoulder and told secretly to Xiao Hong: “You really need to pay attention to your personal cleaning. Shake your shank-feathering. It is so awkward today.”

“I…I know.” Xiao Hong muttered awkwardly and thought that he had been the immortal for many years but until today that he had met such an embarrassing thing. He wanted to stop the topic and said to Hao Ning: “Let’s fight against our enemy first…”

However, the monster did not fight against Xiao Hong and turned back to tread the half body of Doctor Xue. It seemed that it had already known Doctor Xue was the chief culprit, so it revenged to Doctor Xue by treading his body.

“Hahaha, hahaha.” A kind of sex-ambiguous and baby-liked harsh voice came from the half body as the body suddenly flew up with the head slowly turning around: “It is you that ask for help to me with your greedy mind. How could you blame all to me?”

The sinister smile made Hao Ning and Xiao Hong felt scared. The head of the body whirled a circle and did not stop. It should whirl for many circles. Although it was a dead body, how could its head whirl for so many circles?

“Shit, is Doctor Xue an owl?” Liu Shuai was frightened with his eyes widely opened, and Ye near him was frightened to go faint.

“Why did you say so?” Zhou Yuan paid much attention to the dead body and turned out melon seeds to eat, “Why owl?”

Liu Shuai knew much about biology: “Only the owl can turn 270 degrees of its head, almost a circle!”

“But he did whirl his head for many circles. How come an owl could whirl so many times?” The braver Zhe asked this strange question when holding Ye.

“Um…” Liu Shuai was speechless about Zhe’s question, and said: “so he is not an owl. He is the multi-owls, OK?…OK! Stop talking and pay attention to the monster!”

This dead body of multi-owl-liked Doctor Xue shook in the air, and his head fell down on the ground after whirling for some circles. The head was scrolling toward Liu Shuai.

“Hah…” Zhou Yuan was frightened to throw the seeds away and spit the shells, which just fell onto the head. Zhe, holding Ye, went faint after seeing Doctor Xue’s head.

“You look strong!” Liu Shuai looked back at Zhe and cursed, “but you are just a fake hunk!”

“Liu, Liu, Liu, Liu Shuai…” Zhou Yuan was so scared and spoke hardly, “you are the TURE MAN in my heart. Such a head, don’t you feel scared?”

“Nothing!” Liu Shuai smiled and proudly said: “When I was in university, I choose anatomy as my optional course. I have played with my classmates in the dissecting room at night. Sometimes, we would even point at the mouth of one corpse and bet how many teeth there are. Do you know we bet what?”

When Liu Shuai was happily talking about his experience, the head on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and asked: “So? Who won? What’s the stake?”

“Ah! Holy Jesus!” Both Liu Shuai and Zhou Yuan shouted.

“I thought you were not scared, and you even used teeth of the corpse to bet with your classmates.” Zhou Yuan scrambled toward back trembling and asked Liu Shuai: “Why you shouted?”

“Bullshit,” Liu Shuai was also frightened to scramble and said with his eyes closed: “The head did not speak when I bet with my classmates ‒ God! Corpse moves!”

“That is to say, did not gamble, “Doctor Xue’s head said with eyes opening: “Call police 110, fire alarm 119, life danger 120. Please notice that the ambulance is not free service. The price is related to your location. For day time…”

“Is this a real head?” Zhou Yuan looked at the head without shake and saw the mouth opened and closed with a mechanical voice. He got it and threw a stone to the head, hitting the head but the head with no reaction kept speaking.

“Don’t shake! Don’t shake,” Zhou Yuan thought it was funny about his reaction just now. He slapped Liu Shuai who was still shaking with eyes closed. Liu Shuai opened his eyes looking at Zhou Yuan: “Is that you?”

“No?” Zhou Yuan acted sincerely like Avalokitesvara, “is that your illusion? ‒Don’t talk about this. It is not a head. It is an AI voice box!”

Then he pointed out that head of Doctor Xue who was still explaining those numbers.