Part 27 (1/2)

Jan sain?”

”You bet I aed a ten-pound rockfish underwater on the day before, and they had baked it in a driftwood fire on a beach at Poplar Island Rick was as proud as though the catch had been his own He had been Jan's diving instructor and had taught her how to stalk a fish

”You can catch up day after tomorrohen the folks will let you dive,”

Jan assured hi to find a fifty-pound ray right now”

”Go get your bow,” Jan said ”I'll join the others and we'll all spot for you”

Rick got to his feet and gave Jan a hand up He went down the catwalk to the cabin while she went up the ladder to the top deck

The boas in the closet Rick checked the string, then strung the bow and selected two arrows He went out on deck and stopped at Scotty's side ”Looks like a good place Cruise slow and easy and be ready to maneuver If there's a ray there, I want it”

”Okay Go for broke, Robin Hood What I can't understand is why you don't shoot for so edible”

”Can't,” Rick said cheerfully ”Edible-type fish don't hang around waiting for boats to bring bowmen close”

He climbed the rear ladder to the upper deck and joined his family

Hartson Brant so off by yourself don't get involved in mysteries Then you won't have to bowhunt inedible sea animals”

”It's fun,” Rick returned ”I'd want to do it even if I could spear fish Want to take a shot?”

”I'll take a shot after you've boated your first ray”

”Fair enough,” Rick agreed

Mrs Brant asked, ”Where are we going, Rick?”

He pointed to the peninsula ”Around that land There's a creek on the other side called Tilghe just inside If it looks all right, well spend the night there If not, we'll go across to the Wye River Too down the Miles River to the town of St Michaels and put in supplies”

The scientist smiled at his wife ”It's nice to relax and have our children do the work and the thinking, isn't it?”

”It's too good to last,” Mrs Brant returned

Barby and Jan were standing far forward, close to where the cabin top curved doard to the forward deck Rick joined them

”This is fun!” Barby exclaimed ”Rick this houseboat was the best idea you ever had!”

”We all should have traveled down together,” Jan said ”Then the whole faaree”

”That will be the day,” Barby replied ”When Rick Brant lets us in on any real adventures, I'll know the world is coetting into shalloater Keep a sharp lookout!”