38 Strange Pair (1/2)
A year passed by in the blink of an eye and today is Jin Ha's 6th birthday, I woke up to singing and dancing early on a Saturday morning and we had plenty to eat, Jin Ha got a present from each one of his siblings and in the late afternoon a handsome man that looked to be in his late 30's early 40's came over and brought Jin Ha a gift.
He hugged each of the Kang siblings and gave Kang Jin Hee a kiss on the forehead, the siblings were happy to see this man and they chatted happily with him, Jin Ha sat on his lap the entire time and looked very happy.
When evening came a beautiful woman came over and brought a cake with her and a present for Jin Ha.
Jin Ha received many kisses from this woman and this made the others jealous well not really; Jin Hee sat next to this woman and the two of them looked like sisters, when you look at it from an outsider's perspective, they look like a happy family.
The two who came over are the Kang siblings parents, Kang Jin Young is the father and their beautiful mothers native name is Jiang Yueguang.
We all know the story of why their mother so I won't go into detail but it is truly sad, she loves all her kids but hasn't come to terms with the way they were made and hear heart still aches for the son that was taken from her.
You all still know what happened and why he was taken right? Here's some good news, he will return to the story later on in the meantime, Ms Jiang has an attachment to her children and Mr Kang but at the same time, did she want children? Did she want to be taken advantage of? Did she want to loose her body to and older man who had eyes for a child?
No, no, no… she never asked for any of this but don't worry Ms Jiang is receiving therapy to deal with all this, it might take years before she comes to terms with the fact that she is now a free woman, all the abuse she received, all the rights that were taken from her, you know?
All the psychological damage that she received over the years needs to be treated before she can be a real mother to her children, you may wonder why I put it like that but listen in the chapters about to come, she'll be the one you all vote for.
Back to the story, Mr Kang and Ms Jiang stayed the weekend then left the monday morning, when I think back on it, Jin Ha was happy to be around his parents but not as happy when he is with Kang Jin Hee and Kang Seung Joon, maybe to him his true parents are them and not his biological parents.
Things carried on the way they did, and it was time for Seung Joon and Seung Joong to enter the army and complete their manditory military service for 18 months, raising Jin Ha would be left to Min Ho and Min Hong and of cause Jin Hee.
Jin Ha cried that day when Seung Joon and Seung Joong entered the army and he refused to co-operate with the triplets for 2 weeks but gave in after Jin Hee lost her cool.
Things went on as before and after 9 months the twins returned home for a week and returned to complet the rest of their time.
Days went by and so did the weeks, Jin Ha was growning and before you knew it the Twins returned after another 9 months, Seung Joon went in to the police academy and Seung Joong went to university and studied law.
He still never found his wife to be and Seung Joon, met a lady that was okay, she was just okay to him, to us, she is a beautiful lady that was brought up by both parents, still a virgin, Seung Joon was her first boyfriend and she was in adverisment, her future looked good and she was head over heels for Seung Joon.
Jin Hee did not agree to this relationship but she did not care enough to give a shit so she never spoke to Seung Joon about it, only after a few chapters she'll say something.
Jin Hee was doing her last year in school and so were her brothers, one day when she and Jin Ha were at a mall, she saw a familiar face, this person was that wannabe gangster that liked her.
She noticed that he was alot more handsome than before and he dressed better, well groomed and all, this person was that Park Se Jung.
[I wonder does he still like me but whatever all of that is ruined, thanks to my perverted Hyung, hehe] she thought to herself, a smile appeared on her face as she was in her own world.
She and Jin Ha stopped at a clothing store and then at a book shop, she was looking for a word puzzle book for Jin Ha because they noticed that Jin Ha showed signs of being a bright child.
As she looked through the books in the store minding her own business, she let Jin Ha walk around and the store by himself to see if he liked anything and maybe if it wasnt too expeinsive she'd by the book or puzzle for him.
She knelt down and was going over the different puzzle books, she picked a few and called Jin Ha over so they could go pay, Jin Ha came over with a 5000 piece puzzle that had a picture of the ocean, clouds and sky on the cover of the box.
She looked at her little brother and asked, ”Do you want me to buy this one for you?”
”Mn, but its a little expensive, can you still buy it? I won't ask for anything else.”
She turned the box over and saw the price tag, this puzzle's cost was $22, she chuckled and looked at Jin Ha, [this kid really is a darling], she thought, she nodded her head and they went to the counter, after the cashier scanned all the books and puzzle the amount added up to $85.
”Cash or card?”, asked the lady.
Jin Hee looked down and opened her bag and then reached for her wallet, as she took it out of her bag she heard a beep go off and looked at the cashier, the lady ripped the slip, placed it in the plastic bag and handed it over to Jin Ha.
Confused she looked at the cashier and asked, ”Don't you need the money?”
This one looked at Jin Hee more confused, ”Aren't the three of you together?”
She raised her brow and turned around, behind her stood Park Se Jung.
Jin Hee took a deep breath in through her nose and held out her hand at Jin Ha and he placed his hand in her palm and she griped it gently and they walked off.
”Don't ignore me”, said Park Se Jung.
She rolled her eyes and continued to walk, Park Se Jung walked after her and caught up to them, he was on the other side of Jin Ha and started going off:
”You look beautiful as usual.”