Part 27 (1/2)

”I afraid! Very well; I will show these people that a Frenchman can be as American as they!”

”All aboard!” cried the conductor

”Yes, all aboard!” repeated Passepartout, and i that it would be e on foot, and let the train coe reflection, nor would anyone have acknowledged its justice The passengers resumed their places in the cars Passepartout took his seat without telling what had passed The whist-players were quite absorbed in their gaineer, reversing the stea, like a juer leap Then, with another whistle, he began to move forward The train increased its speed, and soon its rapidity becaed screech issued from the locomotive The piston worked up and doenty strokes to the second They perceived that the whole train, rushi+ng on at the rate of a hundred miles an hour, hardly bore upon the rails at all

And they passed over! It was like a flash No one saw the bridge

The train leaped, so to speak, froineer could not stop it until it had gone five miles beyond the station But scarcely had the train passed the river, when the bridge, completely ruined, fell with a crash into the rapids of Medicine Bow

Chapter 29

In Which Certain Incidents Are Narrated Which Are Only to Be Met with on American Railroads

The train pursued its course, that evening, without interruption, passing Fort Saunders, crossing Cheyne Pass, and reaching Evans Pass The road here attained the highest elevation of the journey, eight thousand and ninety-two feet above the level of the sea The travelers had now only to descend to the Atlantic by lirand trunk” led off southward to Denver, the capital of Colorado The country round about is rich in gold and silver, and more than fifty thousand inhabitants are already settled there

Thirteen hundred and eighty-two miles had been passed over frohts Four days and nightswas not as yet behind tiht Cae Pole Creek ran parallel with the road,and Colorado They entered Nebraska at eleven, passed near Sedgwick, and touched at Julesburg, on the southern branch of the Platte River

It was here that the Union Pacific Railroad was inaugurated on the 23rd of October, 1867, by the chief engineer, General Dodge

Terful locost as Thomas C Durant, vice-president of the road, stopped at this point Cheers were given, the Sioux and pawnees performed an imitation Indian battle, fireworks were let off, and the first nuht on the train Thus was celebrated the inauguration of this great railroad, a ress and civilization, thrown across the desert, and destined to link together cities and tohich do not yet exist The whistle of the locomotive, more powerful than Amphion's lyre, was about to bid them rise froht in the , and three hundred and fifty-sevenOs of the southern branch of the Platte River, on its left bank At nine the train stopped at the important town of North Platte, built between the two arms of the river, which rejoin each other around it and fore tributary whose waters empty into the Missouri a little above Omaha

The one hundred and firstand his partners had resuath of the trip Fix had begun by winning several guineas, which he seeer whist-player than Mr

Fogg During the entleman Trumps and honors were showered upon his hands

Once, having resolved on a bold stroke, he was on the point of playing a spade, when a voice behind hi, Aouda and Fix raised their heads, and beheld Colonel Proctor

Stanized each other at once

”Ah! It's you, is it, English to play a spade!”

”And who plays it,” replied Phileas Fogg coolly, throwing down the ten of spades

”Well, it pleases me to have it diamonds,” replied Colonel Proctor, in an insolent tone

He made a movement as if to seize the card which had just been played, adding, ”You don't understand anything about whist”

”Perhaps I do, as well as another,” said Phileas Fogg, rising