8 The Lady (1/2)

Million World Game Hecate_ 30990K 2022-07-20

We'd ended up in a hospital after walking through the door. The whole time we'd be walking through the eerily lite and strangely quiet hospital setting, Jade had been non-stop talking and educating me about the world and important basic information that I should know.

I'd actually learned quite a bit and was getting the hang of how to use analyze, the one that I had obtained from the contact was only used for generic environment education. It appears, that it wouldn't show me the information of other Players, for that, I would need to gain some other abilities.

The way items were ranked were from SSS; SS; S; AAA; AA; A; B; C; D. They were ranked for general combat purpose, for instance, the bracelet that I'd gotten that had the map of this world was only considered a D rank item. Due to the fact that there was no combat ability, however, it was the thing that was leading me around the shabby hospital, that seemed like it was straight out of a horror movie textbook.

We'd run into a few zombies here and there, but they were easily cut down. However, they did smell horrible rotting flesh and putrid blood. I'd actually leveled up quite a bit from the fight against the clowns. My overall level had moved from one to three, I was currently 15.4k/45k. Every time I ranked up I got ten skill points that I could put into the basic skill stats.

Most of the points I had distributed evenly between all the basic stats. I didn't know what to focus on just yet, so I played it safe. I'd left five skill point over just in case, plus the five skill points that I had gotten from the treasure chest, for a total of ten extra.

I'd also noticed that that for my unique skills that I gained some mastery over 'Samurai Determination' there was a small percentage next to it now. It was currently at 2%. I'm assuming that was my mastery over the skill. I was kind of curious about what would happen when I reached a 100% mastery over it.

I'm sure that it would undergo some transformation.

”Alice duck!” Jade voice cut through my concentration, listening to him. I dropped down, as I did a boomerang-like blade passed right where my head had just been. It looped back around and headed back in the direction that it had come from.

Following the path of the blade, I noticed that there was a human being a little way away. It was a woman, her hair was short and cropped. Her mouth was set in a grim line, her clothes were a bit tattered and she looked worse for wear. A deep scar ran from her right eye to her chin, it looked nasty like someone had intentionally been as cruel as they could etching it into her face.

A bag was on her back and I noticed that she also had a couple of knives strapped to her body. I was thankful that I had decided to carry the spear in my hand. I'd have to make sure that I took note and strapped some hidden weapons and other things on my body as well.

Standing up from my squatted position, I observed the woman that threw the blade. She didn't move to attack me again, instead, she also began to observe me. Adjusting Jade, I allow him to rest on my shoulder, his tiny body clung to the jacket that I had on.

”Alice, maybe she's another Player.” His voice was a quiet whisper, the women didn't seem to hear him and I sucked in a deep breath. The last thing I wanted was for other to realize how special Jade was, I didn't need someone trying to steal him from me.

It might not have been the best idea to have added horns and some slightly non-human characteristics to my body. However, it was too late to regret what was permanent at the moment.

After a full minute had passed, neither of us had moved from our respective positions. Finding the silence nerve-wracking, I decided to break the silence. I just hoped that it was the right move to make.

”Hello.” I raised a hand to wave, but the women retreated a couple steps. Her eyes trained on my hand as if I was going to attack her or somehow. After nothing happened, she didn't relax but her eyes moved towards my face.

”What are you? A Demonkin?” Her voice was gruff as she talked. Her hand was still gripped around the weapon, but she moved forward a bit more. Coming out of the shadow that she was lurking in.

Demonkin, was that what race I currently looked like? Weren't demons normally hated, sigh, I really messed up here. I was going for more of a dragon look.

”I'm not, these are just from a skill that I gained! I'm most definitely a human being.” I lied on the spot, it might come back to bite me but I'd at least hope that she'd buy the lie.