Volume II Part 31 (1/2)
We were beating to the eastward against a strong breeze and heavy swell from the south-east till the 25th, e reached the small island of Kissa, off which we anchored, in 30 fathoht of Mr Earl's servant, as a native of this place His countryant expressions of joy; and kept hi the wonders he had seen since he left theree that when he ca he could hardly speak fro -continued drought that had dried up everything on the island, to such an extent, that the rice crops, upon which they chiefly depend for food, had entirely failed; but of livestock we found no difficulty in obtaining an abundant supply, and at a very moderate price A couple of foere purchased for two feet of thin brass wire, highly prized by the natives forfishhooks (which they prefer to our steel ones) and bracelets A large pig was obtained for two fatho else in proportion
On landing, ere met by a chief who had seen Mr Earl on a previous visit He promised to procure chairs to carry us up to Wauriti, the principal village on the island; and, while waiting for thereat decoru much interested in all he saw After dinner we found the chairs waiting for us on the beach, and proceeded to the village, ascending a deep ravine with a strea down the centre, overshadowed by thefrohest point of the island, of which we had a good view Every part exhibited abundant signs of industry and cultivation, although parched up froreat hospitality, and offered refresho palm
He then escorted us round the village, which contains a very good church and schoolhouse, constructed under the direction of a Dutch Missionary, who had been for some years a resident on the island, with his family, and who appeared to have been very successful in converting the natives; but the distress occasioned by the want of rain was too great a trial of their faith; they declared that their old Gods had sent the drought upon the them, for they had never had such a visitation before Christianity had been introduced into the island The poor Missionary's influence was over; he was obliged to quit the island, and went to Ae inhabited by the descendants of soo They were quite different in appearance fro In returning to the shi+p, we examined an old Dutch fort built on the beach, but now in a very dilapidated state It consisted siles At sunset we made sail for Letti, off which we anchored the next day, in 13 fathoms; half a mile north of the Missionary establishment; where we found a resident minister and his fa with them
A visit from Europeans was, to them, an event of rare occurrence, andbreak in their monotonous lives; they had been very successful in their labours, and had converted many of the natives They had several establishments on the island; the one we visited consisted of a church, schoolhouse, and house for the missionary; the church had been built more than 100 years, and was a very substantial edifice The school appeared to be well attended by the native children
The island of Letti, which is about 10 miles in extent, had also suffered reen appearance
A high ridge of hills extends along the centre of the island froradually towards the sea, are covered with trees, and the whole island presents an appearance of great fertility The anchorage off Letti, which we surveyed, is very good during the south-east monsoon, but affords no shelter when the wind blows in an opposite direction There e on the south side of the island, which we did not visit, that would be available during the North-Westour survey at Letti orked to the eastward, against theas close as possible under the lee of the Serwatty group, which enabled us toit These proved to be very incorrectly laid down in the only chart we had, and fromthey require a far more detailed examination than we had time to devote to them; this would, I have no doubt, lead to the discovery of ht carry on trade with the natives, with ed to stand off and on with the vessel while the boats are sent in to trade; since, by these means, the crew are necessarily divided, are liable to fall an easy prey to the natives, should the latter be inclined to treachery
The various traders wethis, as well as on our forainst the inhabitants of Timor Laut and Baba, as people not at all to be trusted It is ton should ever become a place of much trade, that these people will be more civilized, as from the easy communication, in either monsoon, Timor Laut will be ton, in order to procure the tropical productions abounding there, which they would not find on the Australian coasts The Arrou islands, for the sareat inducements to traders, as the timber found there is infinitely superior, forpeninsula
As our provisions were running short, and the time had arrived ere expected to return to the settlement, I had not time to stop to examine several places I wished to see, particularly the southern part of the island of Timor Laut, where froe and secure harbour is said to exist, available in both monsoons The island of Serra was another point, as it is stated to be a very good place for obtaining supplies
In crossing over to AustraliaTimor Laut, off which we experienced a very fresh South-East breeze and a heavy sea, which continuing to prevail with a strong current setting to leeward, ere in consequence eight days reaching Port Essington, where we found that all had gone on well during our absence
Appearance of Settlement
Effects of climate
Native mother
Trade in teeth
Macassar Proas
Lieutenant Vallack visits the Alligator Rivers
Intervieith Natives
Prospects of Port Essington
Lieutenant Stewart's Route
Sail fro
Ti winds
Cape Bossut
Exploration of North-west Coast