Part 18 (2/2)
Within two months after that letter ritten, the dreaded warshi+ps of the eneinia: it was the sorrow-bringing expedition of Matthews and Sir George Collier The news of their arrival was thus conveyed by Governor Henry to the president of Congress:--
WILLIAMSBURG, 11 May, 1779
SIR,--On Saturday last, in the evening, a British fleet a to about thirty sailcame into the Bay of Chesapeake, and the next day proceeded to Hampton Road, where they anchored and remained quiet until yesterday about noon, when several of the shi+ps got under way, and proceeded towards Portsmouth, which place I have no doubt they intend to attack by water or by land or by both, as they havetheir troops As I too well know the weakness of that garrison, I areat quantities of merchandise, the property of French merchants and others in this State, at that place, as well as considerable quantities of military stores, which, tho' measures some time since were taken to remove, may nevertheless fall into the enemy's hands Whether they may hereafter intend to fortify and maintain this post is at present unknown to me, but the consequences which will result to this State and to the United States finally if such a measure should be adopted ress to adopt any n of the enemy is sub that I have the greatest reason to think that many vessels from France with public and private merchandise may unfortunately arrive while the enemy remain in perfect possession of the Bay of Chesapeake, and fall victims unexpectedly
Every precaution will be taken to order lookout boats on the seacoasts to furnish proper intelligence; but the success attending this necessary s[298]
On the next day the governor had still heavier tidings for the same correspondent:--
WILLIAMSBURG, May 12, 1779
SIR,--I addressed you yesterday upon a subject of the greatest consequence The last night broughtin possession of the enereat to be resisted, and therefore the fort was evacuated after destroying one capital shi+p belonging to the State and one or two private ones loaded with tobacco Goods and reat value fall into the eneress could by solicitations procure a fleet superior to the enemy's force to enter Chesapeake at this critical period, the prospect of gain and advantage would be great indeed I have the honor to be, with the greatest regard, Sir,
Your most humble and obedient servant,
P HENRY[299]
To overnor atteorous measures, in part by a proclainia the facts of the case, ”and requiring the county lieutenants and other military officers in the Coable waters, to hold their respective militias in readiness to oppose the atteht be made”[300]
On the 21st of the ress, he reported the havoc then wrought by the ene in the greatest haste to dispatch your express, I have not ti the present invasion Let it suffice therefore to inforress that the number of the enemy's shi+ps are nearly the saard to the number of the troops which landed and took Portsmouth, and afterwards proceeded and burnt, plundered, and destroyed Suffolk, conorant, as the accounts from the deserters differ widely; perhaps, however, it may not exceed 2000 or 2500 men
I trust that a sufficient number of troops are embodied and stationed in certain proportions at this place, York, Hampton, and on the south side of Jae they shall be coress without delay
I have the honor to be, Sir, your humble servant,
P S I am pretty certain that the land forces are coe Collier[301]
In the very ly storo a change of commanders The third year for which Governor Henry had been elected was nearly at an end There were soovernor for still another year, on the ground that his first election was by the convention, and that the year of office which that body gave to him ”was merely provisory,” and formed no proper part of his constitutional term[302] Governor Henry himself, however, could not fail to perceive the unfitness of any struggle upon such a question at such a tih office, if held, aly, on the 28th of May, he cut short all discussion by sending to the speaker of the House of Delegates the following letter:--
May 28, 1779
SIR,--The terovernor by the late asse just about to expire, and the Constitution, as I think, ible to that office, I take the liberty to coh you, Sir, my intention to retire in four or five days
I have thought it necessary to give this notification of n, in order that the asse upon the choice of a successor to me in office