Part 7 (1/2)
So your innocent and proper Time to Resolve measure, if unexplained, could create morale problems due to fear, uncertainty, and doubt
If fear is born of ignorance, then asking for data without sharing the purpose makes you the midwife
The boss says: ”I only want the data so I knohat's going on”
The worker hears: ”I want data so I can see where you're screwing up”
The boss says: ”I need the data so I can make better decisions”
The worker hears: ”I need data so I can decide who to fire, cut work hours from, or penalize”
The boss asks: ”What's the proble on your performance? I should know about it, shouldn't I?”
The worker wonders: ”Yes, so why don't you know about it? Why ask me for data about it? Why not just ask me? Why not spend some time with me?”
If you have spent any considerable ae conversation may sound extremely familiar Unfortunately, this conversation is not a unique one I believe it (or so close to it) occurs in every workplace, every work day of the year
We need to combat this common problem To create a usefulthe data, how the results (answers) will be used It is essential for designing thethe correct information, measures, and data It is also essential if you want accurate data wherever huh test you can perform Ask your friend, relative, coworker, or boss a sinificant other a sih?” Don't do it yet First read about the expected outcoet injured
When you ask so any explanation as to the reason, one of the following five reactions will likely occur: You are physically accosted At least that's what happened to me in the case when I asked et data that accurately reflects what the data provider believes you want to hear
You get data that accurately reflects what the data provider wants you to hear
You get accurate data
You get a question in return: ”Why do you want to know?”
Most likely people will in turn ask you, ”Why do you want to know?” It's a natural reaction Along with the expected response, youdefensive Watch their body language They may not provide your answers, but if they do, they probably won't do so happily or willingly
Part two of this experily valid purpose for your question, which would not be, ”Oh, I'ht into your weight” Though, euous answer: ”Oh, I just want to knohat's going on,” or ”I just need insight into hoe're doing” A lack of clarity will create inaccuracy in the data In software prograe out This is true for dealing with eed discussions with others Don't be fooled Asking for data will create e a question, you'll get garbage answers
It won't help to si that ev-eryone is being asked the same questions But, for exa a study for school and you need to gather the weight of ten random people, they may answer your question
Instead of an i responses: ”Will you useto do with it?”
All of these questions are trying to get at the saive you? Until you answer this question to the satisfaction of the respondent, any answer you receive will be highly suspect
Even if you explain fully how you will use it, depending on how the respondent feels personally about the inforical to you I've heard the argu for personal infor to developso you can justify another position!
Back to our experih?”
If by soet an answer to this question, write it down Also write down the level of confidence you have in the accuracy of the answer Are you 90 percent confident that it's accurate?
If you didn't get an answer at first, then explain the purpose of your question (for exa data for a class project) If you get an ansrite it down What's your confidence in its accuracy now?
As a third attempt, share how you intend to use the answer It doesn't really ate the data and show the average weight of the ten people I ask Then we'll discuss if that weight is a healthy noret to observe body language the whole time See if the respondent is less defensive as you provide more information Check your level of confidence in the answer
The explanation of how the metric and its components will be used should be docu up on the need to docu or to make it pretty The value of the development plan lies in the clarity of its purpose Of course, plans also provide consistency, prolonged guidance, and direction for others whothe developht out the metric and will be able to communicate its worth to any who ask
We've seen that the questions we ask can result in a lack of answers or inaccurate answers unless we clearly define our intentions for the infor better answers (or one at all if the respondent is still reluctant), is to communicate how the results won't be used
Explain How Infor a person about his weight, tell him how you won't use the information Sincerely assure him that no matter what, you will not use his information in a way that he'd find offensive This could include using it in a published study or as a case study for a class Youhow you won't use the information, you provide an opportunity for hi or fearful) If you want accurate data, you have to be able to assure the people involved in providing the data how you will and how you won't use the data And how you won't use itthe data to you than how you will use it
This proence on your part You have to reet a very innocent request for inforreement you made with the data provider
The reement I make is to not provide data to others without the source's peret to decide who sees it
This should be captured in the development plan under ”Hoon't be used” Probably theis that docureements allow you to keep your ith less difficulty
Defining how the metrics won't be used helps prevent fear, uncertainty, and doubt
Identify Who Will Want to Use the Metrics
While you may believe you are the only customer ants to view or use the metric, chances are there are many customers of your metrics A si your information with This list will probably include your boss, your workers, and those who use your service
Anyone ill use your metric is a customer of it You should only show it to customers