Volume II Part 44 (2/2)
Jago and Bravo, of the Cape de Verd Group; on passing which we got the North-East trade, and, after staying a part of the 10th and 11th at Fayal, where we , gave us three hearty farewell cheers, we did not, in consequence of easterly winds, arrive at Spithead until the 30th day of Septe this period we only lost two hout almost the same spars and boats,
we left Plymouth with in 1831 From Portsmouth we proceeded round to Woolwich, where the shi+p was paid off on the 18th of October, 1843
(Footnote shi+ps availing themselves of these winds, when, also, the westerly current ceases near the equator,away to the eastward in thee to either Ascension or St Helena)
(Footnote I have already le was fitted with Mr
Snow Harris's lightning conductors; the fact mentioned in the text is ample proof that they do not weaken even the smallest spars)
(Footnote It is in justice due to say, that the boats were chiefly built by Mr Johns, of Plymouth Dockyard)
After giving the e in those feelings that naturally arose on taking a final leave of the poor old Beagle at the same place where I first joined her in 1825
Many events have occurred since my first trip to sea in her: I have seen her under every variety of circumstances, placed in peculiar situations and fearful positions, froid clime of the extreme of South America, or parched by the heats of North Australia; under every vicissitude, fro with her; and after wandering together for eighteen years, a fact unprecedented in the service, I naturally parted froret Her movements, latterly, have been anxiously watched, and the chances are that her ribs will separate, and that she will perish in the river where she was first put together She hasthe war did her naolden opinions fro; while raphical knowledge
(Footnote The Beagle, now employed in the Preventive Service, is moored in Crouch Creek, near South End)
There was only one drawback to the pleasure I experienced on arriving in England--namely, that Lieutenant G Gore did not obtain his proe to the North Pole All the mates were, in the course of a short time, promoted, and the shi+p's co half of their slop bill deducted, an indulgence which the Lords of the Admiralty, from the kindest and most considerate motives, have in so vessels, on their return froes This boon, however, in some instances, operates unfairly In the first place, it often happens, in spite of the strictest surveillance, that the worst characters will, if they can, take up the greatest quantity of slops, which they convert either into , whenever an opportunity presents itself The really steadyas possible, without ain, the boats' crews of all surveying vessels are necessarily so much more exposed, that they not only the sooner wear out their ordinary clothing, but absolutely require additional coly of opinion that, in this department (and I speak from experience) the Captain should be allowed a certain portion of slops, to be placed at his disposal, and distributed under his sole authority; or ht not he be enabled to recommend a certain nuular pay? This judicious exercise of discretion would be thein this important branch of the service, a class of aged in the arduous and responsible duties of a survey
As in the Royal Engineers, a great deal of the superior talent of the officersto the petty officers the rougher part of the surveying work, in which calculation is not required For this purpose, a kind of instruction ed by extra pay, is capable of receiving, particularly those who have had the advantage of a Greenwich education
To strengthen the suggestions I haveservice, I cannot refrain fro--and I do so with honest pride--both to the actions in China, and the very recent gallant destruction of the Argentine batteries in the River Parana, as instances of the importance of this branch of the profession in ti peace the new countries that are explored, and the new fields of commerce that are opened to the world, will speak for themselves
The winds on the western coast of Australia, are, for the most part, from some southern point--chiefly between South-South-West and South-South-East
During the su of April, they are alularity is broken in upon by occasional winds between north and west that at tireat violence, and are accompanied by heavy rain, and thick dirty weather
Near the shore, land and seabreezes appear to be regular, the for away towards thereached as far as East from about South-East at sunrise; then follows a short interval of calm, after which, the seabreeze sets in, mostly at South-South-West, and draws to the eastward of south in the evening
At tienerally stronger than usual; blowing fresh for a short ti heat from the land; upon these occasions the seabreeze cohter
At Swan River, in the months of Dece, for intervals of frohout the night--drawing to the southward after ht, and towards sunrise to South-South-East and South-East, but ain to the southward, and soon to South-South-West, froht
Intervals of such weather are from three to five days' duration, and are followed by the like number of days of moderate weather, inds usts from the east, for a few hours, with oppressively hot weather