Chapter 4918 (1/2)


After the nap, Jiang Yufei got up.

Today, dingnanxia was diagnosed with pregnancy, and everyone is very happy to date.

Three women gathered in the living room and said what to pay attention to when they were pregnant.

Dingnanxia listened carefully, although she was still a recipient of sperm egg in her stomach.

After a while, Jiang Yufei suddenly said, ”the servant doesn't say you love to come back, is it still sleeping, what time is this?”

”I guess I'm playing computer.” Said the anemone.

”I went to call her down, and her two sisters were pregnant, and she didn't know yet,” he said

She just finished, and saw you love to walk down slowly from upstairs.

Jiang Yufei looked at her look and thought she had just woke up.

”Love you, come and sit. Tell you good news. Your sister-in-law is pregnant. ” Jiang Yufei said happily.

The eyes of the love of the king moved, she pulled out a smile: ”yes, sister-in-law, congratulations.”

”What's wrong with you?” Jiang Yufei looked at her doubtfully, ”I don't feel very good about you.”

Dinnancha joked: ”is it a fight with Donne?”

”Don't mention him!” You love suddenly gloomy face.

Jiang Yufei, they looked at each other, and they really quarreled?

But they were not serious, Donne was so good tempered that even if they really quarreled, they would soon make good-bye.

”It's not you who upset Donne,” said Jiang? You said you, you are going to marry, how mature do you know? And Don will be the only one who will let you go... ”

”I will not marry him!” Jun love to interrupt her words, her eyes flash cold light, ”Mom, wedding cancellation, I will not marry him!”

”What are you talking about?” he frowned

”I'm serious!” The look of your love does not mean to be a little bit of gamble.

All of a sudden, they felt the seriousness of the matter.

Although you love a little princess, but she is still very sensible, never do unreasonable things.

She never made a joke about the decision she made.