Volume I Part 30 (1/2)
When the course was shaped for Point Barrow, noble Island, a very reht, was a point on the port bow
Its singular appearance makes it conspicuous amid the recollections of this part of the coast
We now once more approached to within a distance of seven miles of the mainland, which presented to our view a low sandy shore, with a few reh, broken, rocky land i Point Barroe anchored near the north end of a large reef, Cape Melville bearing West-North-West tenin fro the day there had been a current in our favour, of about a mile an hour Froe, as well as on passing Cape Melville, I believe the outer edge of the Barrier Reef to be not ues distant from the land
Our attention had been previously directed by Captain King and others, to the singular appearance of the rocks on Cape Melville; indeed no one can pass this ree manner in which piles of reddish-coloured stones are scattered about in the uth ridge Ithere was no opportunity of landing to see the nature of this confused , however, from the result of my examination of a similar appearance presented by Depuch Island on the north-west coast, I believe this point to be of volcanic origin
Between the rocks off Cape Melville, and a reef encircling two small islets, the channel is notthis point and Cape Flinders thethe rocks off the for it a little on the port bow; this course led us on reef a, lying midway between the Cape and a low island to the North-East When on the southern extrerees West 3 rees West The latter is a re fro found native drawings in its caves
After clearing this danger, and passing the Cape, we steered across Princess Charlotte Bay, keeping wide to the southward of the reefs fronting it, in order that we uish the in the direction of the shi+p's head
The soundings gradually decreased with a soft muddy bottom, as we approached the eastern shores of the bay; which is so large and free froht pass the night standing off and on with perfect safety There is over the head of this bay a remarkable level-topped hill, called by Captain Cook, Janes' tableland; rendered thecountry
In the evening we anchored a mile from the South-West side of a small detached reef, marked F in the chart, and distant 22 miles fro four e of the Great Barrier, and nine froood opportunity of ressive structure of coral edifices, in the still waters within the barrier reef; we accordingly visited the spot in the evening, and being an interesting object, we give a drawing of the section
It proved a good specirowing on the elevated part marked C in the woodcut The rim which rose on all sides was quite black, but white when broken; the highest part being about three feet above the water The nature of the bottom within the reef was a white sand mixed with small pieces of dead coral: without, we found on either side soft green sandy mud with shells, the inclination of the bottoree, we may fairly infer it to be superimposed on a most extensive basis
July 7
To-day being Sunday we did not proceed further than Nuroup encircled by coral reefs, to give the shi+p's co the afternoon; in order to re a day of rest appointed by the Lord When we anchored, we found, contrary to the usual north-westerly tendency of the current, a tide setting South-South-West three quarters of a knot an hour, this lasted for a space of four hours, when it changed, and ran North-North-West fro the remainder of our stay The as hed at 6 AM, and about the saain anchored under Restoration Island The shi+p's track during the day followed the trend of the land, keeping about seven miles from it, except when opposite Cape Direction, where ere about half that distance fro's chart, with the exception of so about ten miles east from the above-ain attained a ht, and a round hill ten ht of 1250 feet; its latitude being 13 degrees South is nearly five degrees and a half north of where the Cordillera is 3500 feet high, and 23 1/2 degrees of where it attains its greatest elevation, that of 6500 feet; a fact which will at once demonstrate the northerly tendency in the dip of the chain of hills
This degree is further illustrated by the height of Pudding-pan Hill in 11 degrees 19 iven, despite the limited nuradually more rapid as you advance to the northward
South-East froe was much contracted by a covered rock in the very centre of the channel; thisclose to the West side of island Nu in a peak 360 feet high A smaller islet of the same character lies about half a mile off its South-East side; there is also a remarkable peak on the shore, four miles to the southward This part of the coast is thus rendered very conspicuous from seaward, and may be discerned outside the Barrier reefs Restoration Island is a point of so been first visited in 1789 by Captain Bligh, during his extraordinary and unparalleled voyage in the Bounty launch, froone by this undaunted voyager, and our consciousness of the joy which the sight of land s with regard to the locality There is always an interest in connection with scenes associated with a nah, but to us the interest was double; it was the sympathy of seamen with a brother sailor'shad not exareatly i a day in the place; this was the e and convenient place for shi+ps passing The nah, fro made it upon the anniversary of the recall of Charles II to the throne of England
July 9
The surveying operations necessary to perfect the chart of this neighbourhood, afforded a dull, with passing rain, and squalls, the view I had anticipated enjoying from the summit of the island was quite destroyed Like Cape Upstart and Lizard Island it is a granite mass Dead coral was found on the western side, ten feet above high-water mark, a fact which in some measure supports what I have stated in connection with the raised beach on Cape Upstart A low sandy tongue of land fore between it and the umtrees, and a few palms The observations were made on this point, and the results were as follow: latitude 12 degrees 37 rees 16 3/4 ton
July 10
The loomy weather, the wind fresh at South-East and continued thus during the day, slightly diversified by a few passing rain squalls Soon after daylight ere again on our passage, the cloudy weather enabling us to h-water are covered, and consequently difficult to be seen in that direction in theThey front Quoin and Forbes Islands, remarkable rocky lumps, more so, however, from the extrenitude The latter was found to be 340 feet high A North-West by North course fros were froreater proportion of sand in the quality of the bottom than had been before noticed