28 Chapter 27 (1/2)
Dawn was becoming more and more apparent over Konoha. Such view from a certain part of the village, say, the Hyuuga's forest, was innocently oblivious to the dark depressing world of shinobi. Konoha was always that kind of benevolent shinobi village with capable shinobi that had top-notch loyalty for the said village. There were a few hits and misses with Orochimaru who was the student of Sandaime Hokage turn rogue after he dark deeds were discovered by said Hokage, Itachi who left after slaughtering the entire Uchiha clan save from his brother who in turn had also left in search for power for his revenge. Konoha's Team 7 never gave up on their missing member. Each of them made a promise to become a greater shinobi and bring back Sasuke someday. What the team was oblivious with was Hikari had been working behind the scene with his available ROOT resources to track down Orochimaru's hideouts. The rigorous time spent on the double life was taking its toll on Hikari's relationship with Hitori. Thus, that night was the first night that they both have at it since Yuki no Yama months ago.
Hitori was first to wake up the next morning and her fiancé was still sleeping soundlessly beside her. She snuggled closer to Hikari as she brushed her right palm over the boy's cheeks. The phoenix sage smiled fondly when she thought about her fiancé's antiques last night, the one that he was mentioning how neglectful to her he had become since the ROOT fiasco. She had never thought about it that way and the previous night had been spent to prove to him that she would stand by him no matter what. She had strongly hoped that the previous night would finally shut him up for good about it. The boy suddenly stirred in her hug and Hitori brushed Hikari's hair to soothe the boy back to sleep.
”Hmm, I could get used to this, having this kind of wake up call in the morning does has its perks,” Hikari murmured as he hugged the girl tightly and muffled her in his chest. Hitori let out a wordless incomprehensible scream before she had decided to yank her fiancé's hair to shred. The boy naturally winced loudly before he gave up and released the girl.
”Heh heh! That's what you get for doing that to your elderly, brat!” Hitori darkly said as she let out some murderous intent. Unaffected, Hikari jumped over her and started to tickle her to death.
”Elderly, my butt! Last night was no elderly on top of me!” Hikari laughed maniacally as he continued his attacks. Hitori's face was red as she was laughing herself to tears.
”Stop it! Stop!” she screamed, pleading. ”Stop it! I said!”
The air suddenly grew hot when Hitori sprouted wings on her back. Her face was that of an angry, annoyed predator and Hikari would get it now. The boy, noticing her, immediately released her and ran towards the nearest exit, not before stumbling down the bed. That had made Hitori burst out laughing. Hikari was naked at the time and with a bruise was rising on top of his head along with the story behind it, the girl couldn't stop laughing for a good ten minutes. The boy stood up pouting before he went to the kitchen to fix something up for breakfast that morning. After a few minutes of tinkering, they had a bowl of soba with miso soup each for breakfast before Hitori decided to take a bath before Hikari did. When it comes to the boy's turn, he had appreciated the warm inviting bath that his fiancé had fixed up for him. It had washed up all the fatigues from last night's escapades and also, his work.
Hikari wore a black jumpsuit for the day before he put on his Jukengi on top of all that. He still hadn't picked up a new Jounin vest from the Ninja Administration building yet and so he was indulgent to wear Hiashi's gift for his graduation. The boy was walking all around the house until he had found his fiance who was standing at the porch peering at the sunrise. Her red sakura-themed black kimono was on her brought Hikari back to the memories when they were at Yuki no Yama. The boy slowly walked up behind her and hugged her softly. Hitori gasped before she leaned back onto the boy. The Hyuuga kid gave his fiance a soft kiss on the phoenix sage's bright, soft blonde hair.
”Hitori-san, what do you think of this village?” he asked as he brushed his fingers over hers.
”Oh, Hikari-kun, where do I start? This is by far the most peaceful village I'd seen in all my years. They cherished and willing to protect each other without hesitation. It has its perks and drawbacks but I managed by being friends with your sisters and Sakura-chan. I guess by having more people in my life is good for me after all,” Hitori fondly explained. The boy turned his fiancé to face him and planted a soft kiss on her forehead as he thanked Kami for her change of heart.
”How about we visit Hanabi-chan today? I am sure she missed us,” Hikari suggested and Hitori was quick to nod enthusiastically. Afterwards, she immediately climbed onto Hikari's back.
”Onwards noble steed! My precious Imouto is waiting for me!” she happily announced earning a pout from the boy but he still fetched their sandals before he got out of the house.
”Hehehehe, hold tight, your majesty!” he said before he took off towards the compound in his speed. Hitori could only do nothing but scream the entire journey. Within no time at all, they had arrived at the entrance to the Hyuuga Estate before Hikari let her down and put her sandals on her feet. Hitori blushed at the boy's bravado in public. After a brief kiss, they got inside the house.
Hiashi and Neji were at the familiar front porch when the bunch reached for them. Neji was warming up, getting ready for his training with Hiashi. After the mission three months ago, Neji had shown a remarkable recovery rate as the Godaime put it to Hikari a few days ago. Tsunade also added that the Hyuuga prodigy will be allowed to start training if he had been discharged from the Hospital. Neji understandably wanted to gain back his lost strength and stamina due to his critical injuries and wouldn't fell behind Naruto who would leave that day for a long period of training with one of the Sannin--Jiraiya. When the boy noticed the couple, he immediately paused his warm-up to greet them.
”My, my, what a pleasant surprise. Welcome home, lovebirds!” Hiashi had beaten Neji to it. The said lovebirds bowed at the patriarch of the Hyuuga clan with respect.
”We're home,” they collectively said. Hanabi suddenly burst out from the house and hastily grabbed Hitori's hand and then pulled her inside of the house.
”Oh, welcome home, Oni-chan!” she hollered before she disappeared with Hitori inside of the house. ”Onee-chan! Hitori-nee is here!!”
Hanabi's enthusiasm brought a chuckle from Hikari's lips. Those two had formed quite a close bond together, well, they both did somewhat were alike to each other. The boy then shook Neji's hand before he sat down at the porch.
Hiashi and Neji were sparring and he could saw and confirmed that the injuries had impaired his cousin to a degree. The latter on the other hand was slowly regaining his former strength and speed. Hikari recalled reading the full report on the mission and how much had Neji progressed since the Chuunin Exam. Defeating a level two cursed seal enhanced ninja that utilizes a long-range attack signified how advanced his Byakugan's perception was. That had made Hikari soared with proudness of his cousin and all of his friends too.
”Um, I brought tea,” Hinata came out half an hour later with a tray of tea. Hikari had to help her set the heavy tray down while the other two Hyuugas were finishing the current set.
”Neji, let's take a break,” Hiashi finally said. Both of them were sweating considerably due to spar. Then, they took their seats as Hinata served them the tea. Hinata had also prepared some pills that her cousin had to eat and so she had made sure that he swallowed it first.
”Hinata-sama,” Neji inquired. ”I heard that Naruto is leaving today for his training but shouldn't you see him off?”
”It's okay,” her reply was quick but her teammates had already arrived at the Estate.
”What, you didn't know?!” Kiba suddenly cut in. ”Hinata had already gone out of concern for him!”
”But when she saw him all bandaged up, she almost fainted.” Shino continued his friend's words.
”That embarrassed her so much that she didn't dare to show her face!” Kiba loudly teased her and the girl could only sigh in defeat. Couldn't be held back, the Inuzuka burst out laughing and Hinata could only yell his name in despair. The rest of the boys let out a small laugh at Kiba's antics before their fun was rudely interrupted by the sudden appearance of an ANBU.
”Sorry for the intrusion, Hiashi-sama,” the ANBU said as he was kneeling at the clan head. ”Hokage-sama requested for Hikari-sama's presence at her office.”.
”Very well, thank you for your hard work, ANBU-san,” Hikari replied before the ANBU disappeared as instantly as he arrived.
”Why did the ANBU called you 'sama'? I know you didn't like that,” Neji immediately asked but Hikari shrug it off. The boy then looked at his uncle for some answer but seeing that Hiashi was impassive, he remained puzzled. With those inquiries, the rest of the Genin narrowed their eyes at Hikari. The said boy stood up and bowed to dismiss himself before he shunshinned towards the Hokage Tower.
The Godaime Hokage, Senju Tsunade was sitting in her office lounge sipping some sake as she was mulling over the hardship of being a Hokage. She had wondered how her predecessors had done such a good job leading this village. The slug princess had already sent Shizune to the hospital before she had a training session with Sakura and thus she had all the time she wanted to have some sake. Hikari who had arrived at the office through the window went directly to the lounge where he found his senpai sitting and mumbling drunkenly.
”Being a Hokage is hard isn't it?” she said as she raised a cup towards the pictures of the previous Hokage that was hung on top of the wall.
”Try living a double life as a jounin and a leader of the most notorious organization in Konoha whilst trying to keep it secret from one's teammates. Senpai, the sun is still rising...” the boy bugged in and chided his senpai.
”Ah, my favourite junior! Come, join me!” she happily yelled as she poured a cup for Hikari. The boy sat next to her but didn't touch the sake.
”Tsunade-senpai, I may be born millions of years ago, I am still a kid, you know,” Hikari said in exasperation as he wouldn't ever sip a drop of alcohol because he won't break the promise he made three months ago; the promise of getting better and alcohol could make him lose control.
”How did Sakura do?” he asked.
”Sakura?! Ah, she is the best that one, progressed much, much, much faster than Shizune did. Kid's got talent,” she slurred and that brought a proud smile on Hikari's face.
”She going to be big someday, bigger than you,” the boy commented indulgently.
”What?! These? I am blessed by the heavens! There's no...” Tsunade slurred before she saw Hikari slammed his hand on his face. ”Hic! Hihihihi, She's still sloppy, clumsy. Huh! She got a long way to go, yeah!”
”So, mission reports?” Tsunade suddenly turned serious. Clearing his throat, Hikari began explaining his findings.
”Orochimaru, as you are well informed is one brilliant, paranoid and meticulous ninja. Every traces of Sasuke after the Valley of The End had either been erased or sealed somehow. Any signs of the snake's base still eluded my men,” Hikari explained. ”I wondered whether or not we should continue with the search. It is beginning to burden my already small unit. But, my teammate and I had promised to bring him back together so I mustn't give up. I do believe that we have no choice but to declare Sasuke a rogue-nin. As a teammate, I am strongly against it. I'm sure those two would agree with me.”
”I wonder, did I made the right call back then?” the Hokage sighed before she said it. The ROOT Director had to chuckle at his senpai.