Volume II Part 43 (1/2)
The effect, therefore, of the gradual pouring of a superabundance of convict labour into this island, ration; and secondly, to drive away those who have actually established themselves on it as their second holand in hopes of affluence there So great is the nu the place every year, that it is calculated that in six years, at the same ratio, there will be absolutely none left
And yet, no further back than 1841, the Legislative Council voted 60,000 pounds to encourage i the colony to aid in producing a disastrous result, which certainly, however, no one seeo, could have believed that, above all other things, there should arrive a glut in the labour market? Such an event was looked upon as absolutely impossible in the full tide of prosperity that covered the island Everything wore a s aspect The fields were heavy with harvests, the roads croith traffic; gay equipages filled the streets; the settler's cottage or villa ell supplied with comfort, and even with luxuries; crime, in a population of which the majority were convicts or their descendants, was less in proportion than in England; in short, for the first time, in 1840 the exports exceeded the i, new settlers were arriving; everything betokened progress; no one drearession or decay
In four years all this has been reversed We now look in vain for the signs of prosperity that before existed In their place, we hear of complaints loud and deep; of insolvency, of reduction in the Governars, where none before were known; of large agricultural estates allowed partially to return to their natural wildness; of cattle and all stock sold at half their original cost, and of every syricultural and commercial distress I may further add, that the funds derived from the sale of Crown lands in Tasmania in the year 1841, amounted to 58,000 pounds; in 1844, to 2000 pounds; and in 1845, to nothing The revenue, in the same time, has decreased one half; and, to close the financial account, at the end of 1844 the colony was in debt to the Treasury, 100,000 pounds
Though e, it seeed by most persons, that the result is chiefly traceable to the disproportionate increase of the convict population, acting in the ement to reconsider the system of 1842 But if, as some maintain, this plan has inflicted serious evils, in a moral point of view, both on the free population and on the convicts thereater inducement to examine whether some better mode could not be devised
I do not intend, however, to enter into the question of convict discipline It would be beside my purpose to do so; and want of space, , that one feature in the new plan--that of congregating cris, almost isolated froood Under the systenment, whatever other objections there may have been to it, the convict had at least an excellent chance of becoricultural district Whereas, now that the well-disposed and the irreclaiether in the saain that self-coht the constantly before their eyes the garb and stamp of their infamy, reformation, if not ihways at any time; and, in obedience to an irresistible impulse, they will leave off their work to look at you, and the comparison of your dress and condition, with their own distinctive costu a spirit of hope and a deterain freedoed and sullen silence soon becomes the characteristic of these men; their features are stamped with the worst passions of our nature; and in many cases despondency is triumphant, and they make no proper or continued efforts to reclaim themselves
Even when a probation pass has been obtained, it is grievous to reflect that, in nule quality of industry, not only has no improvement taken place in the character of the prisoner, but that he has becoland The horrible scenes of depravity he has witnessed in the barracks whence he has eed, must have produced their natural effect on histhat this system of concentration is extremely impolitic We all knohat a detri of , with others convicted of the es upon society, exerts upon the former The experience of our prisons testifies to the fact Can it be expected, then, that the salomeration of bad characters in Tasmania should be harmless? I foretell that this part of the new system will be shortly abandoned, and that at any rate theberths The granting the prisoners occasional holidays of a week, would have a great effect in whetting their desire to finally obtain their liberty; and a change or iood conduct, would also be very beneficial
In my opinion, however, the system of concentration is radically defective It supposes the existence in the breasts of criminals of a principle of action, and a desire of ie in their condition sufficiently powerful to enable them to resist the temptations to vice held out by habitual intercourse with the depraved No doubt there are individuals to be found, even a those who have incurred the penalty of banish sympathy for virtue; but the majoritys, of strong aniood, and prone to that which is bad In such cases association must inevitably be pernicious; and pardon can only be obtained by comparative, not absolute refornment systeuarded against, and those of intercourse with the virtuous and the honest substituted
I am not of course, as I have said, prepared here even to sketch a new plan of convict discipline; but I think that the suggestion I have made with reference to the employment of prisoners in the construction of railroads, the capital to be supplied by a private company, would afford a temporary relief to the labourbenefit on the colony During the diversion thus created, ti a plan of convict discipline, which should be consistent with econoard to the interests of the settlers, and with the moral improvement of the prisoners
I would also suggest another ht be dispersed through the islands in Bass Strait, and engaged in constructing the lighthouses which are so o his Excellency Sir John Franklin drew the attention of the Govern for these lighthouses On this occasion a islative Council as to which would be the ible sites; but up to this period only two have been founded, both by the Tasmanian Government, one on the Chappell Isles, another in Banks Strait The important ones for the eastern and western entrances of the Strait have been neglected, although the fullest information was obtained on the subject Opinions concur in representing Kent Group as the best position for a light at the eastern entrance, where certainly one isthere so ave islative Council, in September, 1842 At the same time, for the western entrance, I reco Island, for reasons already assigned The melancholy wrecks that have of late occurred in Bass Strait will, it is to be hoped, direct ihthouses, and I think that the collateral benefits to be derived froiven their due weight The expense would, in consequence of the ample supply of labour, be small; some of the islands afford stone in abundance; and the convicts ht raise part of their food in the vicinity of the proposed buildings I cannot but think that this, in the end, will prove a lucrative undertaking for Governht-dues of about a penny a tonis the Report of the Cohthouses proposed to be erected in Bass Strait: Your Co been favoured with the attendance of Captain Stokes, of her Majesty's shi+p Beagle, lately returned from a survey of Bass Strait, and ascertained his ideas as to the best position for placing a lighthouse at the western entrance thereof, they are induced to change their opinion as set forth in their Report of the 1st Septe that Cape Otould be a better site for a lighthouse than King Island, as being equally advantageous to the trade at large, and much more so to that of Port Phillip
It would appear, too, that no danger could accrue to vessels endeavouring toto sight the latter, should there be any error in their reckoning; and that it is therefore desirable to keep the Island, instead of inducing the it, to ascertain their true position
Captain Stokes perfectly coincides with the Committee, in the opinion formerly expressed by them, that the eastern island of Kent Group, is the best position for a light at the eastern entrance of Bass Strait; and they beg leave respectfully to recommend to your Excellency and honourable Council, that i so desirable an undertaking as the erection of a lighthouse on that spot
(Signed) J GIBBES, Chairman Council Chamber, 6th September, 1842)
In another part of this work I have adverted to the desirability of for other convict establish, particularly on the north-west and north-east coasts; and I would especially recohbourhood of Hanover Bay on the former, and Halifax Bay on the latter By these means many hitherto untrodden lands may speedily be adapted to the purposes of colonization, and reclaimed from their present unprofitable state In a country like Australia, where the proportion of bad land predominates, it is almost necessary, in the first instance, to force settles is always a cheering sight to a settler on his first arrival, and gives hiement to exertion; whereas, if the country wears its natural arid, desolate, uninviting appearance, dejection and despondency ensue
(Footnote We have just learned that it is the intention of Government to form a settlement of the kind mentioned in the text on the north-east coast; and that the province is to be called North Australia, the southern boundary of which is to be the 26th parallel I have already expressed ton, as the proximity of the islands would afford the our stay in the Derwent, perhaps one of the most splendid comets that has ever appeared, illuhts We did not see it until the evening of the 5th of March; but it was observed on the 2nd at Launceston; and by a shi+p at sea, off Cape Leeuwin, on the 27th of February Several observations were made with it, when the nucleus, which was of a deep red colour, soth of the tail (on the 5th) er Towards its centre it showed great intensity of light, beconitude Through its more attenuated extre to be h the centre like a dark line
(Footnote On the evening of the 5th its right ascension was found to be about 0 hours 13 rees 0it was observed to have had a rees and a half in the direction of the constellation Orion; the right ascension being 0 hours 26 rees 50 ht it was found to have had a further motion in the same direction, and with , was as follows: right ascension 0 hours 41 rees 30 minutes South)
Whilst ere in the Derwent, a shi+p was loading with corn for England; and I could not help regretting that, although grain from these colonies, on account of its dry nature, is well adapted for a long voyage, the heavy duty allish market It was impossible not to feel, that justice as well as policy should have dictated the admission of Australian wheat on the same terms as Canadian The injury inflicted by the exclusive system pursued, is, that less land is put under cultivation, and fewer people are encouraged to go there; both the colony and the mother country are sufferers thereby
Sail from Tasmania
The South-west Cape