12 Chapter 11 (1/2)
I woke up reasonably early the next day. Sasuke had left to train a few minutes ahead of me. I went to the dining room in search of some breakfast if they had any. I noticed that Kakashi-sensei and Tazuna-san were drinking tea by the table so I chose to join them.
”Morning, Hikari-kun,” our sensei greeted me. I nodded at him and reached for the teapot. I mixed the tea and hot water carefully and with all the etiquette for it. Tazuna-san was understandably intrigued.
”You know, you look like a kid but your attitude is far off from those brats,” he said and I smiled at him.
”I was raised as an aristocrat that must know better about what is expected from a person regardless of the perspective. I had always believed that those who had a better grasp of one's mind would have more chance of understanding others, Tazuna-san. Hence, this so-called maturity that you so hopefully deduced. In truth, most kids of my age from my origin acted this way anyway,” I said as I took a sip of my tea. Kakashi-sensei's eye was closed in a way that showed that he smiled indulgently inside his mask.
”Really? Why did those brats are different?” Tazuna-san pressed. My lips twitched upwards to form a half-smile.
”I was not originally from Konohagakure. I lost my entire family due to some sort of a border dispute or some kind. My mother sends me away in hope of saving me from the violence. I was alone in a forest for quite some time until this kind man brought me back to Konoha,” I answered while motioning to Kakashi-sensei.
”If I recalled, you were crying like a snotty brat yourself,” Kakashi-sensei poked and I grunted at him.
”Ugh, that was my few moments of weakness and I am far from proud of it. But if I recalled too, you seemed to lose your cool oni-san-face when you saw my eye,” I quipped.
”It's not exactly something you saw every day, I admit I was taken aback,” sensei said.
”What are you talking about, sensei? Byakugan is everywhere in Konoha,” Sakura suddenly interrupts. I didn't even notice that she was here at all. She must have been hiding her chakra so well. It seemed that her control of chakra had increased exponentially too due to the training. We couldn't say anything more because we were taken by surprise of her presence.
”It's nothing. Hey, you ready to get going? I'll be with you to guard Tazuna-san today,” I said and she moved to the doors.
”Yep,” she said simply and got out of the doors. Sensei and I let out our breath that was held for the few seconds of her appearance.
”What are you going to explain to her?” Kakashi-sensei asked and I sighed.
”I know that she is not stupid so everything there is, I suppose but I'll have her sworn to secrecy when I did. Besides, there is something I need to clarify with her,” I said as I rose and went out of the doors. She was standing right outside looking at the waters. I formed a hand sign in an attempt to conceal our conversation from the prying ears inside.
”How much did you hear? And don't lie to me,” I said, seriously and she jumped at my sudden tone.
”Everything,” she said nervously and I sighed yet again.
”What I am about to tell you is a secret that only known by four people in Konoha. Now, do you swear to keep this secret with us?” I asked and she was surprised.
”Eh? Hikari-kun, if it was a secret, don't tell me then,” she said with her hand rose up in defeat.
”No, you guys need to be in on this secret too. Since you guys are my only close friends in the village. I was adopted by the Hyuugas. My real name is Otsutsuki Hikari,” I said as I sat down on the porch.
”Huh, like the Sage of Six Paths?” she said.
”Impressive, you keep up with your old history. That man is my little brother,” I said.
”No way, that's impossible. That would mean your age is,” she mumbled.
”I am still the same age as you guys,” I clarified.
”I don't follow,” she stated.
”I was sent to this future by my mother's jutsu. She was saving me from getting killed in the crossfire of the war between my country and the conquering army. Unfortunately, that was a one-way trip and I am the only Otsutsuki in existence now, as far as I am aware,” I said sadly.
”Oh, I didn't know,” she said and she sat down next to me, ”it must be hard for you.”
”You have no idea but it gets better. The Hyuugas were very kind to me, everyone did. I've come to accept it, the fact that I can't go back anymore. Konoha is my home now and this team is the closest thing that I have to a sibling,” I said and she smiled.
”Your secret is safe with me, Hikari-kun,” she determinedly decided.
”I am counting on that. Now, about my dojutsu, while it is true I have the Byakugan albeit the purest in Konoha, but due to my Otsutsuki bloodline,” I said as I undid my headband, ”this is the reason made me able to copy ninjutsu as Sasuke said back in the forest.”
”Third eye?! That's a Sharingan!” she exclaimed.
”Not exactly, as far as I can compare to Sensei's Sharingan, mine overpowered his by a long mile. It is said that this is close to the power of the Sage of Six Path. Keep this a secret, will you? I would tell our friends eventually but the boys are not ready yet except for you,” I said and she raised her eyebrows.
”Huh?” she managed.
”Sakura, you are the brightest person in our class--the anchor of our team. You are my new siblings, remember? You guys are all I have,” I said while she blushed. I dreaded my next word as I don't know if I should say these next words but I figured that I should.
”I am trusting you with my secrets also because I knew your biggest secret,” I continued and she was beyond surprised now, nervous even, ”I saw it during the training, the scars. Don't worry, sensei can't hear us. I know its not normal to harm one's self, Sakura. Trust yourself and trust me, you are worth it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. We are all here for you or at least you have me now and your secret is safe with me. Just stop hurting yourself, please.”
She looked away.
”Why do you care? What does it matter anyway?” she croaked and I know that tears had fallen off her cheeks. I rolled up my pants up towards my thigh.
”Look,” I said, revealing my weakness to her. She turned her head to look at the deepest shame in my life. She gasped as she knew that it was worse than hers.
”These stemmed from when I was eight. Although I don't know what is the reason for this, my father never knew that I was his. He treated me like I never existed. Naturally, I doubt myself--exchanging the mental pain for a physical one. Well, you know how it is. I wasn't kidding when I said that Kakashi-sensei saved me. He did. In that forest, I was close to a suicide point actually and also the fact that I was lost in the forest. He brought me into the village, even managed to make me stay. He had given me another chance, a new hope to start over and here I am, giving you the same,” I patted her head, ”don't ever feel that you are beneath anything. Don't do it again, please. I lost my mother and sister once and I can't afford to lose you too. You're my sister and my sister is the bravest of them all.”
She immediately hugged me and sobbed.
”I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...” she said in between sobs, ”I won't do it anymore.”
”You better, because my eyes can tell. My Byakugan is the purest in the village--I see everything. And if you do it again. I will give you a good clunk on the head,” I joked and she laughed. It is good that I made it through but no one noticed her struggles and no one would if you do not know what to look for. But I hoped that I could heal her every pain.
”If you need me, just call. I'll be there,” I stated as I patted her head.
”You don't know how long I've waited for somebody to tell me that,” she sobbed. I gave her a handkerchief for her to wipe herself. She sniffed and took a long deep breath.
”So, how did they can't hear us?” she questioned, changing the subject.
”It's similar to the jutsu that the Hokage used in his office when he discusses a very sensitive matter. Can't explain it properly though. I don't understand much. I just copied it,” I shrugged and undid the jutsu.
”Eh, what else did Sandaime-sama taught you? Care to teach me some?” she nudged me.
”I was thinking about it too. I can start with you earlier than the boys, but you need some more stamina and those two need to sort themselves out first,” I said while grinned at her. She naturally couldn't help but grin back at me.
”Maa, I wonder, if Hikari-kun became the sensei, what would become of me?” Kakashi-sensei said darkly. On cue, shivers ran down our spine.
”Hey, you are always our favourite sensei,” Sakura said while twiddling her fingers akin to Hinata.
”Don't sneak up on us, you pervert! Throw that book away when you talk to us,” I yelled. He was reading his familiar book. I took the liberty of reading it last night when he was sleeping and when I found how vulgar the book was, I despised it.
”It's not my fault that you sneaked up my room and read this of all things. Don't expect me to not notice the crease you made on it,” sensei mumbled, unmoving.
”Eww, nothing brings me more happiness than to burn that piece out of existence,” I pouted and then I got a clean hit from the book onto my head.
”Then you will never come near it again,” he stood up and Sakura immediately burst into a fit of laughter.
”You know, you two do look like brothers arguing over something this silly,” she said. It was the truth though. I regarded him as my first brother here in this world. I grinned and gritted my teeth.
”That's freaking hurt. You're lucky that I look up to you,” I said while rubbing my head. Our sensei was chuckling darkly as he would normally do.
”Tazuna-san had gone ahead of you. You better catch up with him. Or else,” he threatened and we immediately ran towards the bridge.
Tazuna-san was working on the bridge while Sakura and I sat in the vicinity conversing with each other.
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”How can you use Mokuton? That is Shodai-sama's Kekkei Genkai,” she asked suddenly.
”About that, this third eye of mine let me use different chakra nature at once. Sort of an advance kekkei Genkai of sorts. I've been learning Mokuton with Sandaime's ANBU for a few days and he was really helpful. He must have been a descendant of his,” I explained, ”chakra nature manipulation is easier when you know your affinity. But, from what I could see, you are a genjutsu type with that kind of precision with chakra control. You're the best among us genin.”
She smiled at my words. We could not continue our conversation because there was a commotion brewing in front of us. A group of guys was walking away, wanted to leave Tazuna-san.