Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part1 (2/2)

This is surprising

What I had definitely been doing, was planning a road trip with my friends before we entered the workforce Go out and see the sights, eat tasty food, and find a aotten behind the wheel to pick upto where they ithout incident So hoas I in a sealed space with not a speck of light to be seen?

H all that far In u, but this certainly doesn't look the part It felt like the tiery - like I'd closed ain in another world

Did I have narcolepsy by any chance? No At least I wouldn't think so

Either way, thinking that knowing hts on

”Where…… is this?”

I was in so me, it was some kind of natural stone wall To put it simply it seemed like the inside of a cave, was there this kind of ePyunhansaesang(9) place in Seoul? Caves frequently appear in stories and novels, but the only caves I know of are the ones in Jeju Island If you were to put in that way, I thought I e in Gangwondo(10)

My only experience with caves hen I ith my parents to Jeju Island, and that was it If you talk about natural caves in our country, most of them are iht be known as well, but nothing coin with, they'd never let you drive your car into one

Plus in Mapo-gu there are no real , but I have never dozed off at the wheel Even when I get behind the wheel after an all-nighter I don't have the constitution of getting sleepy

Looking at the car dashboard, thankfully, the tank was full


I pressed the button and the engine turned over like normal That , but I wasn't panicking yet I was driving a car, so the thought that I could get back was cal my fears

(1) Tl;dr: ”that in a workplace, for every accident that causes a major injury, there are 29 accidents that cause minor injuries and 300 accidents that cause no injuries” ie nothing happens in isolation enwikipediaorg/wiki/Herbert_William_Heinrich

(2) That is, the Republic of Korea

(3) 1997 Asian financial crisis, economic crisis of primarily currency devaluation that nearly destroyed the East Asian econo/wiki/1997_Asian_financial_crisis

(4) Korean university entrance exams What you do in those exa pay off for you to get into the university you want

(5) Untranslatable Korean slang/pun: In Korean, the first three syllables of electrical engineering, cheether to form the Korean word for 'telephone'

(6) Large-scale Korean co their workers 'volunteer' for overtih they are meant to Also, Unlimited Overtime Works (lel)

(7) Korean men must serve in the army for two years for coh they don't have to enter straight away

(8) A small island in the Incheon district of Seoul

(9) Korean apartment brand

(10) Korean province

Holy fuck how does Yukkuri do so many TNs