Volume I Part 48 (1/1)
Synereyish, the disc varied with longitudinal pale and fuscous dashes, beyond the middle the pale dashes almost forin brown slightly varied hite; cilia grey Posterior wings fulvous-brown at the base, marked with a clear fulvous spot, beyond this, fulvous with a transverse rey Below, the anterior wings orange, with the outer in narrowly black, before the apex are three or four black spots Posterior wings greyish in the male, in the female nearly as above, but paler
Head, thorax, and abdoed hite
The posterior wings of the male are of a somewhat castaneous hue above, and less clearly marked than those of the female
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Synes pale fuscous or brownish, with thite dashes at the base, the discoidal cell with a white spot, beyond the cell a transverse macular white band, in which are a series of fuscous spots; the ht chestnut broith soht brown, the anterior wings rather fulvescent, all with sorey above, beneath paler: antennae black, ringed hite
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Habitat: New Holland
Agarista leonora
All the wings purplish black, anterior with a short bluish white striga close to the base, followed at a short distance by a second curved one, united to the for the radial nervure; towards the extremity of the discoidal cell is a white spot, followed by three smaller, not alell defined ones, on the costa below and a little beyond which are four generally est, these are followed by a slightly flexuous and bluish white a, beyond which is a series of frole is a round bluish spot, preceded, in part surrounded by a semicircle of the saa is an irregular spot, also bluish Posterior wings with a in Cilia of all the wings white, spotted except at the apex of the anterior with black Below, purplish black, the base of all the wings slightly marked with bluish, the anterior with a distinct white spot near the extremity of the discoidal cell, and a macular white band beyond the middle, beyond which near the costa is a bluish spot; posterior wings with a band corresponding to that above, connected with outer in by a less distinct bluish white band
Head yellohite, forehead and vertex black, antenna black
Thorax black, with two transverse lines anteriorly and the sides posteriorly yellowish, legs black, spotted hite, densely clothed with fulvous hairs at the base of the coxae Abdoht fulvous
Fes rather more blue than in the male
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Habitat: New Holland
Glaucopis ganys black, the anterior with a small diaphanous spot near the base, below thefrom the sub-costal to the radial nervure, divided by the median nervure into two unequal portions, the extremity of the cell marked by a crescent-shaped, metallic blue spot, beyond which are two diaphanous spots, one placed just below the origin of the second sub-costal nervule, the other er, divided by the last s with a white, partly diaphanous spot, close to the base, and a transverse diaphanous band a little beyond the middle
Head black, face and orbits of the eyes white, antennae and palpi black
Thorax black, legs black except the coxae which are white Abdoments both above and below, the third above, of a sooty black, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh hth entirely cri the shtly bronzed, coxae black
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Habitat: New Holland