Part 24 (1/2)
”It's the onwholesomedest lookin place I ever see,” said Uncle Moses
”I distrust them all,” said Clive
do said Frank, do said David
do said Bob
”I don't like the looks of that ere driver,” said Uncle Hoses ”I b'leve he contrived that there break-down a purpose, so as to bring us to this here den”
Uncle Moses' remark sank deep into the minds of all Who was the driver, after all? That break-doas certainly suspicious It ed It looked suspicions Then the men below There were so many of them!
”There are a dozen of them,” said Bob
do said Frank
do said David
do said Clive
”Thar's too big a gatherin here altogether,” said Uncle Moses, ”an it's ood Didn't you notice how they stared at us with theone on,” said David
do said Bob
do said Clive
do said Frank
”Yes, boys, that's e'd ort to hev done,” said Uncle Moses
”Why didn't soht you'd be too tired,” said Frank
”Tired? tired?” exclaimed Uncle Moses ”Tired? What! me tired!
_me!_” And he paused, overcome with amazement ”Why, boys, ye must all be ravin distracted! _Me_ tired! Why, I'ot ether”
At this little outburst' the boys said nothing, but regretted that they had not, at least, proposed going on
”We're in a fix,” said Clive
do said Bob
do said Frank
do said David
”We're in a tight place, sure,” said Uncle Moses
”There's no help near,” said Frank
do said David
do said Bob
do said Clive
”It's the lonesomest place I ever see,” said Uncle Moses
”It's too dark to leave now,” said David
do said Clive
do said Bob
do said Frank