Part 33 (1/2)

Aands James De Mille 16470K 2022-07-20

”De boys?” said the guide ”Haf dey not come to de hotel?”


”But I did leave deo Dey must be back”

”But they're not back And I want to hunt them up,” said Frank

”Where was the road where you say you left theo uide ”Do not fear Dere can couide set forth to take theuide added; if possible, to the deep distress and dismay of Uncle Moses He was only conscious now that the boys ithout any guide in soerous place

If he feared while he supposed that they had a guide, his fears under these new and worse circuuide explained all about it He told about the tunnel, about the path which he had recommended as a short cut He declared that it was perfectly straight, and that it was iet lost between Albano and the place where he left theet lost in It was quite open--a little valley--that was all

But this gave no co ten years older, with his face full of grief At length the guide ca which he had sent David and Clive, and turning into this, he walked along in the direction where he had seen theo

”We haf now,” he said, ”to walk to de hotel at Albano, and you sall find dey did come back, and will be dere at dis moments”

”What a joke it would be,” cried Frank, ”if they have got back, and have started off after us! I wonder whether they would Not they I don't believe it They're starving, and will think of nothing but their dinners”

But poor Uncle Moses refused to see any ”joke” at all It was a deeply soleth they caht of the house

As they walked on, there ca, shrill yell

All of them started At first they did not detect the source of the sound Then it was repeated


They looked all around Frank sao figures, one at eachof the old house


The cry was repeated It caures Those must be David and Clive; but how in the na? But he said not a word He merely pointed, and then started off at a full run, followed first by Bob, then by the guide, and last by Uncle Moses, who did not yet co, or where

A sht them to the place There they saw David at one , and Clive at the other Both of the to theether, in an utterly confused an unintelligible th souishable

”Keep back! O, keep back! The wild boar! The wild boar! Run for help! Keep back! You'll be torn to pieces! Keep back! Run for help”

At this Uncle Moses shrank back in spite of hiuide looked round

”What do you mean?” cried Frank ”Don't kick up such a row What wild boar? Where is he?”

”Underneath!” bawled Clive

”He's watching us,” shouted David

”He was hid in there, and we caot up here, and he won't let us out!”

”He'll spring at you if you come any nearer,” shouted David

”Keep back! O, keep back! I hear hiet help!” cried David ”Get a gun--or so!”