Chapter 52 - With Aletia (In A.d.u.l.t Form) (Final) [+18] (1/2)
”Nkaaahhh…” He could hold back no longer. As soon as Aletia answered, Rio moved his h.i.p.s forward and spread the hard and tight hole with his tip. She m.o.a.n.e.d painfully at this first penetration and her slender jaw arched backward.
”Hmm…” Rio had only put the tip in, but the feeling of the entrance spreading around him and the warmth of her v.a.g.i.n.a kept his h.i.p.s moving forward on their own. The v.a.g.i.n.a s.u.c.k.e.d tightly in against his rod and he pushed the tip further in, forcing open those tight v.a.g.i.n.a.l walls.
”Agh… It…it hurts… Move more…slowly…ahhh!?” She breathed heavily as she bore with the pain of a v.i.r.g.i.n. He nearly jammed the entire thing inside, but he stopped himself at the last second and started feeling the rough folds of flesh. A moment later, the tip touched a thin membrane and Aletia's entire body stiffened.
”Please…please be gentle…” The tremor in her voice told him she was afraid of the pain of being deflowered. It was surprising that she didn't nullify the pain since she was able to do it. However, Rio chalked it up as her decision since this was her real first time. He knew it was a bit presumptuous of him, but… eh? Who cares?
While trying to soften the pain as much as possible, he moved his h.i.p.s forward and gently pressed the tip against her h.y.m.e.n.
”Nnah!? Kyaaaaaaaaaaaah!”
The h.y.m.e.n felt just like her v.a.g.i.n.a.l walls, but it easily tore and his slowly moving p.e.n.i.s suddenly stabbed in down to the base. Her scream rang through the place.
”Hkh…Hhhh…All at once…?”
Not only had Aletia just lost her v.i.r.g.i.n.i.t.y, but her v.a.g.i.n.a had been filled up in an instant. She breathed heavily as she tried to endure the pain since she didn't nullify it.
Rio waited until she adapted to the new thing inside of her. He was enjoying the sensation of many folds of flesh all wrapped around his rod. The v.a.g.i.n.a.l walls had not even started wriggling and they squeezed down on his entire p.e.n.i.s as if to never let go again.
The inserted tip brushed again the entrance to her w.o.m.b and he felt it opening and closing as if to swallow his s.e.m.e.n as soon as possible.
”Aletia…I'm going to move,” Rio warned her.
”Nnah! Hgh! Yeah…Hgh!?”
”Aletia. It feels good inside you. You're amazing,” he whispered sweet nothings into her ears.
With each thrust, the v.a.g.i.n.a.l walls and folds of flesh would rub stickily against his p.e.n.i.s and he was overcome by an itching impatience that nearly tore everything else from his mind. His rod began to throb as he ignored her pain and raced toward ejaculation.
”Fwah…ahh…Wh-what is this? Hyah! It hurts…but it feels numb. I don't even use my skiiiil! What is this numbness inside me!? I feel weird! Rio, Rio, Rio! I'm going craaazy~❤”
A few minutes after he began thrusting inside her p.u.s.s.y with one of her legs wrapped around his waist, Aletia's m.o.a.ns grew much more seductive and her peach-like b.u.t.t wiggled in response to the piston-like p.e.n.i.s. Before, her v.a.g.i.n.a had simply tightened around him, but now it started some gentle wriggling movements and the many folds of flesh wrapped around the p.e.n.i.s as if l.i.c.k.i.n.g across every inch of it.
”Nhahh! Amazing…My body is so hot…It's so hot! It's so hot…I can't stand it!”
Her hidden hole emitted the smooth sounds of the penetration as she awoke to the of s.e.x. She wrapped her arms around his neck and both legs around his waist while waving her long golden hair around.
He could feel her weight and body temperature in his entire body and he was happy to see how much p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e the vampire was feeling from her first time, so he sped up the movement of his h.i.p.s as he penetrated her hidden hole.
The o.b.s.c.e.n.e wet sound of penetration rang through the stall and her m.o.a.ns echoed on and on. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his while whispering in her wet voice.
”Rio…something's…something's coming!”
Aletia bit her lip to contain the m.o.a.ns, but she could not keep a wet breath from escaping. The pain seemed to vanish entirely, she let her aroused m.o.a.ns escape her bit lips, and the o.b.s.c.e.n.e sounds of penetration sounded even louder as her hidden hole took in Rio's rod.
Her v.a.g.i.n.a tightened even further and the folds of flesh wrapped stickily around him, but his p.e.n.i.s was at its limits as her aroused v.a.g.i.n.a tightened down on it. The rod's throbbing grew quicker, it began to tremble, and the tip swelled out in preparation to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e. The t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e.s tensed while coated in her love juices and the proof of her v.i.r.g.i.n.i.t.y and he felt the painful impatient throbbing of p.r.e.-.e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n preparing to send a torrent of s.e.m.e.n into Aletia's unsullied w.o.m.b.