24 Chapter 22: Sekihan (1/2)

Upside Down WntrDrgn 54300K 2022-07-20

Have you ever had one of those days that you wish had never started? No? You're lucky. I've had far too many of them in my short life. Regardless, welcome to another one of mine.

It started off well enough I suppose. I woke up at 4 am, very sore and stiff with my little sister wrapped around me as usual. Smiling at my thought of 'She's so cute', I kiss her cheek and attempt to slip quietly out of bed. It's a very hard to move stealthily when you are this sore. I seriously doubt there is one muscle in my body isn't screaming at me.

”Sora-nee, are you going somewhere?” She asks me while rubbing her eyes sleepily.

”I was going to the bathroom, but I hurt so much I can barely move.”

”Lay back down, I will give you a massage.”

Chinatsu changes her position on the bed and pulls my legs onto lap to begin working on them. It hurts quite a bit at first, but her deft, gentle fingers slowly unknot the muscles in my legs.

”Where else hurts?”

”Everywhere. Everything hurts.”

”Okay, let's get your nightgown off of you, so it doesn't get in my way.” She tells me while holding her hands out to help me sit up and then slips my nightgown over my head which leave me in nothing except my panties. After I lay back down, she then begins to work on my stomach muscles.

I know there are a lot of girls that are body shy, so let's just say I'm not one of them, at least not with Chinatsu or Mama. I have taken more baths with them over the years than I could even begin to count, so I'm completely comfortable being nude around them.

I used to be body shy around other girls, but that was before my change. I have no idea how I will feel around them now. However, if Mayumi or Honoka are any indication, I doubt it will be much of an issue. Especially since I'm no longer shy or timid since I saw Airi. Not to mention, as Chinatsu said yesterday, I'm also a lot more apt to say what I think or feel.

”Sora-nee, I wish I looked as good as you do.”

”Wow, déjà vu. Didn't we have this conversation already? I believe I told you then you are perfect the way you are. You are a beautiful girl Chinatsu. I know you said you wanted to have bigger boobs, but trust me when I say having boobs like this is a pain.”

I chuckle. ”I went from having none, to this big in no time and they constantly get in my way when I'm trying to do something. It's still a little disconcerting for me to look down and see these puppies. Anyway, boobs don't make the girl, even though that's all most boys seem to care about. Regardless, you were getting quite a few stares from boys at the pool yesterday. That alone ought to tell you how beautiful you are.”

”Sora-nee, you were getting far more than I was.”

”Chinatsu, do you think I care one little bit about that? Okay, yes, it's nice to have other people look at me and not be disgusted or trying to figure out a new way to tease me. That said, after what the boys in our school have done to me, most of them can drop dead in my opinion. I have no intention of even giving them the time of day when I go back to school. To be perfectly honest, I would much rather spend time with my little sister than some idiotic boys that constantly picked on me because I was flat chested and ugly. Especially the ones that tried to strip me to prove I wasn't a girl.”

Although, that does bring to mind Ryu and just how fast he made my little heart beat every time I was with him. There were times I felt as if I couldn't even breathe.

Wow! Why am I even thinking about this? Whew… My face feels hot.

”I know Sora-nee. I'm well aware of just how badly most boys treated you. They are all unworthy of even looking at my Onee. It was their loss they couldn't see you for the beautiful girl you were. ...Okay, turn over, so I can do your back and neck.”

It takes about 45 minutes for her to get everything to unknot in my neck and back, she even had to work on my butt too, but now I'm no longer stiff or sore for the most part. Although, my stomach still hurts for some reason, even after Chinatsu got the muscles to loosen up.

She lays back down beside me and I roll over to face her.

”Thank you Chinatsu, I feel much better now.”

”You 're welcome Sora-nee. Although, I told you already, I'm happy to give you a massage anytime.”

”I remember. Right now though, I want to use the bathroom and take a hot bath with my little sister. Sound good?”

”Do you even have to ask? You already know how much I love bath time. Even more so when we take one together.”

I chuckle softly.

”Oh, and how many baths have I taken without you since I got out the hospital?”


”Exactly. I love taking baths with you as much as you do me.”

I kiss her forehead and roll over, so I can get what I need to bathe. When I stand up,


I bend over and place both hands on my lower abdomen. Wow! That's really painful. I really must have really overdone it yesterday to still be this uncomfortable after Chinatsu worked so hard to loosen everything up.

”Sora-nee are you okay?”

”Yes, my stomach muscles are still painful though. I must have played a little too hard yesterday. Even my boobs are a little sore. I'm sure I will feel better after a hot bath.”

”Sora-nee do you have a headache too?”

”Mhmm. A slight one at least. How did you know?”

She looks at me as if she is thinking and then smiles slightly. ”I'm not totally sure, but this could be your menarche.”


”Well, Dr. Sato did say it should be soon, you know that already. When you take into account the headache, sore boobs, and abdominal pain, it all adds up.”

”I'm not bleeding though.”

”Simply because you aren't bleeding doesn't mean that isn't what this is. That usually happens a little while after the symptoms start.”

”Does that mean I can't take a hot bath with you then?”

”Sora-nee, that is just a myth, you can still take a hot bath. It won't change anything and the heat will make help you feel a little better.”

”Good. I was really looking forward to it.”

She stands up to wrap an arm around me. Looking at my abdomen, she gently rubs it with her hand and then looks up at me.

”Congratulations Sora-nee. You're a woman now. I can't wait to see mom's face when you tell her.”

”You're making too big of a deal out of this Chinatsu, if that is what this is.”

”It is a big deal for us girls. I'm willing to bet you're having cramps and most probably your lower back hurts too, right?”

”I am and it does.”

She wraps her other arm around me as well and pulls me close.