28 Lepidoptera Academy (1/2)
Arnin silently waited for the group to finish their process of signing up. Gil, the old teacher, did not make much of a sound while signing them up. His head was mostly faced down, so one could only catch glimpses of how pale he was. Finally, after a few minutes passed, the two girls were signed up. They didn't get their robes or identity cards just yet. They would receive them in the academy, which was different from how Arnin went through the process. He got his items directly from a teacher that delivered it to him. Arnin felt that this was the difference in treatment for Moth group students and Butterfly group students, plus he felt that his identity was special in the academy.
At first, Arnin wanted to stay in the low and just try to learn what he needed before slowly conquering Afloria and becoming stronger, however he felt that the academy wasn't going to do anything to him. This feeling came to him after the initial agressive contact with Xillar. A normal teacher would have attacked him or atleast kicked him out of the academy for the way he spoke, however that didn't happen. Xillar didn't attack him or kick him out of the academy, rather he gave him a job that was rather important. He felt that there was something suspicious going on, and this feeling was nothing good to him. Arnin decided that he had to avoid students and teachers in the academy. He would try and dedicate himself into learning whatever he needed to, and not contact other students. As for Lilise and Elidia, he would protect them from the dark if needed, however if that wasn't possible, he would try and get them to shift to a room or location near his own. That way, he would be able to keep a better eye on them.
The group were right in front of the gates to the academy. The old man took a step back and watched from afar.
”I am not allowed to enter, so I will see you off from here. Lilise, Elidia, I will try and come during your academy breaks, and your mom and dad will possibly come with me. Arnin, I am counting on you to look after them; leave your family to me.” The old man spoke calmly.
Arnin was surprised at the mention of the two girls' parents. He had assumed that they might have died since they were never mentioned, however that didn't seem like the case. He was somewhat curious as to who their parents were.
”Don't worry grandpa, we will study hard and make you proud. We will show our progress to mom and dad as well.” Lilise replied with happiness, There seemed to be a spark burning in here eyes at the mention of her parents. Arnin became a little more curious as to who these people were. Parents who were never mentioned of before were going to appear in the near future. Arnin felt that the situation might not be as simple as it seemed, however since it was going to be at a later time, then he would just wait until then.
The three humans and single beast walked through the gate and slowly made their way to the top of the academy. The village elder silently watched for a bit before turning around and walking away. His face, which was full of smiles a while ago, was now sullen and serious. During the trip to the academy, the large bird they rode on top of flew over the danger areas. While flying, he noticed the body of a person on the top of one of the trees. He knew that Arnin went through the forest and was likely not the reason for the death, but a small part of him kept yelling that it was Arnin.
”Let's just hope that the feeling I have is wrong. If not, then…” The village elder continued and walked away from the gate.
Arnin led the way to the top. Vilis stayed at the very back, acting like a guard dog, or in this case, guard tiger. Arnin wasn't spread out this way because of danger; he just didn't feel like he needed to speak with the girls. Vilis, on the other hand, was doing it for some unknown reason. (Author note: Vilis is a loyal, kind, big, cool, fab, tiger. He is going to protect the group from the greatest of dangers. He is the true OG)
The walk up the hill was very silent and awkward. Arnin kept his mouth shut because he didn't want to speak, however the two girls didn't know if they should speak or not but they were frightened of Vilis, so they kept quiet.
”Arnin, umm… can you… tell your beast to move away… He is scaring me.” Lilise was barely able to speak up. Vilis was a frightening looking beast, and having it follow her right from behind was notgreat feeling.
Arnin turned around and noticed how pale the two girls were. He nodded his head and waved towards Vilis.
”Vilis, come here. Lilise, Elidia, he is not a scary beast. He is actually very kind. Do you want to try riding him?” Arnin knew that the two girls were scared, but they would be seeing things far worse if they wanted to be cultivators. Plus, since he was going to be protecting them, even if it was from the dark, Vilis would be with him. They had to get used to him being around. If they rode on him, then they might have less fear.
”Arnin! Can't you see that my sister is scared? Why would you ask her such a dumb question?” Elidia put on anangry face. She already had ill feelings for Arnin, but now he was basically asking them sit on what they feared!
”What is it? Didn't you want to be called a mature girl? Why don't you face your fears? That's what mature people do. Unless… you are still a little girl.” Arnin spoke to Elidia as if he was speaking to a very young child. Elidia was young, but she was still a part of the older children group; she wasn't five anymore.
Elidia's face was shaded in an even redder color. She gritted her teeth and walked towards Vilis, albeit slowly.
”I am a mature girl. I am older then you too, so don't act like your the boss. Watch me sit on this beast.” Elidia spoke big words and acted like a child her own age. Arnin knew that children from families that were on a higher standing in their society would be different. Elidia and Lilise acted different then kids like Nekaia. They would try to avoid doing fun things and only look for ways to improve their cultivation, however this was for their families. Nekaia acted like a child her own age. She was spoiled, complained and even slept with her parents every so often. When Arnin was training Lilise, he noticed that she took everything too seriously, something that shouldn't be in a child.
”Then get on the beast.” Arnin kept taunting her. Although he was cold towards others, he didn't want people acting like someone they were not. Elidia and Lilise acted too seriously, as if they were holding the world on their shoulders, which wasn't to his liking. If they acted in such a way, then they were guaranteed to fail in cultivation. They needed to have a free mind and act as if nothing but themselves mattered, that was how one rapidly progressed through the different realms. Arnin was a special case, he didn't act like someone who was older, rather he was someone older in a child's body. It was something that was difficult to alter.
”Alright… here I go… and…” Elidia was next to Vilis, however she didn't even touch him. She made motions of almost touching him, but in the end, didn't. This went on for a few tries before Arnin couldn't take it anymore.
”Vilis, get on the ground!” Vilis laid onto the ground quickly, which surprised Elidia into taking a step back. Arnin walked behind Elidia and suddenly lifted her up. He then put her directly on to Vilis. He then walked towards Lilise and did the same. To him, the girls were nothing more than babies. With his age, they could even be considered fetuses. (Author note: lolz)
”Put me down, no, no, ahhhh!” Elidia and Lilise had very similar reactions. Both of them had fear written all over their faces. Vilis was the like the monsters they dreamt about and feared. Being suddenly placed on him was like a nightmare.