32 Responsibility (1/2)
I'm a cat remember, I don't know how she felt and I would never know because I'm not her.
After getting myself rubbed by her I left and walked back to the boy, the two of us took a stroll down to the park after letting noona know.
The boy placed me on the swing and said to me; ”Mr cat, what is your name? I'm called Jinny but my real name is Kang Jin Ha. Mr cat how old are you? Hehe, I'm 5; you can come play with me whenever you want but only after school.
I used to have a sister but I don't know where she went, I miss her, do you know where she went?
Mn, you don't know how to speak, want me to teach you?
Hehe, Mr cat, don't make my noona angry again, she might kill you then we can't be friends anymore.
Mr cat do you know we used to live in a biiiig house but now we live in a broken house, I don't care but it's making my brothers and sister angry.”
Jin Ha sighed then started laughing and caught on to nonsense.
He pulled my tail later on and I ran away, as I ran away I saw Jin Ha's brothers outside their home and 1 of them was on his way to the park yelling Kang Jin Ha's name.
When I looked back I saw Jin Ha running into his brothers' arms and they looked happy but who knows what they were really feeling.
I continued to visit Jin Ha and became fond of him, but the more I visited, the more I noticed that their living conditions weren't the best.
Their house wasn't a house, it just looked like it, there were two rooms, 1 where they slept and did everything and the other was a room, well it was the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room and no bed.
They had a cupboard that had clothes, there were 6 siblings and 2 draws were given to Kang Jin Hee.
The 2 older brothers shared 1 and the other 2 shared another.
Jin Ha had is own draw but it wasn't full, it had his school clothes in it and a few shorts, shirts, vests and socks.
He wore the same clothes always and his older brothers shared clothes, they were all the same sizes and basically wore each other's clothing.
This family of 6 consisted of 5 handsome sons and 1 beautiful daughter.
What surprised me was that the 5 older children were all in relationships.
Kang Jin Hee was in a relationship with a 21-year-old wannabe gangster.
How they met? Well, its a really funny story.
She and Jin Ha were walking to the shop one day to buy bread and at the shop, she wanted to buy Jin Ha a sweet.
Kang Jin Ha took his time selecting the sweet he wanted from the sweet isle and this took up time, they spent about 10 minutes in the shop and had just paid the shop owner for the loaf of bread and lollipop Jin Ha selected.
As they were walking towards the exit of the shop, in came three masked men and immediately Jin Hee could sense that something was off, two of the guys walked past her and pulled out guns at the owner and were yelling for everyone to lay on the floor.
Jin Hee wasn't having any of this and grabbed onto Jin Ha's arm and started walking to the door; just when she arrived at the door she was stopped by the third guy who was slightly handsome from his eyes?
He blocked her way and she pushed him out of the way but he wouldn't budge; he shook her slightly then looked at her and told her to lay on the floor, she glared at him and said: ”Do you think I have time for this shit?”
A chuckle left his mouth and he held on to her firmly and took her over to where all the other people were laying.
He stood beside her and kept staring at her and Jin Ha.
His accomplices were handling business in front while he spoke to her: ”Is he your child?”
She turned her head and glared at him: ”What of it?”
He smiled at her and shook his head; they ran out of the shop and soon Jin Hee and Jin Ha left and returned home.
A week later they arrived at the same shop again and there again Kang Jin Ha took his time choosing a sweet.
When they were done, a guy was waiting at the corner of the shop.
When he saw them exit he ran over and greeted them; Jin Hee looked at him then ignored him, he was handsome but she had a handsome boy walking beside her.
She continued to ignore him but as she kept ignoring him she noticed that he was following them, she didn't trust people and didn't want him following them home so she stopped and: ”What do you want?”
”I asked you a question before, is he your child?”
”When in the hell did you ask me that, the only thing you said was…”
She came to a sudden realisation and pointed at him, the minute she started yelling out he placed his hand over her mouth and widened his eyes and threated her.
This sudden action frightened Jin Ha and he started crying; the minute Jin Hee heard his cry she punched the male in front of them and bent down to comfort Jin Ha.
Once he calmed down, she picked him up and faced the offender…
”The hell you want?”
The male in front of them step back a bit and looked at Jin Hee, he thought to himself; ”Why is she so aggressive when she speaks?”
He smiled at her and said: ”I just asked you a simple question and you still haven't answered me.”
She stepped past him and glared at him for one last time, she was infuriated.
The male watched as she glared at him then walked past, his eyes never left her till she disappeared around the corner.
The male then turned around and walked in the opposite direction with a smirk on his face as he thought to himself: ”Beautiful.”
After this encounter with her, he began to stalk her, but not in a bad way, he did it in a way no-one knew that it was actually happening.
He would watch her from a distance when she went to school and watched her on her way home from school, then he began asking students he knew from her school about her and he soon found out about their family and living conditions.
You may wonder why I say living conditions well he never followed her past that 1 corner.
A sweety isn't he?
After he found out that they didn't have a lot of money, he paid the shop owner money and told him to give her free bread and a free sweet for Jin Ha but the shop owner refused, so they made a deal that he would pay the bill instead, the owner then continued to tell him about her brothers that also bought bread for their family and wanted to know whether or not he would pay for their part too.
After contemplating over the idea he decided not to.