4 New Teammates and Evolution (1/2)
As jose and ralts were having their lunch in forest, something so quick stole food from ralts. Ralts was always angry when someone steal her food, once she almost killed a rattata because he stole her food. Ralts used her psychic power to throw that creature down, that creature fell on earth with a dust cloud, as dust settled jose saw a tiny black bird known as starly, he used his poledex and it showed
Starly a normal and flying type
They flock around mountains and fields, chasing after bug Pokémon. Their singing is noisy and annoying. They flock around mountains and fields, chasing after bug Pokémon. Their singing is noisy and annoying. They flock in great numbers. Though small, they flap their wings with great power.
That starly got angry with sudden attack by ralts, he attacked on ralts with aerial ace, which was dodged by ralts but a quick attack landed directly on her. She balanced herself by that attack but another aerial ace attack was landed with a wing attack next to it. Jose ordered Ralts to use psybeam that landed directly, She threw starly again by her psychic moves and finally fainted him, jose threw a pokeball and captured it. Ralts was tired by the battle and few wounds were there on her.
Jose gave ralts medicine and called starly out and gave him food, starly was happy after eating and after that he sat on shoulder of Jose.
Jose and team reached to a river side after a few hours of walking. It was evning time so jose camped there. And made meal for everyone. He slept with both of his pokemon around him, so that he will be protected from wild pokemon's attacks.
In morning training was started of both the pokemons, Jose asked Ralts to use her psychic power on water and move it, She did it but a magicarp also landed there. That magicarp was different than normal magicarps, it was golden in colour.
It got angry on Ralts and attacked witj tackle. that tackle hit was too powerful, Jose decided of capturing and adding it to his team, he asked starly to attack with aerial ace and a quick attack which increased anger of that nahi magicarp. But after few more attacks, Jose was able to capture it.
He called magicarp out in water and than training was continued. He asked his new pokemons to show their attacks
Starly used
Aerial Ace
Quick Attack