Volume I Part 38 (2/2)
As soon as we had satisfied our curiosity on the beach, old Loe on the crest of the hill The ascent coht of steps rudely fors of wood laid across a narrow path cut in the hillside, which brought us to within forty or fifty feet of the summit After which we had to climb two ladders, made of hard red wood richly carved, placed alainst the cliff In a recess under the upper step we noticed four s resemblance to those of the South Sea islanders
After reaching the top of the ladder we passed through a gateway, evidently intended for defence, and then found ourselves in the village of Oliliet, built on a level space of considerable extent, accessible only from seaward by the path we had ascended, which the removal of the ladders would render impracticable, and on the land side protected by a wall, beyond which the jungle appeared to be very dense
The houses, all raised on piles six or eight feet above the ground, could only be entered by h a trapdoor in the floor The roofs neatly thatched with palm leaves, and formed with a very steep pitch projected considerably beyond the low side-walls, and sure wooden horns, richly carved, froiving the village a most picturesque appearance
(Footnote See the view annexed)
The houses were arranged with considerable regularity, so as to form one wide street of considerable extent, from which narrow alleys branched on each side
Our conductor led us to the Oran Kaya, e found seated in front of a small house in the widest part of the street, opposite to which there was a circular space round, and which appeared to be set aside for religious purposes, as they see we should set foot within it Here the natives soon afterwards asseed in serious discussion
The Oran Kaya, as an elderly man, received us very civilly, and invited us to sit down beside him Soon afterwards Pabok caht of one eye, and wore an old straw hat of European manufacture, decorated with stripes of red and blue cloth sewn round it I tried in vain to get more infor hins he was too old to do so
After re which one of our party caught a transient glimpse of some of the women, we returned to the beach; where we found that the natives had brought a plentiful supply of coconuts, and they pro
At sunset the natives all went quietly away, and we returned on board, passing on our way some small rocky islands which appeared to be used as burial places, and emitted an intolerable stench; the bodies were placed in rude wooden boxes, open at the top and quite exposed to the air, froh to hold a body, there was a long bamboo erected, from which a human hand, blackened by exposure to the sun, was suspended
On the 22nd, soon after daylight, the natives ca with them Indian corn and coconuts, in such quantities that they sold the latter for a couple of pins each They also brought yams, bananas, fowls, chilies, etc but they did not see we could offer, except gunpowder, which I would not allow to be given as barter
At nine, finding we could get no hed; the natives all left us very quietly as soon as the capstan was ns appeared to wish us to revisit the the whole time they were on board, they behaved perfectly well, and did not h they s ht easily have taken
Fromof Oliliet, it does not appear to be a place from which any quantity of sea stock can be procured, for although they had plenty of pigs and fowls in the village, they did not seem at all inclined to part with them Water may be procured on the beach, but aher boats for it, as the crew being necessarily divided, would easily fall victims to any treacherous attack on the part of the natives; and from all we subsequently learnt of them from the traders we met at Arru, they are not always to be trusted
After clearing the bay we stood to the northward, along the east coast of Tie of hills wooded to the very sue during the North-West monsoon, were it not for a coral reef that appears to extend along the coast, at a distance of two to threethe day we passed six villages, all built like Oliliet on cliffs overhanging the sea, and protected on the land side by dense jungle, through which it would be difficult to penetrate
At sunset, we passed a small detached coral reef, and then steered for the Arru Islands, in the hope of being able to gain some information fro the birds of Paradise, trepang, pearls, etc which are found in their vicinity
During our passage across, we had very irregular soundings, and at daylight on the 24th of March, saw the Arru Islands; all the islands of this group, which extends from North to South about 100 miles, and the eastern limits of which are but i ooded, have the appearance of being her than they really are: ht of ninety feet, before they began to branch out
We stood along the islands to the northward all day, with very light winds, and on the 25th were off the entrance of Dobbo harbour, situated between the two islands, Waed vessels in the harbour, we tacked and nal for a pilot, and were soon afterwards boarded by the ht hailed us in very good English Under his pilotage we ran in and anchored off a low sandy point, on which the traders establish the very neat bamboo houses thatched with the pal sohout the year The house of Messrs Klaper and Nitzk, cost above 300 pounds and contained goods to the amount of ten times that sum and upwards The trade with these islands appears to be carried on in the followingvessels fro laid in their stock for barter, co at the Ki Islands to procure boats, which are there built in great nu they make the chief of the island (who carries a silver-headed stick, with the Dutch arraved upon it, as an emblem of his authority) a present, which he considers to be his due, consisting generally of arrack and tobacco The large boats they have brought fro been thatched over, and fitted with h the various channels leading to the eastward, under the charge of a China, pearls, pearl oyster-shells, edible birds-nests, and birds of Paradise, in return for which they give chiefly knives, arrack, tobacco, coloured cottons, brass wire, ornaments for the arms, etc
These boats return to their vessels as soon as they have procured a cargo, of which the pearls for obtained here is only considered as third-rate; that froroup second, and from Australia first-rate
The birds of Paradise, which are brought from the east side of the island, appeared to be plentiful; they are shot by the natives (from whom the traders purchase them for one rupee each) with blunt arrohich stun thee, and are then skinned and dried