101 What My Plan Was! Part 1 (2/2)

He learns that Thorn Academy got the dimension, but a huge battle happened and they lost a few masked elders. Many elders in Lepidoptera were also killed. Things become tense between both academies.

A week later, the headmistress goes to one of the major supporters of Lepidoptera Academy and wins them over, while destroying a few of the smaller supporters of Lepidoptera academy. (When I mean supporters, I mean people who send resources, money, and also fresh blood (people))

Lepidoptera strikes back by destroying a few supporters of Thorn Academy (which Arnin informed them about, hehe)

The headmistress gets mad but doesn't do anything rash. Another week goes on with these conflicts occurring. Later, the news is released about a certain item being found near the border between Thorn Academy and Lepidoptera Academy. (this border is more like the edge of their control)

A few disciples are sent out, including Arnin's senior disciple (the Tiny World realm one).

News return that there was an ambush and everyone was slaughtered.

Kocyte goes crazy and finds out it was done by disciples from Lepidoptera. He finds those disciples and massacres them and their families.

Lepidoptera learns of this and sends their own elders to find and destroy any Thorn Academy disciples.

Storm grows. Both sides already beginning major conflict in each others territory.

Disciples begin dying from each side. Arnin sends out Sinfallel to a place near Canae and spreads a rumor. Thorn Academy disciples follow the rumor and in the end kill Sinfallel. Canae finds out and rages. Arnin meets Canae and promises her to help her seek revenge if she vows to follow him from then on.

She agrees. Arnin gives her another task to do and she agrees reluctantly.

With her gone, Arnin takes his plan to the next phase.

He goes back to the academy and asks to go to the dimension that was taken by Thorn Academy. The headmistress agrees and assigns two Tiny World cultivators with him. Many of Arnin's fellow disciples (as in Kocytes disciples), and even the Ice/fire guy are told to go as well. They are teleported there, but right when they enter the realm, they find themselves surrounded by people from Lepidoptera academy. There are four Tiny World realmed cultivators and dozens of Elemental Formation realmed ones.

A huge battle ensues, and Kocyte rushes to the dimension when he notices something wrong. Entering the dimension, he finds half the disciples dead. Only one of the Tiny World cultivators from Thorn Academy is alive, while two from the other are dead.

Kocyte goes crazy again and goes to slaughter the remaining Lepidoptera academy disciples. He is only able to kill one of the Tiny World cultivators before an equally strong elder stops and begins to fight him.

The two elders fight while the disciples also fight. Both elders receive gruesome wounds. Arnin helps to kill the Tiny World cultivator from Lepidoptera and then tells his fellow Tiny World disciple to go and support Kocyte.

Kocyte eventually kills the elder, but he is on the brink of death and the Tiny World cultivator who helped him is also dead. He asks Arnin to give him a pill from his ring.

Arnin agrees and feeds him a pill. Kocyte closes his eyes and absorbs it and finds that it is not a healing pill, rather it is poison. He curses Arnin and goes to attack him, but Arnin sees this coming and dodges easily.

Arnin explains that everything that has happened so far was incited by him spreading false and real information. Even the ambush in the dimension was because of him informing the other side beforehand.

Seeing Arnin kill Kocyte, the ice/fire guy panics. Arnin doesn't slaughter him right away, rather he does something else. Because of his many experiments related to the implantation of orbs, he knows how to store orbs without making them dissipate or break. Arnin takes the ice/fire guys orb and kills him.

Kocyte's orb was too strong for him to take so it is just left. He steals Kocytes ring and stores everything inside. He then swallows it to hide it.

Arnin sends news back to Thorn academy that a problem occurred in the dimension. He knocks then falls unconscious.

Arnin wakes up back in the academy and finds himself being questioned by everyone about what happened.

He explains that they were ambushed and that the news was somehow leaked. He puts blame on ice/fire guy by showing wounds he received from him. Headmistress and Fae are suspicious, but they feel angrier. They declare war on Lepidoptera.

A month goes by and Arnin finally 'recovers'. Preparations are complete and the war begins. Both sides meet at the border. Each send their strongest and begin fighting. The headmistress fights the principal, while Fae fights Kelnorin.

It is mid into the battle and both sides have greatly lost. Arnin has killed lots of people and stolen many orbs without others knowing from both sides.

Arnin fights and gets closer to the place where high-level cultivators are.

He sneaks attack injured ones and barely escapes each time. Soon, he finds that his rep in battle is huge, and people are referring to him as the Demonic Joker once again.

Fast forward, elders have died from both sides. Right now it is even. There are lots of Death Moth Students from Lepidoptera. (These are the students who were brainwashed and forced to become soldiers unafraid of death by the principal.)

Headmistress and the Principal get to their most heated moment. Each equally strong. Arnin gets closer and uses his eye ability to slow down time around the Principal. With this window of opportunity, Headmistress attacks and gives her enemy a fatal wound. All elders notice this and freak out, each with their own reasons. Thorn Academy elders cheer, while their enemies panic.

Some of the smart elders, including Fae and Kelnorin, notice that Arnin was close to the two strongest people and that his eyes were bleeding. They know right away that he did something.

The Lepidoptera elders go crazy and try to kill Arnin, but are blocked by the Thorn elders.

The fighting gets worse and more losses to occur on Thorns side because of their protective stance.

Arnin smiles at the scene. He then continues to watch the fighting. He uses his move once more, but this time on the headmistress. No one notices this as it was something they would never expect. The headmistress is fatally wounded, but the principal is already almost dead.

Both people fight and then plan to give up and stop, but Arnin does something to prevent this. He uses his ability once more, (this is his last time cause it is way too strainful). He stops time around Kelnorin and screams at both fae and the headmistress to attack. They do just that and Kelnorin falls. Seeing his right hand fall, the principal doesn't stop and attacks weaker elders. The battlefield goes wild once more. Arnin ignores this and travels to where Kelnorin fell. He finally finds the body and steals the elder's ring. He can't take the orb because he is too weak.

The battles reach its end with all elders dead, and the headmistress fighting the principal all alone. They both stab each other (hard to explain the battle but both kill each other basically). Arnin runs and finds the breathing Fae on the ground.

She asks for his help, but Arnin walks over and strips her clean. He looks at her naked body and finds a weird, yet demonic tattoo on her bellybutton. Fae is worried and somewhat freaked.

Arnin then begins to tell her about himself and the reason behind the war that never should have happened.

Fae panics when she finds out the truth. Arnin restrains her by drawing something on her bellybutton. She becomes fully restrained. She asks what happened and Arnin explains that her body is the rarest in the whole universe. He tells her that he had met only one other person with such a body and he wanted to acquire the powers of it, but she died too early. She asks how he knew, and he says because of the lullaby she sang. It was only known to the user of the body type, and he was one of the only people who knew the lullaby since he met that person in the past.

Fae learns that her body is called the Bloody Rose Physique, a part of the Universe Defection Bodies. He tells her that he had seen the Blue Cloud Physique in the past.

These physqies gave one crazy strength and power from outside the universe itself. It was the only body type which could absorb the power from outside any universe and break the laws in the world. If one absorbs the body, then they could gain such powers. They could begin going on the path that no one ever has.

Arnin then tells her that people which physiques could never live past the age of five hundred, and that no one has ever absorbed the body in the past. It was just too rare, even in the other worlds.

Fae asks how the absorption is done, and Arnin smiles at her questions and begins to tears her skin and flesh. He devoured it bit by bit as her screams echo everywhere.

After cannibalizing Fae and also eating her orb (which is a little different from normal orbs) Arnin's power rampages.

His eyes release a purple light and begin to change slightly. One of them remains purple, while the other becomes golden. After the eyes transform, Arnin finds his white saber also go through a metamorphosis.

It begins to turn pure white while strands of purple and golden attach to the smoke coming from it. The saber then splits and becomes a purply golden saber. Arnin throws up the new saber and the ring he swallowed before. He finds that the new saber is bound to him just like his white saber. It suddenly turns into a tattoo and appears on his arm.

Arnin is shocked but discovers that the saber would turn into a physical entity at his very thought. He just needed to think and it would appear in his hand in the full purply gold form.

Arnin wore the ring he threw up and then felt a heat rise in his body.

He looked up as his energy began to grow. Essence Manifest - Heaven! He broke through. He then hears a crack and his Elemental Seeds all turn into plants that go into the orb.

Elemental Formation - Earth! He breaks through again and stops.

The tattoos on his head also begin to shine. His hair grows and slowly his body as well. He doesn't turn into an adult but just grows slightly in height while his hair also becomes much longer. The tattoos disappear and three small horns appear on his forehead. He is able to make them appear or disappear at will.

His transformation ends, and he finally leaves the battlefield, stepping on each corpse, crushing skulls and alike.

This is the End of book four, which is one of the longest ones. I might have split it into two parts, but right now imma put it all in one. A lot would have happened. Arnin's eyes changed again, he ate Fae (?!), his tattoos turn into horns which disappear and appear at will, the two academies are destroyed, and he became much stronger.

I will upload the next part of the summary later. Sorry again for the ending of the book, but hopefully these summaries are able to somewhat make it better (probs not though)