Chapter 157 - Can Technology be Counted as Power? (1/2)

Chapter 157 Can Technology be Counted as Power?“Grandma?” Liu Shuai and Hao Ning exchanged a glimpse, “What did she look like, the so-called grandma you fought with?”

“Half man and half woman.” Nezha pondered with a frown, “Yeah, and all her subordinates looked the same. Like this.”

Nezha had a stroke in the air as he said. Several strings of silk yarns flew from the tie he wore and turned red in the air, which gradually sketched a female cheek.

“Lan Ruo!” Zhou Yuan shouted, “That’s Lan Ruo!”

“You said that all of her subordinates looked the same.” Hao Ning pondered for a moment and asked Nezha, “Were they all like this?”

“Yes.” Nezha said, “They the dozens of people all looked the same, as if they had been cast in the same mould.”

“…” Hao Ning and Liu Shuai fell into silence. The subordinates of the “grandma” should have possessed good power. It wouldn’t be difficult if they made the countenances of several scores of people look exactly the same with some camouflages. But why did they do that?

“Then why are you working for Mr Fei?” Xiao Hong, feeling confused at Hao Ning and other guys’ muteness, pursued the question.

“Because he told me that he could presumably manage to help me find my Uncle as soon as possible and save him out.” Nezha peered at Xiao Hong, “Besides, as soon as I came to the real world, I encountered a so-called grandma equipped with such strong power, so I figured that it would be too risky inquiring alone. Therefore, I stayed with Mr. Fei and worked for him. And the more aid I exerted, the sooner he would help me find my Uncle.”

“Nezha, has it once occurred to you that…” Hao Ning meditated for a while and asked tentatively, “the underlying connection between Mr. Fei and that Gods Creation World was enchanted…”

“I understand what you mean.” Nezha nodded, “I once got skeptical about him. But that was impossible.”

“Why?” Hao Ning didn’t expect Nezha’s assertion.

“For two reasons. First, though equipped with some power, Mr. Fei’s power is too weak to enchant the Gods Creation World. Second, he seems more intoxicated with another kind of power specific in your world instead.” Nezha got bewildered at that point, “You call it technology, don’t you?”

“Eh…” Hao Ning glanced at others. It was the first time that he’d heard that someone described technology as power, “Can technology be counted as power? It’s the first time that I’ve learned that.”

“If you insist on saying it that way and take technology as power, then roughly it might be one kind of power totally exclusive from that of god.” Xiao Hong nodded and switched on his mobile phone. After pressing several times, he showed his screen, “Mr. Fei is virtually a genius in business. He almost started from zero. And being subjected to several financial crisis and campaigns he made himself one of the top magnates in the mineral industry. Now aside from the branches mineral business, he is aggressively investing many kinds of technology corporations, including those dealing with artificial intelligence and so on. You can hardly imagine that gods like Nezha are working for him as subordinate.”

“What I suppose is even more unimaginable,” Hao Ning thought with his brow crumpled and gazed at Nezha in question, “is that why a boss of a technology company would be involved in the business of hunting souls.”

Hao Ning’s question touched the critical point. Liu Shuai and Zhou Yuan suddenly recalled that Qili and those people who sacrificed their souls that night. In the past tales, catching human’s soul were demon’s secrets of cultivating evil power. But as the boss of a technology company, what did he want so many souls for? To say the least, if he wanted to cultivate evil power with these souls, then why he didn’t hold a strong power in himself?

Finishing saying that, Hao Ning pulled that tiny bottle out of his pocket and put it on the table, “Nezha, why do you collect so many souls for Mr. Fei, such a genius of technology business?”

“Why do you have the material for soul coins?” Nezha got a blink in his eyes and hurriedly picked the bottle to look into it. He praised in stir as scrutinizing it, “How can it get such a great purity? This tiny bottle can already be equal to a barrel of that of their best purity!”

“The material of soul coins? Of great purity?” Hao Ning got blank, clear in mind that since he didn’t know, Liu Shuai and Zhou Yuan couldn’t know about it either. He turned to Xiao Hong, who kept in silence and seemed to be considering something. Then he asked Nezha, “What is the material of soul coins?”

“Why do you ask me? It’s showed by you, right?” Nezha was a bit puzzled but still explained, “It’s literally the material of soul coins. All the technological weapons in your real world need raw material to function, don’t they? Like your mobile, it’s functioned by electrical power. The bus on the road, it’s functioned by petrol. Even the magic airplane that can bring mortals to fly in the sky is functioned by petrol such a material of power, isn’t it? So why isn’t a material of soul coins sound logical?”

“It is not illogical, but impossible…” Hao Ning smiled feebly, “The mobile lights with electricity. The bus runs with petrol. That’s not because of power, but science. They are technological products.”

“What’s the difference?” Nezha felt confused, “Isn’t it similar to my Nine Dragons Shield of Divine Fire ‒” Saying that, Nezha extended his hand and a small golden shield appeared above his palm with nine vivid little dragons inscribed on it.

Liu Shuai took a shallow breath at the sight of it, “Is… Is this authentic? Not a knock-off?”