Part 15 (2/2)

During this conversation the canoe had rapidly come towards the land In a rounded on the beach The two people in it had just strength enough left to paddle through the surf, and then they dropped down in the botto the canoe higher up, Willia it up, Ready observed that the occupants were both women: their faces were tattooed all over; otherwise they were young, and et soive you so ware, which Juno had been preparing for breakfast; and a few spoonfuls being forced down the throats of the two natives they gradually revived William then left Ready, and went up to acquaint his father and mother with this unexpected event

Williarave, and as the women were now able to sit up, they hauled up the canoe as far as they could, to prevent her being beat to pieces They found nothing in the canoe, except a piece ofand the two paddles which had been used by the natives

”You see, sir,” said Ready, ”it is very clear that these two poor woe of the canoe, have been blown off from the shore of one of the islands to the south-east; they ale ever since the day before yesterday, and, as it appears, without food or water It's a ained this island”

”It is so,” replied Mr Seagrave; ”but to tell the truth, I am not over pleased at their arrival It proves ere not sure of before, that we have very near neighbours, who may probably pay us a very unwelcome visit”

”That may be, sir,” replied Ready; ”still these two poor creatures being thrown on shore here does not reater Perhaps it e; for if these wolish before any other islanders visit us, they will interpret for us, and be theour lives”

”Would their visit be so dangerous, then, Ready?”

”Why, sir, a savage is a savage, and, like a child, wishes to obtain whatever he sees; especially he covets what he may turn to use, such as iron, &c If they caave up the reht escape; but still there is no trusting to theainst nu to their ainst a multitude?”

”We must be prepared, sir: if we can fortify ourselves, with our muskets ould be rave turned away After a pause he said, ”It is not very pleasant to be now talking of defending ourselves against savages, e hoped two days ago to be leaving the island Oh, that that brig woulddown fast, sir,” observed Ready; ”it will be fine weather before the evening We may look out for her; at all events, for the next week I shall not give up all hopes”

”A whole week, Ready! Alas! how true it is, that hope deferred rave; but we et these poor creatures up to the house, and let theet on their feet, which they both did, although with son for them to follow; they understood him, and made the attempt, but were so weak, that they would have fallen if they had not been supported by Mr Seagrave and Willia tirave, who knehat had happened, received them very kindly, and Juno had a mess ready, which she put before them They ate a little and then lay down, and were soon sound asleep

”It is fortunate for us that they are woreat difficulty had they been men”

”Yes, sir,” replied Ready; ”but still we es”

”Where shall we put the about that I e had a shed close to us; but as we have not, we must let them sleep in the storehouse”

We must now pass over a space of fifteen days, in which there was nothing done The expectation of the vessel returning was still alive, although each day decreased these hopes EveryReady and William were at the beach with the telescope, and the whole of the day was passed in surmises, hopes, and fears In fact, the appearance of the vessel and the expectation of leaving the island had coularity and content of our island party No other subject was broached - not any of the work proposed was begun, as it was useless to do anything if they were to leave the island After the first week had passed, they felt that every day their chances were ht all hopes were very unwillingly abandoned

The Indian woues, and appeared to be very mild and tractable Whatever they were able to do, they did cheerfully, and had already gained a feords of English The party to explore was again talked over, and arranged for the following Monday, when a new e, when Ready, as usual, went his rounds, as he walked along the beach, he perceived that the Indian canoe wasIt had been hauled up clear of the water, so that it could not have floated away Ready's heart h his telescope in the direction of the large island, and thought he could distinguish a speck on the water at a great distance As he was thus occupied, William came down to him

”William,” said Ready, ”I fear those island women have escaped in their canoe Run up, and see if they are in the outhouse, or anywhere else, and let me know as soon as you can”

Willia that the women were not to be found, and that they had evidently carried aith thee nails and other pieces of iron which were in the ss in the storehouse

”This is bad, Willia back”

”Why, we can do without theet back to their own people, and show theht with them, and describe how much more there is to be had, depend upon it, we shall have a visit froht to have known better than to leave the canoe here We in to work now, the better”

They corave when they were outside He at once perceived their danger, so they held a council, and ca resolutions:-- That it would be necessary that they should immediately stockade the storehouse, so as to render it iet in; and that, as soon as the fortification was co-house; and such stores as could not be put within the stockade should be rerove

It was decided that nothing should be begun on that day, Saturday; that Sunday should be spent in devout prayer for help and encouragehty, ould do towards them as his wisdo of God, they would recommence their labour

”I don't knohy, but I feel er, than I felt when there was little or none,” said Mrs Seagrave

”How little do we knohat the day rave ”How joyful were our anticipations when the vessel hoisted her colours! we felt sure that ere to be taken off the island The saht down to us the island woale, which we hoped would have brought back the vessel to our succour, on the contrary enabled the women to escape in the canoe, and make known our existence to those who may come to destroy us How true it is that hty will and pleasure that he can obtain his ends!”

Chapter XLV

But although they resolved as stated in the last chapter, nothing was done Finally, oneround with the telescope, close to the turtle-pond, Masterer rereat deal of our present position and prospects; as to the vessel coive up all hopes of it I only wish that ere quite as sure that we shall not have a visit froreat fear, and it really haunts rave and the dear children, perhaps, murdered in their beds, is awful to reflect upon”

”God help us!” exclai up his face

”God will help us, Mr Seagrave, but at the same tiive his blessing to our exertions, but we cannot expect that miracles will be performed for us; and if we re no steps to er which threatens us, we cannot expect the divine assistance We have had a heavy shock, but it is now time that we recover froree with you, Ready,” replied Willia forof it, I believe,” said Mr Seagrave; ”I' our position and e ought to do, but I have never been able to come to any satisfactory resolution”

”No rave, but I think that I have now so to propose which, perhaps, will meet with your approval,” replied Ready; ”so now, sir, suppose we hold another council, and co, Ready,” said Mr Seagrave, sitting down upon a rock; ”and as you are the oldest, and moreover the best adviser of the three, ill first hear what you have to propose”

”Well then, Mr Seagrave, it appears to me that it will not do to remain in the house, for we es at any hour in the night, and we have no ainst numbers”

”I feel that, and have felt it for sorave ”What shall we do, then; shall we return to the cove?”

”I should think not, sir,” said Ready; ”what I propose is this: we have reat importance to us; not that I consider the fruit and other plants of any great value, as they will only serve to increase our luxuries, if I e to us, is the feed which we have found for our live stock, and the fodder for the the rainy season; but principally, the patch of yareat importance to us, and we cannot too soon protect thes, which will certainly root them all up, if we do not prevent theed to do, but which we have not done; I think the cocoa-nut rails will take too e round the yao backwards and forwards to do the work, and Mrs Seagrave and the children will be left alone I therefore propose, as the weather is now set in fair, and will remain so for months, that we pitch our tents on that part of the island, and remove the whole family there; we shall soon be very comfortable, and at all events much safer there than if we remain here, without any defence,”

”It is an excellent plan, Ready; we shall, as you say, be reer for the time, and when there, we may consider e had best do by and by”

”Yes, sir Those woained the other island, it is true, for they had the wind right against them for several days after they went away in the canoe, and,this way; but if they have, we es will pay us a visit; they will, of course, come direct to the house, if they do come”

”But, Ready, you don't ether, and all our coements?” said William