10 Moving Forward (1/2)
After the fighting stopped, Leo found what was left of Joe and dragged him to the infirmary. The only doctor, Leo, and Sprite patched up Joe before he bled to death. Joe lucked out the rock crushed his legs and kept him from bleeding out. It took 2 whole hours to clear away the rotting flesh. At the end of it, Joe didn't have his legs anymore.
That next morning, the settlement of Independence was in chaos. Defense members and warriors were running around clearing up the dead bodies. Mostly they were dragging them to the edge of the settlement and burning them. Luckily, Independence was upwind of the fire. That evening they held a memorial for Austin and many others and carved their names on a single wall left standing in the middle of the settlement.
Anna and Samantha visited Joe and Leo in the infirmary. Seeing the both bandaged up and one in a splint and another missing their legs. Anna personally apologized, failing them in protecting them and this settlement. Leo didn't need an apology and told her to leave them be. Leo felt that people should mostly depend on themselves anyway.
All over the settlement, people were refortifying the place. Leo stayed in the infirmary two days till Joe awoke. With the help of Sprite, Leo built a chair with wheels on it so Joe would be able to get around. Leo gathered up their things and headed to their gas station.
When they got to their home, Leo was surprised to see the place cleaned up and looking better than when they ran out a couple of nights ago. Samantha walked out and looked at Leo with a smile. ”You don't have to thank me, Leo. I felt it was the only way we here at the settlement could apologize.”
”Come on Leo, thank the girl already.” Looking up from his wheelchair, Joe just laughed.
”Oh…thank you.”
”No problem Leo. I will be on my way then.” Samantha walked away smiling and blushing.
”Well let's get inside and see the place.”
After going inside and getting settled, Joe grabbed Leo and looked him in the face. ”Leo, you see this chair. You did not put me in it. That giant beast did. I don't want you to blame yourself.” Leo was trying to process everything Joe just said. Joe let go of Leo's arm and patted him on the back. ”What you can do for me is to help me learn to control mana. I want to heal soon. ”
Understanding what Joe wanted to do was just move forward, ”Sure Joe, Sprite and I will help you every day.”
Helping Joe lay down in the makeshift bed, Leo went out and got on the roof. He started to absorb yin mana from the moon. While meditating Leo passed out and woke the next morning with dew settling in on him.
Samantha walked up. ”Good morning, Leo.”
Leo looked down and greeted her too. She told him Anna, Jack, and Lycan want to see him. Samantha said she would wait with Joe and push him around if he wants to move around. Leo changed clothes and walked to the building marked as 'Town Hall.' Once inside Anna asked Leo to come into a large conference room with a large round table.
”Sit down Leo, the three us have a few questions?”
Leo sat down and the other three followed suits. Lycan nodded at him. Jack started to size up the boy. Anna just smiled and then said, ”we are here to discuss where you want to be placed.”
This caught Leo off guard, ”I thought you decide the best place for us.”
Jack spoke up for once. ”Yes, young lad, but you have that, and you're strong as a beastman.”
Lycan stood up and looked at Jack and Anna. ”I want the human boy.”
Startled, Anna chuckled from Lycan's directness and responded, ”I thought we agreed on letting him choose Lycan.”