Chapter 126 Became Master Hongjun (1/2)
Hao Ning was wondering in the dark when a large wave approached him. It felt very strange: When he was about to examine it closely, it would become transparent balls of the size of cars. Some balls did not approach him, and became waves and disappeared. And then there was a ball that was about to clash with him, and he could not run away from it. He tried to hold up his hands to keep it away, but the clash did not hurt him at all, and he was not pushed away. It wrapped Hao Ning like a drop of water.
Although it was a drop of water, Hao Ning could breathe in the ball, and felt very comfortable, and fell asleep. Not long after, the ball burst like a bubble, and water splashed all over him. His face was wet and smelled something in the water. It carried a fragrance but smelt more like garlic.
He smelt again carefully. Not just garlic….but also saliva?
Hao Ning was murmuring silently and suddenly realized what happened. Damn, it was somebody’s saliva after eating garlic! He opened his eyes, and saw Long Fei’s face and huge eyes, not even a fist away from him. He had saliva on his lips. Hao Ning felt his face and it was wet. He was confused, and sat up dizzily.
Seeing him waking up, Long Fei looked at Liu Shuai proudly, “I was right. For a great dragon man like me, even my pee will turn grass into herbs, and my saliva with Ambergris will certainly be effective!”
“Go on, please.” Said Liu Shuai dismissively, and shoot his head, “I didn’t see any herbs in our company’s toilet. Are you a real dragon?”
“Of course I am!” said Long Fei, blushing, “You can’t find herbs there because it was flushed away, and not that effective…”
“Of course! Otherwise how disgusting will it be!” Liu Shuai was disgusted, and did not want to continue the topic.
“But my saliva did help Hao Ning wake up!” said Long Fei persistently.
“Damn you! Long Fei you’re so disgusting! It’s your SALIVA??” Hao Ning was half-awake and immediately stood up after the conversation. He wiped some liquid off his face and onto Long Fei’s clothes. “Ah! There you go. You can have it all! All!”
“Don’t, don’t do that to me! It’s too dirty!” Long Fei yelled while hiding away, “Don’t rub it on my clothes!”
“It’s your saliva. You shouldn’t feel it dirty.” Hao Ning was angry, because Long Fei was so disgusting and got all the saliva onto him and complained about it. And he was still trying to wipe his hands on Long Fei. “Is it mine? It’s yours! Look what you did to my face. You dragon know no hygiene. Open your mouth and swallow this!”
Long Fei was running in the living room while Hao Ning was chasing him and cursing. He suddenly stopped after a while. Is it his home? When did he come back?
“You guys, you can make love, but can’t you be quieter? Keep it more to yourself?” The door of the bedroom opened, and Zhou Yuan opened the door. His face was red and he was half-awake. “Long Fei, since you’ve let it out on Hao Ning’s face, can you keep it down?”
“What love? Zhou Yuan, what are you talking about?” Hao Ning heard this word from him for the first time and it was something he didn’t think Zhou Yuan would say, and he was lost, “What are you talking about? Make love?”
“It’s okay. I understand.” Zhou Yuan’s face was still scarlet, but he tried to be calm, and held on to the door, “But you were doing it in front of Liu Shuai? With him watching?”
“What the hell?” Liu Shuai was confused too, and didn’t know what Zhou Yuan was talking about, “You’re still asleep? What’re you talking about?”
“What?” Zhou Yuan opened the door and went into the living room with his phone. He pointed at Hao Ning and Long Fei, shaking his head, and said, “You just said Long Fei’s body fluid got onto Hao Ning’s face, right? And Hao Ning wanted to wipe it onto Long Fei, and wanted him to swallow it, and Long Fei refused to say it was dirty…”
“What, what fluid? It’s not body fluid.” Hao Ning knew it was a misunderstanding and thought the saliva they were talking about was body fluid. He said, “What are you saying? It’s from his mouth.”
“You guys even used his month?” Zhou Yuan’s expression changed and smiled strangely, “You did have fun. You guys always had good times together. How did Long Fei do? No wonder you were shouting ‘I’ll give it all to you, all to you’. You were indeed very excited. Look Long Fei still had some body fluid on his lips. But Hao Ning-” He took a closer look at Long Fei’s lips, and covered his own eyes to show that he didn’t want to see it, “You played too hard. Your stuff on his lips was transparent.”