50 Blood Cultivation (2/2)

”Are you talking to me, brat?” The big guy looked at Arnin and puffed up his chest. His eyes looked cold, however Arnin wasn't intimidated.

”I don't think there is anyone as ugly as you here, am I right?” Arnin continued to taunt the big guy.

”Little kid, why don't you just scram. I don't have the time to play with you!” The macho guy felt extremely annoyed, however he wasn't going to lower himself to beat up a little kid. That would hurt his pride as a cultivator.

”Are you scared, ugly? Or maybe you don't have a third leg. Is that the case? Oh, my bad, I thought I was talking to a man. Seems to me that I'm talking to an ugly duckling.” Arnin's vulgar words made the man extremely angry. Many people had insecurities that they were extra sensitive about, and this man hated it when people said that he didn't have a third leg. It was humiliating to be told that.

”Kid, are you looking to die?” The man squinted as he said in a low voice.

”Yup. Come and kill me, ugly man. Maybe you might even grow something.” Arnin laughed wickedly as he spoke. It seemed like the taunting was somewhat effective.

”Come to the dueling platform if you dare! I will take you on, and teach you respect!” The large man was extremely angry. His glare was menacing, and it was obvious that he had been rubbed the wrong way.

'I have something between my legs! Who the hell does that kid think he is to say that? Anyways, I am not ugly! I am very handsome!' The man kept repeating this in his head, and the more he did, the more infuriated he got.

Arnin smiled as he followed the man to one of the platforms. Many people saw this and couldn't help but laugh.

”Een, you are so shameless! How could you fight a child?” Some of the people watching couldn't help voice out. The macho man was supposedly called Een, and Arnin kept that in his mind.

”Shutup, I am just teaching this child lesson.” Een glared at the crowd before standing silently in the middle of the stage. Arnin also walked towards the middle and couldn't help but mockingly smile.

”Are you ready kid? I am going to throw this coin in the air, and once it hits the ground, we begin.” The man pulled out a copper coin and showed it Arnin. He then tossed it into the air and waited for it to fall.

Arnin smiled before…


The man began to cough and he spat out some of his saliva. He looked down and found Arnin's hand digging into his abdomen.

”W-what the heck? Didn't we agree to wait?!” The man was extremely pissed. He wanted to grab Arnin and slam him into the ground as hard as he could, however before he could do that, a fist flew from the right and directly attacked his cheek. Een flew through the air, landing on the edge of the platform.

”I don't remember agreeing with your terms. You did what you wanted, and I did what I wanted. Simple as that.” Arnin smiled with an evil light in his eyes, accompanied by a small amount of red, however no one noticed.

”You shameless bast--” Just as Een was about to finish, Arnin was already in front of him. He grabbed Een by the hair and threw him towards the middle of the stage.

Arnin followed his flying body and elbowed him back to the ground, making him spit out a mouthful of blood.

”You dem--” Arnin stopped him from speaking once more by punching his face with his right fist.

”I surr--” Een was just about to surrender, however Arnin smiled. He quickly grabbed the man's jaw and slammed it shut.

”AHHH!” The slamming of his jaw caused the man to bite his own tongue. Arnin smirked, before turning the man around and sitting on his back. He then forced the man jaw open and slowly let the blood out, along with a small piece of his tongue.

”UHH! AH URRENDAH!” The man couldn't form the words properly, so Arnin didn't considered it a surrender.

”What was that? I couldn't hear you. You want more? Well, alright then!” The crowd was dumbstruck, as they were still processing what was going on. Everything happened way too quickly.

”H-hey, kid! That's enough!” A person from the crowd couldn't help but jump onto the platform. Although he wasn't friends with Een, he still couldn't watch a fellow student he was familiar with get beaten in such a way.

Arnin turned around and looked at the guy approaching him. ”You also want to duel? This is bullying, but what can I do except fight back?” Arnin smiled and rushed towards his next victim.

The man wasn't able to react quick enough, and soon found himself on the ground. Arnin used one hand to grab his lower jaw, while he used the other hand to grab this upper jaw. Then, he began to pull in opposite directions.


”AHHHHHHH!” The new person's jaw cracked, leaving it hanging. He couldn't move it anymore, and he was now on the ground, rolling around in pain.

”You wanted to duel. I didn't ask for you to come.” Arnin smiled before walking back to Een. He looked at the macho man who was slowly getting up. Arnin kicked his bottom and forced him back onto the ground. He needed much more blood than just that tiny amount of vomit. He needed a pool, he needed all the blood in the man's body.

Arnin wasn't able to solidify the saber properly yet, however he could still use a real blade. Arnin jumped off the platform and grabbed a small dagger from the ground. No one stopped him, or attempted to block him; they were just too scared.

Most of the people in the crowd were at Essence Manifest - Earth, while the rest were still in Orb Birth. How would any of them be able to block Arnin?

With a blade in hand, Arnin walked towards Een first. He looked at the man who had his mouth open, blood spilling out.

”I can't cripple your cultivation, or kill you, but no one said I can't cripple your body.” Arnin smiled, before kicking the back of the man's head. Een's head hit the floor, causing him to pass out.

”Good, since you can't move, it makes things a lot easier. However, it's quite unfortunate that I can't hear those screams anymore.” Arnin's face was cold as he shot a sinister smile at the unconscious man. He emit a sinister aura from his body, causing the crowd to freeze out of fear and sweat all over.

”W-we have to stop him.” A man said as he watched Arnin's aura become more and more sinister.

”Do you really think we can do anything to him? He took that guy on without a problem! We need to get a teacher! Go, quickly find one.” Another person also spoke up, however he made sure that only the previous speaker could hear him.

Arnin was able to hear them with his impeccable hearing, however he didn't care. He wasn't doing anything against the rules.

Arnin lifted the knife, and stabbed him right above his elbow, letting it slide into the bicep. Een, who was previously unconscious, suddenly woke up and screamed in agony.

”AHHHHH!” Blood gushed out the arm, however Arnin didn't stop, and he continued to slowly cut through the arm. Many people in the crowd couldn't help but vomit at the sight. It was just too disgusting.

Finally, the arm was completely cut, and blood rushed out of it like a waterfall. Een began to whimper and cry. Arnin watched happily as the blood gushed out.

'This isn't a lot, but it should be good for now. I should cultivate right away.' Arnin sat down cross legged and began to absorb the blood components which were very rich beside him. Arnin smiled brightly because he knew that the method was very effective.

Seeing that Arnin began to cultivate, two brave individuals rushed towards Een and the other man. They seemed to be friends with the other two.

”Quickly grab them, and let's take them to the medical department.” They were very quiet, however Arnin was still able to hear them. He didn't plan on stopping them since he had gotten what he needed. If he did anything else, then more problems could possibly crop up.

Ten minutes passed, and a teacher ran over. The person leading the teacher was Surk and another man. The teacher in question was Xaac, and he couldn't help but frown when he smelled strong smell of blood.

When Surk first came to look for him, he was too shocked to say anything, but he didn't completely believe him. However, when the other man told him what was happening on the platform, he rushed over.

Now that he was here, he saw Arnin sitting in a puddle of blood, cultivating, while two men were being carried away. The bulky man had his mouth open with blood gushing out, and he had even lost an arm. The other person also had his mouth opened unnaturally wide. It looked as though it couldn't even close.

”W-what happened?” The teacher couldn't help but whisper faintly when he saw all of this.