10 Mt Shira And Team Dim Sun (1/1)
Our Hero met his first rival, he now moved towards the mountain. He was excited for catching more polemons in mountain.
He had ralts, staravia, gyrados and litten currently in his team and needed a ground type pokemon also as the next gym was of electric type, he heard this from nurse joy in last city.
As he walked in the mountain, it was dark inside and he angered a rhyhorn by mistake. Rhyhorn attacked on Jose, but jose jumped aside and dodged. He than used gyrados to fight with rhyhorn.
Gyraros use water pulse, than use bite, this attack made rhyhorn more angry and he used horn attack on gyrados, gyrados was hurted badly by this sudden attack. He again used water pulse and than dragon rage.
Without wasting a minute jose threw pokeball and caught rhyhorn. Pokeball shaked for 3-4 times and than it stopped shaking.
\”I got rhyhorn\” Said jose excitedly.
Rhyhorn is dual type, its ground and rock type pokemon and somewhat look like rhino of real world.
Its evolution rhydon and rhyprior are power tank. Thats why he wanted this pokemon.
Our hero continued to go in the mountain. He wanted to catch more pokemons for his team and atleast on more ground type pokemon.
As he walked further he fall down because of something like stone. He turned around to see what was that. It was a stone which was looking like Jaw of an animal. He took that stone and kept in bag as he wanted to know more about this thing and he can get to know about this when he reach next town. Next town also has laboratory of prof oak.
\”What a kid is doing here\” someone shouted from behind.
Jose turned around to see who was that, he saw a middle aged man wearing black colour dress and a purple symbol on front.
\”Who are you\” asked jose.
\”I am from team dim sun, we are trying to find fossils here\” replied that man.
\”I am just crossing this mountain to reach next town\” Replied jose.
\”Ok, but don't try to come in our work or you will have to face wrath of Lavana our leader\” replied that man and left.
'Who are these people ? Are they good or not ? I have seen many bad teams in pokemon and they wear a uniform to indicate there team.'
What will happen next in mountain, what exactly team dim sun are doing there ? Will our hero get himself in any trouble ?
Stay tuned for more...