Part 29 (1/2)

El Diablo Brayton Norton 28030K 2022-07-20

Boris lunged forward and Mascola caught hihly by the arm

”Get out, daet girl,” Boris panted ”Gregory man there too I kill him”

Mascola looked hastily about When Boris had ceased , the Italian ordered after a moment's consideration: ”Shut up Go down to my dock the back way Get on the _Lura_ Wait there for me”

As the Russian slouched down the street, Mascola reopened his door and went into his office Then he got Ankovitch on the phone

”Coet right out”

Day was breaking when McCoy stood with dickie Lang on the steps of the Lang cottage The bullet had been found and re as well as could be expected There was danger only through blood-poisoning The patient was young and strong and should recover

The doctor fro with the local physician's diagnosis

”And now,” McCoy was saying, ”as there is nothing o back to town It will sure be up to me from now on”

dickie put a hand on his arm and looked earnestly into his eyes

”It will be up to both of us, Jack We've siht have saved hiood”

As McCoy walked hoht, he strove to consider the events of the night in their proper sequence, but his brain rioted in a juory an apology Now that the boss was down and out it was up to every one to do their level-darnedest He'd see that they did, too He was sorry it had all happened Sorry that he had doubted Sorry too for other things which he would not admit, even to hih it was, Jack McCoy was sorry that Kenneth Gregory had not been taken to Swanson's



There are periods in every one's life when the standard ly to express its passing Minutes may creep, or they may fly An hour stretches into a day or a day contracts into an hour directly at the will of circu his period of convalescence at the Lang cottage As the days went by he found hi track of ti ith hiirl were always too short And he was surprised to find that they never appeared to lengthen His interest in dickie, he told his he desired to hear ht him news each day froered and fretted during eachwho had told him of the search which had been made for Boris, a search which had ended in failure The Russian had fled, leaving no trace of his whereabouts Blagg also wasfurther could be learned froe over the sudden disappearance of the twoplace to the excitement caused by the installation of the first radio-set on one of the cannery fishi+ng fleet

Gregory, who had given orders for a trial equipirl that the innovation was proving a distinct success Other sets were installed and the practicability of the new idea was deirl, all she had to do was to ”spot the fish, click out the signal and the cannery boats would be round her like a flock of gulls”

Mascola, she told Gregory, had regarded the new departure, at the outset, as so of a joke Rock too had ridiculed the idea openly

But when the cannery fleet got fish while the Italian's boats caed to a scowl and Rock's flabby forehead was creased orried lines

With the aid of the radio the ”patchy” schools along the coast had been fished to good advantage while Mascola's fleet were forced to cruise as far as Diablo and San Anselh to supply the rival cannery

Froory had learned that the plant was running to its full capacity Upon the subject, however, of sales and orders, the house-ory passed the long days of his confine success of the outside end and worrying over McCoy's evasion when he was questioned concerning the disposition of the finished product And all the while longing for the tiet back into the harness

”There's no use letting you go with instructions to take it easy,”