109 Chapter One Hundred and Eight - Home is Where the Heart is (1/2)
Jimmy pouted, but his stomach rumbled before he could whinge too much about it and he headed towards the kitchens of the first property. Strolling through the gardens, he noticed the two teenagers pushing the manual mower along the grassy patches, raking the remnants into a pile afterwards. Nathan was picking the last of the ripe melons and removing their dying vines from the ground to become compost later.
In the kitchen, the two young girls were helping pick out seeds from the cores of peppers and squash seeds from a pumpkin and an overripe courgette. The older child was chatty, the younger quiet and attentive, despite their small age gap, they generally got on well. Autumn was supervising, while feeding a bottle to baby James and Logan was holding Rohan's small son, who was playing with the messy pith from the squashes.
”Anything to eat?” Jimmy begged, shamelessly.
”I prepared some pumpkin soup earlier,” Autumn indicated the two huge pots on the back of the stove keeping warm. ”Scoop yourself a bowl, if you like. There are toasted pumpkin seeds on the plate beside the stove to add to it.”
”Thanks!” He said cheerfully and poured a slightly generous portion for himself, though it was by no means the large bowlful's he might have claimed before the end. Still he wasn't overly greedy, he was aware that this was for everyone to consume, but it was hard to not want a little more. The soup was thick and well seasoned, warming and filling his stomach in a satisfying way. He smacked his lips in gratitude before taking his bowl to the sink to wash it.
”Ah, Jaiden's fallen asleep!” He heard Autumn croon behind him.
”So he has,” Logan mused, ”I'll go wash his hands before putting him down for a bit. Be good for Aunty Autumn, okay, Sienna?” Clearly this was addressed to the older of the two girls. Jimmy heard a small confirmation from a milky voice before the screech of a chair and footsteps leading out. He popped the cleaned bowl and spoon onto the drainer and shook his hands dry, splattering water about a bit, carelessly.
”Yes, Mum,” he cheekily joked.
”Not your mummy,” Lucy scowled at him, scrunching up her small face. ”My mummy!”
”Not sharing, little sis?” Jimmy teased ruffling her hair as he passed her. She shook her head and crossed her arms about her small chest. Jimmy threw a glance at Autumn and happily warned her; ”This one is possessive! Sure she's going to be able to handle it if Dexter and you make babies in the future!” Autumn couldn't help blushing fiercely. Of course she knew it was a possibility in the future, the contraception on hand wouldn't last forever and then it was up to fate. Not that she minded either way, but she was too mindful of their current circumstances to think about it, plus, she had always thought she was too young to be a mother, her thoughts on that having not changed since before the end. Even if it was different now. She glanced towards her adorable, adopted daughter and her heart once more melted. That was right, she was already a mother, why was she worrying about pregnancy!?
Outside, the sound of a garden fork falling on the path surprised them both and they glanced out of the window to notice that the boys were looking dazed at the fallen tool and Nathan was no where in sight. However, the herbs on the window sill began to look more vibrant and the hanging fruits on the chilli plant all ripened to red at the same time. Autumn's eyes sparkled in realisation and plucked her child from her seat and spun her around a little, who giggled knowingly.
”Go see Daddy?” Lucy wrapped her little arms around Autumn's neck.
And so, as three vehicles slowly began to trawl into the sanctuary provided by the tall walls, a small crowd had gathered to welcome them in.