Volume II Part 46 (1/1)

All this part of the coast is subject to the effects of e, by which its outline is at ti it ceases with the strength of the breeze, and as the sun attains a little altitude When the effects of , I noticed that the winds werethis part of the year, the atmosphere is clear, with a cloudless sky, and the coast is exempted from the violent East-South-East squalls, that are of frequent occurrence, while the sun is in the southern hemisphere, and the land consequently very ust, and in Septeular, and there are occasional intervals of two or three days of westerly winds

That part of the North-West coast between the North-West Cape, and the 116th degree of east longitude, seems to be subject to westerly winds at all ti southerly winds that blow along the west coast, appear to draw round the Cape, and follow the direction of the land Between April and October (when the easterly enerally to the southward of west, or between that point and South-West, but during the westerlyto the ard of the North-West Cape, the wind becomes more southerly, and draws to the eastward of south as the distance fro between South-South-East and East-South-East, generally speaking as far south as the parallel of 30 degrees of south latitude, after which it isa passage to the southward, along the west coast of New Holland, will rarely be able tothat latitude, particularly during the summer months In the winter a shi+p e to the southward, if happening to be upon the coast during a northerly gale; and as all these gales are preceded by North-East winds, a sufficient offing ets to the southward of west


That part of the coast of New Holland fro as far south as the parallel of 12 degrees south latitude, may be said to be within the limit of the east and west monsoons, as at a short distance from the coast, these periodical winds will be found to bloith great regularity

Near the land, the easterly monsoon sets in between the 1st and middle of April, and the westerly monsoon in October, and sometimes not until Noveular, as the changes of the monsoons are said to take place about the first week in April and October

In the month of July, we found the winds between booby Island and Port Essington, fresh fro at times to East-South-East and occasionally to South-East but rarely to the northward of east Close to the land these winds are not so constant, but take hts arepart of the ton The general course of the winds during that period was as follows A little before sunrise, a breeze sprang up froradually became more easterly as the sun approached the ht froradually to North-East, from which quarter there came a fresh seabreeze every afternoon; this breeze lasted until sunset, and at tihts were always calm

We experienced siton, but being a short distance froh the winds were very light

During the easterly et to the eastward, as at a fewto the ard, and runs strong past the projecting points; but by contriving to be near the land at daylight, at which tiained

At Port Essington, the rainy season can scarcely be said to set in before the middle of November; there is then, squally, dirty weather, with rain from the ard and North-West, and at this season, there are at times heavy squalls fro

In 1838, the westerly ton, in the first week in November; there had been no rain before that