Chapter 124 Heartless Fate (1/2)

“Haha,” a gloomy smile appeared on Dao’s face while he was sizing up Huang Guangzhong’s group of three. “That’s a great deal of precious treasures. You expect us to leave now? We wouldn’t rob you if you haven’t got the Falling Treasure Coin, because we believe that we are still capable to get most of the treasures by ourselves. But now that you’ve got the Coin, we have to wipe it clean and leave you nothing now!”

“That is a misunderstanding!! In fact, the Falling Treasure Coin is—Wait! You are the ones who want to murder people for their property!” The three men in black were in the mood of defending for themselves, but they knew everything after Dao said the last sentence. The two brothers had appeared and the intention of killing them three was quite obvious. They could’t help but cry out sadly, “We all worked under Mr. Fei! If you have any conscience, any standard of morality, you would know that we ought to be a united family that loves each other! We were born from the same mother. Why do we slaughter each other so frightfully?”

“Sounds pretty ironic.” Long Fei spatted out of disgust, “Yuck, shame on them to say they are colleague! They were about to lay their hands on Nezha just then! Don’t you think their punishment for sins came a little bit too quickly?”

“Come on. We know who you are.” Kong sneered and shook his head. “Morality is merely an excuse for you to stand on the high ground and criticize others as if you were the masters of their fates. Look at yourself in the mirror and cut the craps! The more you accuse people of morality, the less moral you are!”

“Huh huh, don’t forget we are not that easy to be killed.” The eldest men in black realized their negotiation wouldn’t lead to good results. He laughed scornfully, lifting one hand slowly. “Let’s go. We can save these treasures for another day. Once we get to the upper-class leader, we can sue them for assaults! You won’t be so comfortable by then!” As they spoke, the apricot bamboo hat moved backward slowly, and the yellow gleam that covered them also arose, seemingly taking them away. As fierce the soul cutter was, it was not able to pierce through the yellow light. They could only watch them leaving unhurriedly.

“Dao, what should we do now?” Nervous as Kong was, he kept his hands close to Dao. “Letting them go would leave a mess for us to tidy up. Though things like colleagues turning against each other can happen, mostly it’s done in the dark—”

“Kong, these fools, thought he would prevail forever with that apricot bamboo hat? Huh, let’s move on for now, the soul cutter won’t be able to hurt them temporarily, but if we have got that magical treasure—” Dao shrugged, disdaining to stop that bamboo hat from moving sluggishly. He waved at the Hunyuan Vat, which was still flying freely, and it stopped cleverly at his will. Dao stepped forward and took the Falling Treasure Coin off the Dough, carefully looking through the coin. He shook with excitement after observation, “The real Falling Treasure Coin! The real one! Oh, my brother! We are going to be rich! These fools are doomed!”

After taking it off, Hao Ning felt relieved immediately, and opened his eyes after performing a heavenly circuit for a few rounds. Then he took a glance at Dao, who was clenching his right hand as a fist. There seemed to be a ring on it. Dao stretched out the ring slowly, aiming at the golden ball formed by the apricot bamboo hat that carried three men in black away. The ring was dotted with silver blades in its surroundings. Strangely, the silver blades always got out of their way for the ring wherever it pointed, forming a round tunnel and allowing him to see that yellowish golden light the bamboo hat formed. Dao grinned and threw the Falling Treasure Coin to that tunnel. The Falling Treasure Coin was bathed in golden light. It flew quickly upwards like a little fish; soon it was deep into the golden globe. At this time Dao took back his fist and wiped the sweat from his face as if huge efforts have been made. Kong also seemed to be suffering from a prostration, waggling until he settled down his center of gravity. In the meantime, the round tunnel in silver linings had already faded away, and in a blink of an eye the sliver light enfolded the golden beam, forming a dense globe.

“No!” Hao Ning understood his intention immediately. Though the Dao brothers couldn’t break through the apricot bamboo hat, the Falling Treasure Coin could. This would only hurt Hao Ning himself. Of course, Dao didn’t know that this Falling Treasure Coin was a fake, a fake that also could operate as a vessel that could absorb magical power. After the coin entered the golden light, Hao Ning felt an overwhelming power flowing into his body. It was different from the feeling when he absorbed the power from Hunyuan Vat. Not having a sense of tearing and crevice, the supernatural power was smooth, mild but massive in size. He was clear that he wouldn’t be able to control such power, therefore he closed his eyes and reallocated them as scattered power pieces. The good thing was that he had been exercising magic by then skillfully. He could barely handle the massive power when he accelerated the performance of the heavenly circuit.

Though thousands of discussions had been made between Liu Shuai and Zhou Yuan, things had gone out of control way beyond their imagination. They were not able to withdraw, nor could they attack. Zhou Yue was trying to help Hao Ning, since he had a trouble transporting magic by himself But he withdrew his hand so quickly after touching Hao Ning, just like he had gone through an electric shock. Seeing that scene, Long Fei didn’t dare to touch Hao Ning again.

“Ahahahahahah!” The three men screamed out of fear as the Falling Treasure Coin floating on their heads, “Oh no, those savages are planning to take drastic measures on us!”

The coin could be a tough magic weapon when it came upon the equally strong enemies. It didn’t have much response on the fake Hunyuan Vat, but the glowing light that the bamboo hat transformed into soon evaporated when meeting the coin. The golden lotuses already vanished beneath their feet, and the soul cutter drilled into it once it had found a void. It pierced the three men’s body before they could finish their “ahahah”.

“Dao!” Kong called out hurriedly, “Their bodies are still useful!”

“I understand.” Dao opened his palm suddenly, exhaling white steam out of his mouth. It seemed that he had given a huge effort in making changes. Kong was pale and turned over his palm and made his right hand a fist again. He threw his fist forward. “Harm no body but the spirit only.”

The soul cutter traveled around that three men, piercing into the fore chest and then went out from the top of his head. With a blink of an eye, blades were traveling thousands of times inside them from their sole of feet to their palm. But nobody saw the blood draining from their veins or any expressions of suffering. They didn’t even run away but stared dully as the cutter went in and out of their bodies.

Liu Shuai wondered why the blade didn’t leave any scars and never make any pain for these man. Were they really tough enough to handle thousands of blades cutting through?

While he was thinking, Kong took out a glass bottle. He aimed the bottleneck at the three men in black and knocked at the bottom. A bright gleam was drawn from them and flew into the bottle. This gleam was very beautiful in the dark, like the Milky Way shining in the evening sky. However, Liu Shuai was aware that every sparkle in this gleam was a part of these men’s souls that had already been shredded into powder. They trembled and fell onto the ground, awing at the massive powder that formed the spirit Milky Way.