71 Purple Runic Eyes (1/2)

Arnin watched everything with extreme surprise. The white light that had turned green was actually not green, rather the thing inside the light was green. Arnin tried to feel what the green energy was and became extremely surprised.

Vitality! The light carried vitality and life force. Arnin was shocked, however he began to understand something. As a past Demon Lord, his comprehension and ability to understand the unknown was much higher than normal people.

'Seems like my body is going through Samsara.' Arnin came to a conclusion. He knew that his condition was so bad that high leveled pills would be required just to heal him slightly, however he didn't have anything like that at the moment, but one thing he did have was an elemental seed that contained the two Nirvanas and Samsara.

Samsara was the cycle of rebirth and Arnin knew that his body was going through a physical transformation right now. Previously, black and white lights had burrowed themselves all over his body, with his injured areas having the highest concentration of them. After that, a purple light began to move around, making the black and white lights turn brighter.

Soon, a brown light, which Arnin knew was from the octogonal marks, began to also appear.

The purple light then completed another circulation around his body, however this time, things became different. Drops of red blood entered the brown light while vitality and life force entered the white. Now all he needed to do was figure out what the grey light leaving from the black light was.

Arnin inspected for a while and found that what was leaving his body was the exact opposite of life force, death energy.

This was different from the death essence that one would absorb into their bodies to cultivate. When cultivating death essence, people would absorb it from the outside in order to increase their own understanding and control over death, however the body's death energy was never touched. This death energy, which was inside one's body from birth, would lurk around and try to deteriorate muscles, organs and anything really.

It was harmful and the only job of this energy was to slowly kill the main body. Arnin was exhilarated seeing the energy leave his body. Arnin had only gotten rid of the death energy from his Demon Lord body when he first entered the Emperor realm. That took him hundreds of years to accomplish, but it was happening right now for this body, plus the death energy was leaving in enormous amounts.

Arnin knew that he was currently being cleansed, and would be completely reborn when he next opened his eyes, however there was one thing that still worried him. His orb threads didn't seem to be going through the same healing process, rather they continued to die and deteriorate.

'Is my physical body the only thing that is going through the rebirth?' Arnin had this thought, and the more he looked at his dying orb threads, the more he was assured that this was most likely the case.

His physical body would be greatly powered up later on, however he might not be able to live long enough because of his rapid decrease in essence.

Time passed, and the green and grey finally turned back into white and black respectively. Arnin could see that there were no more injuries, but everything inside of his body seemed completely different. The organs that were previously injured shined like metal balls. His muscles, which were previously completely torn, looked extremely resilient, as if they were made from carbon fiber.

Arnin was extremely happy with the physical changes he could see, however his orb threads and the loss of essence were still a large headache for him. 'Seems like I need to find a way to heal this.' Arnin sighed internally.

Fae had been carrying Arnin for over four hours. She had to make a couple of rest stops, not because of her exhaustion but because of Arnin. Although the later was still unconscious, she could sense that a great change was occurring inside of his body.

Every half an hour, there would a large release of some grey energy which would cause damage to her own body. This frightened her, so she would stop and place Arnin down. This grey energy was very peculiar, and wasn't something she could comprehend, however she felt that if it lingered around her for too long, then death was certain.

It was because of this reason that she stopped and rested, allowing for the grey energy around Arnin's body to disperse.

”This kid is something else. What is that grey energy?” Right now, she was looking at the largest amount of grey energy she had seen yet. It was ten times larger in quantity than the previous outbreaks. This caused her so much fear that she moved at least ten meters away from his body.

On the outside, the grey energy was rapidly exiting his body, while on the inside of Arnin's body, there were no more flashing lights.

Suddenly, the grey light outside of Arnin's body began to transform. It turned from a normal ghastly light that lingered around Arnin's body into a grey beam that shot into the sky with great speed.

”W-what is going on!” Fae watched with horror. Where the grey light went, things would disperse. Some clouds would even disappear like burning paper. It was extremely abnormal and frightening. Fae's mouth stayed wide open as she watched the scene with dilated pupils.

The calmness in Arnin's body was also completely gone. ”What is going on? Isn't the rebirth done? Why are the wounds opening up again!?” Arnin yelled inwardly. All of the great changes that happened before were gone. Although outside his body, a grey light was piercing the sky, inside of him, the purple light was turning into a large ocean.

His organs were more injured than ever before and even his muscles seemed completely obliterated. 'What the hell?!' Arnin cursed as his consciousness faded into the dark purple area.


Ten days went by. This time, Fae was unable to move Arnin's body at all. The grey beam was still present, however it was much larger and terrifying then before. She was over a hundred meters away from Arnin, but she could still feel the terrifying presence of the grey energy.

There were no trees or grass around Arnin's body. Clouds seemed as though they were hiding from the grey beam, while no animal neared the light.

Fae was horrified, and even debated whether she should stay or not. What was happening around Arnin's body was way too ridiculous. ”I need to tell Headmistress about this. She needs to know about this before taking this kid in.” Fae realized that Arnin was much more terrifying than she could have previously imagined.

Suddenly, the grey light completely vanished. Without any warning or anything, it just… disappeared. Right after the grey beam vanished, a green ocean like aura began to sweep through the area.