87 Rewards of the Top One Hundred (1/2)

Arnin already planned to make sure that Canae would survive for as long as he needed her. For that, he needed to prevent others from interfering either through coercion or force, however for now, he just wanted to test out how strong Canae was against people in her own realm.

The battle began rather quickly since the person named Piri attacked immediately after the barrier was released. Arnin could tell that Piri was more suited towards battle from the way he fought, however as he watched Canae struggle, he noticed that her strategic methods were quite amazing.

Her battle style forced Piri to think before attacking and prevented him from doing any major damage to her. Canae did not have the large spear that she and sisters used in the past, rather she was using a small double bladed staff. This was given to her by Arnin when he killed a cultivator that primarily used the spear.

'Although she isn't able to completely match up with axe wielding Piri, that is only because of her lack of experience fighting alone, other then that, her combat sense is quite high and her control over her opponent is also exceptional.' Arnin rarely praised others about combat but he couldn't help but complement Canae.

He had always felt that Canae was really smart and her sense of danger and ability to adapt to a situation was also quite high, but seeing her use it in combat was surprising to him. 'I can probably make her much stronger and teach her to better control her power, but I first need to make her into my servant and gain complete loyalty.'

Arnin knew that he needed many people by his side in order to cultivate in Afloria to a higher realm. He already had Akig as one of his future commanders. Plus, he wanted to experiment on Akig and create a new type of tiger that could rival his White Tiger commander.

Now, he felt that Canae could also make a good captain with enough training, and could possibly become someone who could rival Akig in the future. 'It is decided, I will make her into one of my commanders. She has the brains and also has great potential. Seems like I found an unpolished gem without knowing, interesting.'

Arnin had to find a way to bring Canae to his side voluntarily. Although it was going to be almost impossible for that to happen since he killed her sister, he knew that it could happen if he showed her enough benefits and also made her 'promises'.

”Hey.” Suddenly, he heard a sound coming from behind him. He turned his head and found two young men looking at him with a smile. The person who spoke had blond hair with black marks on his arms and neck. The man the speaker had blue hair with darker skin, but he also had the black marks on his arms and neck.

Arnin's purple eyes looked directly at the two men, causing the latter two to shiver slightly for some unknown reason. This caused them to be terribly startled and they looked at Arnin more seriously.

'He is more mysterious than I thought.' The blonde haired man felt his body tremble slightly and his eyes couldn't help but secretly contract. ”You're the Demonic Joker, right?” The blonde haired man spoke quietly, trying not to attract the attention of others.

Arnin didn't reply and only continued to look at the two men. His deep purple eyes made the two very uncomfortable, the blue haired man, with his lack in self control, couldn't help but turn his gaze.

Seeing Arnin not replying made the blonde haired man somewhat embarrassed. ”Well, we have heard about your thunder like name appear in the battlefield and meeting you right now is a great blessing to us.” The blonde haired man flattered Arnin as he spoke. Although he was not scared of Arnin, the more he he looked at Arnin the more he wanted him to join their side. He felt more and more that Arnin was key in ider to allow them to do well in the battlefield.

”Blessing? Are you sure it isn't a disaster?” Arnin spoke in a mysterious tone with his mouth cracking into a evil smirk.

The two men were startled when they heard Arnin's words. The blue haired man was about to erupt, but the blonde haired man quickly quieted him down with a wave of his hand. ”I truly believe that us meeting is destined. We were always looking forwa--” Before the man could finished, Arnin waved his hand in the air.

”I don't want to hear you speak so much crap in front of me. Get to the point, or get lost.” Arnin continued to smile as he spoke.

The blue haired man was getting infuriated, but the blonde haired man felt something completely different. 'He is testing us. He is trying to find our bottomline and make us angry. He is toying with us.'

”Sure. I want you to work together with us in this battlefield. With you and us working together, we can probably make it to the top fifty if not twenty.” The blonde haired man clearly stated his goal.

”Explain the benefits of getting into the top fifty, and why you want me and not others.” Arnin still did not know much about the battlefield. Since he was able to get some information, than that would be best. Plus, he was slightly interested in the duo that stood before him. The marks on their bodies remind Arnin of something from the past.

'These two probably have inherited the bloodline of that race, but it seems that their bloodline is extremely dilute.' Arnin had traveled around his whole universe and enslaved most if not all races. The only races that he could not completely control were the Heaven and Hell race.

The blonde haired man was shocked that Arnin asked the first question. The second one was normal to ask, but he felt that it was weird that Arnin did not know the benefits of coming into the top fifty. Everyone knew about them.

Although he felt that it was weird, he decided not to bother with and just answered the questions. ”As you know, this competition has thousands of participants. In the end, only a hundred will get entry into the academy. These will be the top hundred cultivators.”

Arnin nodded his head as he already knew this much. The battlefield would have lots of deaths, numbering in the hundreds or even more, but that did not mean that only the last one hundred would be declared the winners. If that was the case, then who would be willing to come if they did not have unparalleled talent and strenght?

The battlefield would last for three months, and the top on hundred would get into the academy. The rest would be sent away to where they came from and could participate in the next battlefield if they wished to.

Arnin had entered the battlefield just after the second week had ended. So his knowledge was still lacking and many rules were unknown to him.

”Well, everyone in the top on hundred will be students at Thorn academy, but depending on your ranking you can get certain benefits before joining…” The blonde man went on to explain the different benefits that would be given.

Top one hundred students only got fifty academic points and a small private lodging in the academy.

Anyone who was in the top fifty would five Pink ranked cultivation stones with neutral energy. They would also receive one hundred academic points and a private lodging in the academy.