45 Chapter 45 (1/2)

Mah wife AK_Varsh 36180K 2022-07-20

After watching the clouds for a while, Wei Chu suddenly spoke out loud, ”Wait a little while for me. I'm going to buy something.”

Su Le nodded. Once Wei Chu left, Su Le leisurely walked around the viewing deck. On the right side, she saw several large rocks grouped together. As she walked closer, she discovered the rocks was carved completely with words. It was full of unfamiliar names joined with others. The stones were marked, but it didn't look very bad.

Does this count as damaging public property? Su Le thought to herself.

”I heard that these are called SanSheng rocks and many couples like to get a master to carve their names on it,” Jiang Ting pointed to a middle-aged monk sitting on a stool not too far away from them. ”That master's carving skills are good and fast. Do you want to try?”

Su Le shook her head. This really was the century where people kept up with the times. Even a monk would use such a romantic way to earn money for the temple. These SanSheng rocks weren't anything special. Anyone could just find a few random rocks and place them here.

Su Le walked up to the rock that was the closest to her. She wondered how many couples whose names were carved on the rocks were still together and how many of them had already split up.

Did anyone carve their names in an area which couldn't be noticed easily? Su Le was curious as she walked around the rocks. Behind the rocks, there were very few words carved. Su Le chuckled. As expected, some couples liked doing things like this. She crouched down to look at the carvings more clearly as there were some words at the bottom that had become blurry due to age.

Su Le's personality was slightly strange at times because she would complete or do something even though the action could be totally meaningless. She squinted her eyes to try and read the words.

Wei Chu wishes Su Le happiness?!

Su Le tilted her head as she thought that there were many people with the same names in this world. Subconsciously, she touched the words that was carved near the ground. She felt somewhat flustered as she stood up again. Stepping out of her comfort zone still made her feel a little frightened.

”What was at the back?” Jiang Ting asked as she saw Su Le's expression become that of a strange one.

”There's nothing,” Su Le replied as she touched her chin. Then, she tilted her head as she watched Wei Chu heading towards them from a distance. He was taking rather large strides, but his steps were steady. It was indescribably attractive.

”I heard that the protective charms from this temple are very effective. I got one for you,” Wei Chu walked closer before opening his palm and revealing the red string bracelet. There were knots tied which formed pattern on the bracelet.

”As one who has relations with science and technology, I can't believe that you actually believe in these things,” Su Le teased him, but still held her hand out. As she watched this man, who was close to perfection, earnestly tying the red string on her wrist, her heart was gradually filled up.

”We should also get our names carved on the rocks,” Wei Chu said after tying the knot. He smiled as he held Su Le's hand with one hand while pointing at the rocks with the other, ”Should we carve 'Wei Chu and Su Le are a match made in heaven'?”

Su Le rolled her eyes, ”We are still on earth though.”

In the end, 'Wei Chu loves Su Le' was carved.

Five simple words. Su Le spaced out for a moment before turning her head towards Wei Chu. ”Let's go back and request for more charms. You should get some for Auntie and Uncle. I want to get one for my mother, and for Xiao Yue Yue as well.” Su Le seemed to have forgotten about teasing Wei Chu for believing in these things previously.

”Okay,” Wei Chu smiled warmly. He willingly walked back towards the temple and donated his money to Buddha under the shocked gazes from a group of women.


”Master, help me carve some words here.” A slender finger pointed at the empty space next to 'Wei Chu love Su Le'. ”Just carve Su Le … likes Wei Chu.”

Smart women knew the type of people whom they shouldn't easily let their heart fall for. Smart women also knew that when romance appeared suddenly, they shouldn't hide from it; instead, they should grasp on to it tightly. Things like romance were not like trains, where if you missed one, you could just catch the next one. With romance, you might not get another chance.