Volume I Part 19 (1/2)

While our return to Swan River was thus baffled and delayed by the long and almost unbroken continuance of foul winds, it afforded soo, as as anxious as anyone on board for the sight of his native land He would stand gazing steadily and in silence over the sea, and then so, by and by northern men wind juangway, and chant to soe the opposing wind I could never rightly learn to whom this rude h to overhear the words, he became at once silent; but there was a h the strain, that rendered it by no h doubtless it owed much of its effect to the concoe--separated from all his former companions, made at once an intimate and familiar witness of some of the wonders of civilization, carried by his new coht face to face with his traditionary foes, the dreaded northernto recount to his yet ruder brethren the wonders he had witnessed--could not fail to interest the least io had a decided and e over all on board, and that in a ation: he could indicate at once and correctly the exact direction of our wished-for harbour, when neither sun nor stars were shi+ning to assist hi circuht This faculty--though soous to one I have heard ascribed to the natives of North America--had very much surprised ht of land, it seemed beyond belief, as assuredly it is beyond explanation: but I have soht that some such powerbefore the discovery of the coes

I used sometimes, as we approached the land of his nativity, to question hiive his friends of the scenes he had witnessed, and I was quite astonished at the accuracy hich he ree: he seemed to have carried the shi+p's track in his memory with the most careful accuracy His description of the shi+p's sailing and anchoring were ht--hard walk--then by and by, anchor tu his intervieith the ā€¯wicked northern ure becay, and no doubt he was then influenced by feelings of baffled hatred and revenge, fro failed in his much-vaunted deterins I would so hi failed in the premised exploit, but the subject was evidently a very unpleasant one, and he was always anxious to escape froe of e did not see Rottnest Island before theof the 25th The shi+p's track on the chart after passing the North-West Cape, rese towards the north We passed along the south side of Rottnest, and by keeping its south-western extreme shut in with the south point, cleared the northern end of the foul ground extending North-North-West frolers


As Gage Road was not considered safe at this tie under the guidance of Mr Usborne We first steered for the Mew Stone, bearing south, until the leading marks could beclose off the west side of Carnac Island and a large white sand patch on the north side of Garden Island The rock hest part of the patch; these e of sand in 3 and 3 1/2 fathoms; when the water deepened to 5 and 7 fathoed to East-South-East for a patch of low cliffs about two ht us up to Owen's anchorage in 7 and 8 fatho between Success and Palmelia Banks

Thus concluded our first cruise on this al at its results we had every reason to feel satisfied, having appended 300 raphical store, and succeeded in an object of paramount interest in this country, the discovery of a river Besides the nautical information obtained, soe, by increasing our knowledge of the natural history and indigenous productions of North-western Australia


During the period of our visit we had a teenerally fine, with moderate south-easterly winds, and occasionally heavy squalls fro in the month of February and part of March, e experienced heavy falls of rain, accoes have already been noticed in the diary, it is needless to enter into further detail about theo's reception by his countrye ideas entertained by Natives respecting the first Settlers

Neglected state of the Colony

Test security of Owen's Anchorage


Celebration of the Anniversary of the Colony

Friendly ars

Personal vanity of a Native

Visit York

Description of Country

Site of York

Scenery in its neighbourhood

Disappointment experienced

Sail fro our stay

Aurora Australis

Gale off Cape Leeuwen


shi+p on a lee shore

South-west Cape of Tashthouse

Arrive at Hobart

Mount Wellington

Kangaroo Hunt

White Kangaroo

Civility from the Governor