Volume II Part 10 (1/2)
The upper portion of the valley through which the river passes varies in its nature frohtly tih, thickly clothed with the acacia, drooping eucalyptus, and tall reeds The various lake-like reaches had, of course, no perceptible stream, but their banks, no less than the dry patches in the bed of the river, satisfied us that the Victoria had recently been, and in all probability would soon again becoe and rapid river
A its banks are the silk cotton-tree and the gouty-ste and Grey, and here attains a great size: it bears a very fragrant white flower, not unlike the jasmine; the fruit is used by the natives, and found to be a very nutritious article of food, so previously noticed it in this neighbourhood I conclude this to be the northern li before alluded to seeing it near the mouth of Fitzroy River, where I have also iven the li not quite over two degrees of latitude The peculiar character of the tree I leave the reader to learn fro the fruit is from a specimen obtained near the Fitzroy, as it was in flohen I saw it in the month of November on the banks of the Victoria
(Footnote For description of this fruit, see Volu the results of our exploration of the Victoria was the addition of a new species of kangaroo, a freshwater tortoise, some fish, and several beautiful birds to the domains of natural history
Leave Point Pearce
Error in position of Cape Rulhieres
Obtain soundings on supposed Sahul Shoal
Discover a shoal patch on it
Ascertain extent of bank of soundings off the Australian shore
Strange winds in Monsoon
See Scott's Reef
Discover error in its position
Make Depuch Island
Prevalence of westerly winds near it
Death and burial of the shi+p's cook
Anecdotes of his life
Good landfall
Arrival at Swan River
Find Colony improved
Hospitality of Colonists
Lieutenant Roe's account of his rescuing Captain Grey's party
Burial of Mr Smith
Hurricane at Shark's Bay
Observations on dry appearance of Upper Swan
Unsuccessful cruise of Champion