Volume I Part 14 (2/2)


We landed in a sroves, fringing the shore behind the islands The sandbank fronting them we found to extend to the bay we landed in; to the ard of it there was deep water close to the shore Wood and water ht easily be obtained in this bay, a circuators, as it did in ours

Before ascending the hill we crossed a flat clothed with rich grass, out of which we flushed several Pheasant-cuckoos We found one of their nests on the ground containing four eggs, in size and colour they reseeon The ni the branches of trees, with their long tails whisking behind, give thelance, more the appearance of monkeys than birds

(Footnote Centropus Phasianellus)


We found here the gouty-ste fruit; and also a vine, which, from all the information I have since been able to collect, appears to be quite a new specimen; it bore a seneral appearance to the grape soland Each fruit contained three large seeds, in shape and size reseht sandy soil, and the terees It is a ret that I was not able to introduce this new species of vine into England; the seeds and speci been unfortunately destroyed by mice and insects I was, however, more fortunate at Sydney and Swan River

(Footnote Froave of this vine to Sir W Hooker he thought it quite new)


We at length gained the top of Coht mound on a platfored with red, and appeared to be crurowth of white eucalypti covered the crest of this height, which rather spoilt the viee had proed to see all round

West, six and a halfcove fronted by a small island, from whence the coast appeared to take a e sheet of water bore North by West and West by North, which we afterwards found to be connected with the above-hts, similar to the one ere on, bounded our vieeen North and North-East Twenty-one miles, in a South-East by East direction, were some detached, round hills, apparently the terh land on which we stood; these appeared to rise out of a plain of such an extent, in a South-East and easterly direction, that I conceived it possible it may have extended to the rear of Collier Bay, which damped the interest we had previously looked forward to, in the exploration of that part of the coast, as it tended e opening there

In crossing one of the valleys in our descent to the boats, Mr Bynoe wounded a large kangaroo; we gave chase; but notwithstanding all our efforts, and at the expense of round, the prize, alrasp, escaped, and, to add to our , the strap that suspended it having given way; from this accident the hill received its name


On our return to the shi+p, we found Mr Usborne had discovered good anchorage in the cove we had seen from the hill, which in commemoration of his providential recovery was called after him Port Usborne

March 22

It was a clear and beautifulstreahtly rippled by an easterly air All were early and busily engaged inthe shi+p into Port Usborne On our e crossed the inner edge of a bank seen from Compass Hill, in three fathoms: Helpman's south islet bore at the ti this bank, the least water we had was ten fatho on the eastern side of the s Port Usborne A solitary overspreading tree, and a white patch on its eastern extremity renders this island conspicuous, and is of this ie a's Sound As a further guide to Port Usborne it is situated at the southern extremity of all these islands, and where the coast suddenly trends away to the eastward

We were delighted to find ourselves in an anchorage aled sandstone ridges, with their dark, ive the shore a very inviting appearance, still the very wildness of the scenery contrasted pleasingly in our remembrance with the monotonous level of the country about Point Torment, and on the banks of the Fitzroy Our present position had also its practical advantages, being well adapted for carrying on the essential duties of the survey, for which service the boats were prepared in the course of the afternoon

This snug little port we found to be three-quarters of ain depth from seven to fifteen fatho nearly north and south of each other, and affords an abundant supply of wood and water We saw no traces of inhabitants; not even the curling sreeted the eye; all was silent, and the feelings of utter loneliness were only dispelled by the mournful screa, as the deepening shadows of night closed in

March 23

The boats were manned early, and we left the shi+p with the best wishes of the anxious group atched our departure, and speculated with eager anticipation upon the probable result of our enterprise


Mr Usborne proceeded in one boat to exa six e; Mr Tarrant and 's Sound It was thus again our good fortune to enjoy the exciting pleasure of anticipated discovery; perchance again to wander over the face of a country, now the desert heritage of the solitary savage, but fated, we hope, to become the abode of plenty, and the land of peace

After passing the extreme North-West point of the mainland, seen from the shi+p, we discovered a deep bay, which once reached, would afford safe anchorage for a fleet Near its northern point a large strea cascades; off this a shi+p may anchor in twelve fathoms within a quarter of ato refresh ourselves at this inviting strea a deep narrow channel, trending North-West by West we met the first rush of the northerly, or ebb strea at the rate of six or seven knots, swept us through a very s, between some rocky islets and the main A s a treacherous ledge of sunken rocks, which had the boat touched, at the al, our destructionto cook our dinners, I went to the top of the highest neighbouring hill, to obtain a round of angles: our journey was a perfect scra intersected by deep ravines, and covered with huge blocks of coarse sandstone; over these we observed several of the rock-kangaroo, bounding with their long, bushy tails swinging high in the air as if in defiance of pursuit The view of the archipelago, froreat risk, it would be ih the numerous islands, independent of shoals, tide-races, and shi+fting winds, which foration I reckoned o alone