Chapter 76 - Seventy Five - Reasons for Weakness (1/2)
”How is it, Master?”
Ren Zexian removed his fingers from the last newcomer's wrist, his mind only partially on the task that his apprentice had placed upon his shoulders. In all honesty, he hadn't wanted to stop and test these people, wanted instead to chase down and speak to his Nathan to understand what was running through his mind. However, he'd been cornered not just by Chang Min, but also by Dexter. The newcomers had doubts that their abilities could be strengthened here, they wanted to prove them wrong.
He indicated to each with a curt nod of his head as he announced the results. ”The one called Luke has the major water root and also feather and illumination body roots. Thomas has earth root and lightning root. This man, Theo is in possession of wood and curse body root, while this Zak has a single root, the secondary Light root. And the woman, Miss Faith has the secondary steel root.”
”What does he mean?” Faith whispered beneath her breath to her companions, but Chang Min and Ren Zexian both clearly heard her words.
”You have noticed that you have abilities beyond normal people,” Ren Zexian said, calmly, the cadence of his voice reminding them of a few past teachers and lecturers. ”What you may not know is that your abilities are due to spiritual roots within your bodies. You have always had them, but before the world changed, they remained dormant in any born with them.”
”So our root reflects our powers?” Luke questioned, excitedly and then his expression became one of confusion. ”But I never had any more than the one ability.”
”Neither have I,” Thomas said, curtly. He didn't believe any of this shit. He had been cynical when Officer Hughes had asked him to be involved in this farce. It had been the opinion of the man that Thomas had had some connection with Chang Min when the other had been a part of their base, therefore he could get along with him better. He reckoned it was Hughes' wish to get the oriental guy to return and work for them again.
”Body roots are not very apparent,” Ren Zexian explained. ”They will have manifested, just as the water root, wood, earth... but you may not be as aware. You may even be like Dexter's people were, only thinking that each person had only one ability, therefore not recognising any others.”
”Then what do feather and illumination roots do?” Luke pressed on.
”Feather root affects speed and agility, while illumination...” Ren Zexian wondered how to put the term 'waste' politely. ”Well it could be said that it is a weaker version of the Light root.”
”Those with light or dark roots are especially good when it comes to things like exorcism,” Chang Min added, helpfully. ”People with light and illumination roots repel the undead, malevolent spirits and ghosts, while those with dark roots attract them.”
”I repel zombies?” Luke naturally looked quite pleased by the prospect as did Zak, who'd assumed he'd got some trash, pointless ability that was simply an embarrassment to a fighting man like himself.
”That is uncertain,” Ren Zexian dampened their enthusiasm quickly. ”The undead zombies are not simply restless dead, their bodies contain a poisonous yin energy. I cannot say for certain whether your abilities will repel them as easily as walking corpses that we had met before. Also, strengthening the illumination root will be difficult for it is always harder to advance the more roots one needs to share spirit with.”
Thomas let loose a loud snort. What a load of baloney! ”What is 'cursed body'?” Theo questioned, worriedly, earning a sneer from the cynical soldier. He frowned in response. Fair enough that the man didn't believe, he was having trouble himself, but there was no way he could ignore the idea that he was cursed!
Ren Zexian smiled, gently as if understanding his concerns. ”It is not as bad as you think,” Ren Zexian advised him. ”Good luck follows bad and bad luck follows good. You won't suffer some horrific fate because of your root, fate is a separate entity after all. However, it may affect your main root, wood.”
”Wait,” the man suddenly felt enlightened and despite his doubts, he couldn't help but wonder if everything this man was saying had some basis in fact. ”Could that be why my ability only seems to be being able to 'rot wood'?” After all, couldn't such an ability be considered a bit of a curse?
”En,” Ren Zexian agreed, ”those with single wood roots would have an affinity to the material, reproduce it, speed the growth of trees and connect with plants. In a similar way to Nathan. However, from your words, the cursed root is certainly affecting this. Do not worry, I can help you control the cursed root, turn a hinderance into a help.” He lit a single flame in his palm, it was an amber and red calm light with little heat, but in the next moment it changed into a blazing hot, black flame, oppressive and dark despite not changing in size. ”I share this curse root, do not be alarmed.”
”I have a question,” the female soldier suddenly spoke, just as Ren Zexian extinguished the flame. ”You called mine 'steel'. Why not metal?” After all, she'd been able to manipulate all sorts of metal, not just steel, although it was only a little.